OpenLP Documentation ==================== This repository holds the OpenLP manual and some other documentation. Getting Started --------------- To get up and running with the documentation, you'll need to install `Sphinx `_ and the `Read The Docs theme `_. Linux ~~~~~ If you're using Linux, you'll want to check your package manager for those packages. Ubuntu/Debian:: $ sudo apt install python3-sphinx python3-sphinx-rtd-theme Fedora:: $ sudo dnf install python3-sphinx python3-sphinx_rtd_theme macOS ~~~~~ On macOS you can install Sphinx via MacPorts or Homebrew. MacPorts:: $ sudo port install py37-sphinx py37-sphinx_rtd_theme Homebrew:: $ sudo brew install sphinx-doc Homebrew doesn't have the Read The Docs theme, so you'll need to install it via pip:: $ sudo pip install sphinx_rtd_theme Windows ~~~~~~~ On Windows you'll need to use ``pip`` to install Sphinx and the Read The Docs theme:: $ pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme Editing the Documentation ------------------------- The documentation is written in `reStructuredText `_. If you haven't ever used reStructuredText before, take a look at the `reStructuredText primer `_ for a good introduction to the format. reStructuredText is a plain-text format, so any text editor will work. Popular editors are `vim `_, `Atom `_, `Visual Studio Code `_ (Linux, macOS, Windows), `Notepad++ `_ (Windows). Building the Documentation -------------------------- Now that you have the dependencies installed and you've edited some pages, you'll want to build the documentation. Let's start with the manual. Go into the ``manual`` directory, and then run ``make html``:: $ cd manual $ make html This will run Sphinx on the documentation and build the HTML in the ``build/html`` directory. To view the documentation, let's run Python's built-in web server on that directory:: $ cd build/html $ python3 -m http.server Now open your browser to `http://localhost:8000/`_ and you should see the OpenLP manual.