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2012-12-06 22:19:17 +00:00
Package to test the openlp.core.lib package.
from unittest import TestCase
2012-12-07 18:10:24 +00:00
from mock import MagicMock, patch
2012-12-07 18:10:24 +00:00
from openlp.core.lib import str_to_bool, translate, check_directory_exists
2012-12-06 22:19:17 +00:00
class TestLibModule(TestCase):
def str_to_bool_with_bool_test(self):
Test the str_to_bool function with boolean input
#GIVEN: A boolean value set to true
true_boolean = True
# WHEN: We "convert" it to a bool
true_result = str_to_bool(true_boolean)
# THEN: We should get back a True bool
assert isinstance(true_result, bool), u'The result should be a boolean'
assert true_result is True, u'The result should be True'
#GIVEN: A boolean value set to false
false_boolean = False
# WHEN: We "convert" it to a bool
false_result = str_to_bool(false_boolean)
# THEN: We should get back a True bool
assert isinstance(false_result, bool), u'The result should be a boolean'
assert false_result is False, u'The result should be True'
def str_to_bool_with_invalid_test(self):
Test the str_to_bool function with a set of invalid inputs
# GIVEN: An integer value
int_string = 1
# WHEN: we convert it to a bool
int_result = str_to_bool(int_string)
# THEN: we should get back a false
assert int_result is False, u'The result should be False'
# GIVEN: An string value with completely invalid input
invalid_string = u'my feet are wet'
# WHEN: we convert it to a bool
str_result = str_to_bool(invalid_string)
# THEN: we should get back a false
assert str_result is False, u'The result should be False'
def str_to_bool_with_false_values_test(self):
2012-12-06 22:21:19 +00:00
Test the str_to_bool function with a set of false inputs
2012-12-06 22:19:17 +00:00
# GIVEN: A string set to "false"
false_string = u'false'
# WHEN: we convert it to a bool
false_result = str_to_bool(false_string)
# THEN: we should get back a false
assert false_result is False, u'The result should be False'
# GIVEN: An string set to "NO"
no_string = u'NO'
# WHEN: we convert it to a bool
str_result = str_to_bool(no_string)
# THEN: we should get back a false
assert str_result is False, u'The result should be False'
def str_to_bool_with_true_values_test(self):
2012-12-06 22:21:19 +00:00
Test the str_to_bool function with a set of true inputs
2012-12-06 22:19:17 +00:00
# GIVEN: A string set to "True"
true_string = u'True'
# WHEN: we convert it to a bool
true_result = str_to_bool(true_string)
# THEN: we should get back a true
assert true_result is True, u'The result should be True'
# GIVEN: An string set to "yes"
yes_string = u'yes'
# WHEN: we convert it to a bool
str_result = str_to_bool(yes_string)
# THEN: we should get back a true
assert str_result is True, u'The result should be True'
def translate_test(self):
Test the translate() function
# GIVEN: A string to translate and a mocked Qt translate function
context = u'OpenLP.Tests'
text = u'Untranslated string'
comment = u'A comment'
encoding = 1
n = 1
mocked_translate = MagicMock(return_value=u'Translated string')
# WHEN: we call the translate function
result = translate(context, text, comment, encoding, n, mocked_translate)
# THEN: the translated string should be returned, and the mocked function should have been called
mocked_translate.assert_called_with(context, text, comment, encoding, n)
assert result == u'Translated string', u'The translated string should have been returned'
2012-12-07 18:10:24 +00:00
def check_directory_exists_test(self):
Test the check_directory_exists() function
with patch(u'openlp.core.lib.os.path.exists') as mocked_exists, \
patch(u'openlp.core.lib.os.makedirs') as mocked_makedirs:
# GIVEN: A directory to check and a mocked out os.makedirs and os.path.exists
directory_to_check = u'existing/directory'
# WHEN: os.path.exists returns Truew and we check to see if the directory exists
mocked_exists.return_value = True
# THEN: Only os.path.exists should have been called
assert not mocked_makedirs.called, u'os.makedirs should not have been called'
# WHEN: os.path.exists returns False and we check the directory exists
mocked_exists.return_value = False
# THEN: Both the mocked functions should have been called