Documented custom stage views.

This commit is contained in:
Tomas Groth 2016-02-16 22:39:26 +01:00
parent cf7673595d
commit 3e45b783de

View File

@ -35,6 +35,24 @@ displayed in the :ref:`creating_service`.
.. image:: pics/stage_view_image_w_note.png
Custom Stage Views
It is possible to create custom stage view with custom styles, javescript and
html. To create a custom stage view, go to the OpenLP Data Folder by going to
:menuselection:`Tools --> Open Data Folder`. Inside the data folder create a
folder names :file:`stages`. Inside the :file:`stages` folder you can now create
a folder which will be the name of your custom view, an example could be
:file:`myview`. Now copy :file:`stage.html`, :file:`stage.css` and
:file:`stages.js` from inside OpenLPs program folder
:file:`openlp/plugins/remote/html/`, and customize them to your needs. Remember
to modify :file:`stage.html` to the other files from the custom stage view
folder, for instance :file:`stages/myview/stage.css` for a custom
To access the custom stage view in a browser go to http://myopenlpip:4316/stage/myview.
.. _main_view:
The Live View