Installing OpenLP ================= Microsoft Windows ----------------- Installing OpenLP is identical over all supported versions of Windows. After downloading the file from the `download page `_ open the file by double clicking when the download is complete. After opening the downloaded file agree to open the unverified file if you are prompted. Next select your language and click :guilabel:`OK` .. image:: pics/selectlanguage.png After reading the welcome message click :guilabel:`Next` to continue the installation. .. image:: pics/welcome.png Agree to the license agreement. Click :guilabel:`Next` to continue. .. image:: pics/license.png Select the install location for OpenLP. Choosing the default location is generally the best choice. Click :guilabel:`Next` to continue. .. image:: pics/installlocation.png Select a start menu folder for OpenLP to be visible in. The default location here is generally the best choice. Click :guilabel:`Next` to continue. .. image:: pics/startmenufolder.png Select if you want to create a desktop or Quick Launch icon. Click :guilabel:`Next` to continue. .. image:: pics/additionaltask.png Review your previous choices. If you need to make any changes click the :guilabel:`Back button` to get to the previous choices, or click :guilabel:`Install` .. image:: pics/readytoinstall.png The progress bar will update you on how far along the installation has gone. .. image:: pics/progress.png When the install is complete you will have the option to launch OpenLP. After making your selection click :guilabel:`Finish` Mac OS X -------- Installing OpenLP on OS X is very simple. After downloading the correct file from the OpenLP `download page `_ double click on the .dmg file. Drag the OpenLP icon over to the Applications folder and you will be ready to use OpenLP. OpenLP will be available in your Applications folder. .. image:: pics/osxinstall.png Linux ----- Setting up OpenLP varies by distribution. We have included documentation on popular distributions or distributions that have OpenLP available from their package managers. It should be possible to get OpenLP running on nearly any Linux distribution. Ubuntu ^^^^^^ Installation of OpenLP on Ubuntu can either be done through the Software Center or the command line. Command line instructions will be included at the end of this section on Ubuntu and its variants. Open up the software center by clicking on the :guilabel:`Software Center` icon in the Launcher if you are using the Unity desktop, or if you are using an older version of Ubuntu, or the Classic Desktop go to :menuselection:`Applications` and select the Software Center from the bottom of the menu. You will need to be the administrator of the system to install OpenLP and will be asked for the administrator password several times through this process. First you will need to add the OpenLP Personal Package Archive (PPA) to your system. Go to :menuselection:`Edit --> Software Sources` .. image:: pics/1softwaresources.png Click on the :menuselection:`Other Software` tab then click on the :guilabel:`Add...` button to add the new software source. .. image:: pics/2othersoftware.png Add the APT line:: ppa:openlp-core/release Click :guilabel:`Add Source` .. image:: pics/3aptline.png You now need to restart the Software Center to refresh the package list. When you have the Software Center running simply search for OpenLP and click :guilabel:`Install`. .. image:: pics/4searchopenlp.png You will see the install progress as OpenLP and the dependencies required for it to run are downloaded. .. image:: pics/5installprogressubuntu.png After installation you should see that OpenLP is installed. .. image:: pics/6installcompleteubuntu.png You can now run OpenLP by either searching for it in the *Dash*, or clicking on the category *Media Apps* in Unity. If you are running the Classic Desktop you will have OpenLP available by clicking :menuselection:`Applications --> Sound and Video --> OpenLP` Ubuntu Command Line Install ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following install procedure should work across all Ubuntu variants. You will need to add the Personal Package Archive (PPA) to Ubuntu's software sources. From a terminal type:: user@ubuntu:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openlp-core/release Now you need to refresh the package list:: user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update Install OpenLP:: user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install openlp OpenLP should now be available in your desktops menu system, but if you wish to run OpenLP from the command line type:: user@ubuntu:~$ openlp Fedora (GNOME) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Installing with Fedora you will use the default Add/Remove Programs available from :menuselection:`System --> Administration --> Add/Remove Programs` in Fedora 14 and below or in :menuselection:`Applications --> System Tools --> Add/Remove Programs` .. image:: pics/1fedoraaddremove.png Search for OpenLP in the search box .. image:: pics/2fedoraaddremove.png Check the check box for OpenLP then click :guilabel:`Apply` .. image:: pics/3fedoraaddremove.png Click :guilabel:`Continue` to confirm installing any additional software. .. image:: pics/4fedoraadditionalconfirm.png You should now see the packages downloading in the lower left corner. .. image:: pics/5fedoraaddremove.png Click :guilabel:`Run` to run OpenLP now, or :guilabel:`Close` to run OpenLP later. .. image:: pics/6fedoracomplete.png OpenLP will be available in :menuselection:`Applications --> Sound & Video --> OpenLP`