Installing OpenLP ================= Microsoft Windows ----------------- Installing OpenLP is identical over all supported versions of Windows. After downloading the file from the `download page `_ open the file by double clicking when the download is complete. After opening the downloaded file agree to open the unverified file if you are prompted. Next select your language and click :guilabel:`OK` .. image:: pics/selectlanguage.png After reading the welcome message click :guilabel:`Next` to continue the installation. .. image:: pics/welcome.png Agree to the license agreement. Click :guilabel:`Next` to continue. .. image:: pics/license.png Select the install location for OpenLP. Choosing the default location is generally the best choice. Click :guilabel:`Next` to continue. .. image:: pics/installlocation.png Select a start menu folder for OpenLP to be visible in. The default location here is generally the best choice. Click :guilabel:`Next` to continue. .. image:: pics/startmenufolder.png Select if you want to create a desktop or Quick Launch icon. Click :guilabel:`Next` to continue. .. image:: pics/additionaltask.png Review your previous choices. If you need to make any changes click the :guilabel:`Back button` to get to the previous choices, or click :guilabel:`Install` .. image:: pics/readytoinstall.png The progress bar will update you on how far along the installation has gone. .. image:: pics/progress.png When the install is complete you will have the option to launch OpenLP. After making your selection click :guilabel:`Finish` Mac OS X -------- Installing OpenLP on OS X is very simple. After downloading the correct file from the OpenLP `download page `_ double click on the .dmg file. Drag the OpenLP icon over to the Applications folder and you will be ready to use OpenLP. OpenLP will be available in your Applications folder. .. image:: pics/osxinstall.png Linux ----- Installation process on Linux distributions vary by distribution. See the OpenLP `download page `_ for distribution specific instructions.