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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
2019-04-13 13:00:22 +00:00
# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2019 OpenLP Developers #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
The :mod:`~openlp.display.render` module contains functions for rendering.
import html
import logging
2019-06-03 20:11:19 +00:00
import mako
import math
2018-11-13 05:42:43 +00:00
import os
import re
import time
2018-11-06 18:55:34 +00:00
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui
2018-12-10 16:48:26 +00:00
from openlp.core.common import ThemeLevel
2019-06-09 20:22:43 +00:00
from openlp.core.common.i18n import translate
from openlp.core.common.mixins import LogMixin, RegistryProperties
from openlp.core.common.registry import Registry, RegistryBase
2019-06-03 20:11:19 +00:00
from openlp.core.common.settings import Settings
from openlp.core.display.screens import ScreenList
2018-11-13 05:42:43 +00:00
from openlp.core.display.window import DisplayWindow
from openlp.core.lib import ItemCapabilities
from openlp.core.lib.formattingtags import FormattingTags
2018-10-02 04:39:42 +00:00
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
SLIM_CHARS = 'fiíIÍjlĺľrtť.,;/ ()|"\'!:\\'
2019-03-08 21:00:16 +00:00
CHORD_LINE_MATCH = re.compile(r'\[(.*?)\]([\u0080-\uFFFF,\w]*)'
CHORD_TEMPLATE = '<span class="chordline">{chord}</span>'
FIRST_CHORD_TEMPLATE = '<span class="chordline firstchordline">{chord}</span>'
CHORD_LINE_TEMPLATE = '<span class="chord"><span><strong>{chord}</strong></span></span>{tail}{whitespace}{remainder}'
WHITESPACE_TEMPLATE = '<span class="ws">{whitespaces}</span>'
VERSE = 'The Lord said to {r}Noah{/r}: \n' \
'There\'s gonna be a {su}floody{/su}, {sb}floody{/sb}\n' \
'The Lord said to {g}Noah{/g}:\n' \
'There\'s gonna be a {st}floody{/st}, {it}floody{/it}\n' \
'Get those children out of the muddy, muddy \n' \
'{r}C{/r}{b}h{/b}{bl}i{/bl}{y}l{/y}{g}d{/g}{pk}' \
'r{/pk}{o}e{/o}{pp}n{/pp} of the Lord\n'
VERSE_FOR_LINE_COUNT = '\n'.join(map(str, range(100)))
2019-06-03 20:11:19 +00:00
TITLE = 'Arky Arky'
AUTHOR = 'John Doe'
FOOTER_COPYRIGHT = 'Public Domain'
CCLI_NO = '123456'
def remove_tags(text, can_remove_chords=False):
Remove Tags from text for display
:param text: Text to be cleaned
:param can_remove_chords: Can we remove the chords too?
text = text.replace('<br>', '\n')
text = text.replace('{br}', '\n')
text = text.replace('&nbsp;', ' ')
for tag in FormattingTags.get_html_tags():
text = text.replace(tag['start tag'], '')
text = text.replace(tag['end tag'], '')
# Remove ChordPro tags
if can_remove_chords:
text = re.sub(r'\[.+?\]', r'', text)
return text
def has_valid_tags(text):
The :func:`~openlp.core.display.render.has_valid_tags` function validates the tags within ``text``.
:param str text: The string with formatting tags in it.
:returns bool: Returns True if tags are valid, False if there are parsing problems.
return True
def render_chords_in_line(match):
Render the chords in the line and align them using whitespaces.
NOTE: There is equivalent javascript code in chords.js, in the updateSlide function. Make sure to update both!
:param str match: The line which contains chords
:returns str: The line with rendered html-chords
whitespaces = ''
chord_length = 0
tail_length = 0
# The match could be "[G]sweet the " from a line like "A[D]mazing [D7]grace! How [G]sweet the [D]sound!"
# The actual chord, would be "G" in match "[G]sweet the "
chord = match.group(1)
# The tailing word of the chord, would be "sweet" in match "[G]sweet the "
tail = match.group(2)
# The remainder of the line, until line end or next chord. Would be " the " in match "[G]sweet the "
remainder = match.group(3)
# Line end if found, else None
end = match.group(4)
# Based on char width calculate width of chord
for chord_char in chord:
if chord_char not in SLIM_CHARS:
chord_length += 2
chord_length += 1
# Based on char width calculate width of tail
for tail_char in tail:
if tail_char not in SLIM_CHARS:
tail_length += 2
tail_length += 1
# Based on char width calculate width of remainder
for remainder_char in remainder:
if remainder_char not in SLIM_CHARS:
tail_length += 2
tail_length += 1
# If the chord is wider than the tail+remainder and the line goes on, some padding is needed
if chord_length >= tail_length and end is None:
# Decide if the padding should be "_" for drawing out words or spaces
if tail:
if not remainder:
for c in range(math.ceil((chord_length - tail_length) / 2) + 2):
whitespaces += '_'
for c in range(chord_length - tail_length + 1):
whitespaces += '&nbsp;'
if not remainder:
for c in range(math.floor((chord_length - tail_length) / 2)):
whitespaces += '_'
for c in range(chord_length - tail_length + 1):
whitespaces += '&nbsp;'
if not tail and remainder and remainder[0] == ' ':
for c in range(chord_length):
whitespaces += '&nbsp;'
if whitespaces:
if '_' in whitespaces:
ws_length = len(whitespaces)
if ws_length == 1:
whitespaces = '&ndash;'
wsl_mod = ws_length // 2
ws_right = ws_left = ' ' * wsl_mod
whitespaces = ws_left + '&ndash;' + ws_right
whitespaces = WHITESPACE_TEMPLATE.format(whitespaces=whitespaces)
return CHORD_LINE_TEMPLATE.format(chord=html.escape(chord), tail=html.escape(tail), whitespace=whitespaces,
def render_chords(text):
Render ChordPro tags
:param str text: The text containing the chords
:returns str: The text containing the rendered chords
text_lines = text.split('{br}')
rendered_lines = []
chords_on_prev_line = False
for line in text_lines:
# If a ChordPro is detected in the line, replace it with a html-span tag and wrap the line in a span tag.
if '[' in line and ']' in line:
if chords_on_prev_line:
chord_template = CHORD_TEMPLATE
chord_template = FIRST_CHORD_TEMPLATE
chords_on_prev_line = True
# Matches a chord, a tail, a remainder and a line end. See expand_and_align_chords_in_line() for more info.
new_line = chord_template.format(chord=CHORD_LINE_MATCH.sub(render_chords_in_line, line))
chords_on_prev_line = False
return '{br}'.join(rendered_lines)
def compare_chord_lyric_width(chord, lyric):
Compare the width of chord and lyrics. If chord width is greater than the lyric width the diff is returned.
:param chord:
:param lyric:
chord_length = 0
if chord == '&nbsp;':
return 0
chord = re.sub(r'\{.*?\}', r'', chord)
lyric = re.sub(r'\{.*?\}', r'', lyric)
for chord_char in chord:
if chord_char not in SLIM_CHARS:
chord_length += 2
chord_length += 1
lyriclen = 0
for lyric_char in lyric:
if lyric_char not in SLIM_CHARS:
lyriclen += 2
lyriclen += 1
if chord_length > lyriclen:
return chord_length - lyriclen
return 0
def find_formatting_tags(text, active_formatting_tags):
Look for formatting tags in lyrics and adds/removes them to/from the given list. Returns the update list.
:param text:
:param active_formatting_tags:
if not re.search(r'\{.*?\}', text):
return active_formatting_tags
word_iterator = iter(text)
# Loop through lyrics to find any formatting tags
for char in word_iterator:
if char == '{':
tag = ''
char = next(word_iterator)
start_tag = True
if char == '/':
start_tag = False
char = next(word_iterator)
while char != '}':
tag += char
char = next(word_iterator)
# See if the found tag has an end tag
for formatting_tag in FormattingTags.get_html_tags():
if formatting_tag['start tag'] == '{' + tag + '}':
if formatting_tag['end tag']:
if start_tag:
# prepend the new tag to the list of active formatting tags
active_formatting_tags[:0] = [tag]
# remove the tag from the list
# Break out of the loop matching the found tag against the tag list.
return active_formatting_tags
def render_chords_for_printing(text, line_split):
Render ChordPro tags for printing
:param str text: The text containing the chords to be rendered.
:param str line_split: The character(s) used to split lines
:returns str: The rendered chords
if not re.search(r'\[.*?\]', text):
return text
text_lines = text.split(line_split)
rendered_text_lines = []
for line in text_lines:
# If a ChordPro is detected in the line, build html tables.
new_line = '<table class="line" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td>'
active_formatting_tags = []
if re.search(r'\[.*?\]', line):
words = line.split(' ')
in_chord = False
for word in words:
chords = []
lyrics = []
new_line += '<table class="segment" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="left">'
# If the word contains a chord, we need to handle it.
if re.search(r'\[.*?\]', word):
chord = ''
lyric = ''
# Loop over each character of the word
for char in word:
if char == '[':
in_chord = True
if lyric != '':
if chord == '':
chord = '&nbsp;'
chord = ''
lyric = ''
elif char == ']' and in_chord:
in_chord = False
elif in_chord:
chord += char
lyric += char
if lyric != '' or chord != '':
if chord == '':
chord = '&nbsp;'
if lyric == '':
lyric = '&nbsp;'
new_chord_line = '<tr class="chordrow">'
new_lyric_line = '</tr><tr>'
for i in range(len(lyrics)):
spacer = compare_chord_lyric_width(chords[i], lyrics[i])
# Handle formatting tags
start_formatting_tags = ''
if active_formatting_tags:
start_formatting_tags = '{' + '}{'.join(active_formatting_tags) + '}'
# Update list of active formatting tags
active_formatting_tags = find_formatting_tags(lyrics[i], active_formatting_tags)
end_formatting_tags = ''
if active_formatting_tags:
end_formatting_tags = '{/' + '}{/'.join(active_formatting_tags) + '}'
new_chord_line += '<td class="chord">%s</td>' % chords[i]
# Check if this is the last column, if so skip spacing calc and instead insert a single space
if i + 1 == len(lyrics):
new_lyric_line += '<td class="lyrics">{starttags}{lyrics}&nbsp;{endtags}</td>'.format(
starttags=start_formatting_tags, lyrics=lyrics[i], endtags=end_formatting_tags)
spacing = ''
if spacer > 0:
space = '&nbsp;' * int(math.ceil(spacer / 2))
spacing = '<span class="chordspacing">%s-%s</span>' % (space, space)
new_lyric_line += '<td class="lyrics">{starttags}{lyrics}{spacing}{endtags}</td>'.format(
starttags=start_formatting_tags, lyrics=lyrics[i], spacing=spacing,
new_line += new_chord_line + new_lyric_line + '</tr>'
start_formatting_tags = ''
if active_formatting_tags:
start_formatting_tags = '{' + '}{'.join(active_formatting_tags) + '}'
active_formatting_tags = find_formatting_tags(word, active_formatting_tags)
end_formatting_tags = ''
if active_formatting_tags:
end_formatting_tags = '{/' + '}{/'.join(active_formatting_tags) + '}'
new_line += '<tr class="chordrow"><td class="chord">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td class="lyrics">' \
starttags=start_formatting_tags, lyrics=word, endtags=end_formatting_tags)
new_line += '</table>'
new_line += line
new_line += '</td></tr></table>'
# the {br} tag used to split lines is not inserted again since the style of the line-tables makes them redundant.
return ''.join(rendered_text_lines)
def render_tags(text, can_render_chords=False, is_printing=False):
The :func:`~openlp.core.display.render.render_tags` function takes a stirng with OpenLP-style tags in it
and replaces them with the HTML version.
:param str text: The string with OpenLP-style tags to be rendered.
:param bool can_render_chords: Should the chords be rendererd?
:param bool is_printing: Are we going to print this?
:returns str: The HTML version of the tags is returned as a string.
if can_render_chords:
if is_printing:
text = render_chords_for_printing(text, '{br}')
text = render_chords(text)
for tag in FormattingTags.get_html_tags():
text = text.replace(tag['start tag'], tag['start html'])
text = text.replace(tag['end tag'], tag['end html'])
return text
def words_split(line):
Split the slide up by word so can wrap better
:param line: Line to be split
# this parse we are to be wordy
return re.split(r'\s+', line)
def get_start_tags(raw_text):
Tests the given text for not closed formatting tags and returns a tuple consisting of three unicode strings::
('{st}{r}Text text text{/r}{/st}', '{st}{r}', '<strong><span style="-webkit-text-fill-color:red">')
The first unicode string is the text, with correct closing tags. The second unicode string are OpenLP's opening
formatting tags and the third unicode string the html opening formatting tags.
:param raw_text: The text to test. The text must **not** contain html tags, only OpenLP formatting tags
are allowed::
{st}{r}Text text text
raw_tags = []
html_tags = []
for tag in FormattingTags.get_html_tags():
if tag['start tag'] == '{br}':
if raw_text.count(tag['start tag']) != raw_text.count(tag['end tag']):
raw_tags.append((raw_text.find(tag['start tag']), tag['start tag'], tag['end tag']))
html_tags.append((raw_text.find(tag['start tag']), tag['start html']))
# Sort the lists, so that the tags which were opened first on the first slide (the text we are checking) will be
# opened first on the next slide as well.
raw_tags.sort(key=lambda tag: tag[0])
html_tags.sort(key=lambda tag: tag[0])
# Create a list with closing tags for the raw_text.
end_tags = []
start_tags = []
for tag in raw_tags:
# Remove the indexes.
html_tags = [tag[1] for tag in html_tags]
return raw_text + ''.join(end_tags), ''.join(start_tags), ''.join(html_tags)
class ThemePreviewRenderer(LogMixin, DisplayWindow):
A virtual display used for rendering thumbnails and other offscreen tasks
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.force_page = False
2019-02-13 19:41:10 +00:00
def calculate_line_count(self):
Calculate the number of lines that fits on one slide
return self.run_javascript('Display.calculateLineCount();', is_sync=True)
def clear_slides(self):
Clear slides
return self.run_javascript('Display.clearSlides();')
2019-06-03 20:11:19 +00:00
def generate_footer(self):
footer_template = Settings().value('songs/footer template')
# Keep this in sync with the list in songstab.py
vars = {
'title': TITLE,
'authors_none_label': translate('OpenLP.Ui', 'Written by'),
2019-06-07 20:51:19 +00:00
'authors_words_label': translate('SongsPlugin.AuthorType', 'Words',
'Author who wrote the lyrics of a song'),
'authors_words': [AUTHOR],
2019-06-03 20:11:19 +00:00
'copyright': FOOTER_COPYRIGHT,
'ccli_license': Settings().value('core/ccli number'),
'ccli_license_label': translate('SongsPlugin.MediaItem', 'CCLI License'),
'ccli_number': CCLI_NO,
footer_html = mako.template.Template(footer_template).render_unicode(**vars).replace('\n', '')
except mako.exceptions.SyntaxException:
log.error('Failed to render Song footer html:\n' + mako.exceptions.text_error_template().render())
footer_html = 'Dummy footer text'
return footer_html
def generate_preview(self, theme_data, force_page=False, generate_screenshot=True):
Generate a preview of a theme.
:param theme_data: The theme to generated a preview for.
:param force_page: Flag to tell message lines per page need to be generated.
:rtype: QtGui.QPixmap
# save value for use in format_slide
self.force_page = force_page
if not self.force_page:
self.theme_height = theme_data.font_main_height
slides = self.format_slide(VERSE, None)
verses = dict()
verses['title'] = TITLE
verses['text'] = render_tags(slides[0])
verses['verse'] = 'V1'
2019-06-03 20:11:19 +00:00
verses['footer'] = self.generate_footer()
self.force_page = False
if generate_screenshot:
return self.save_screenshot()
self.force_page = False
return None
def format_slide(self, text, item):
Calculate how much text can fit on a slide.
:param text: The words to go on the slides.
:param item: The :class:`~openlp.core.lib.serviceitem.ServiceItem` item object.
while not self._is_initialised:
self.log_debug('format slide')
if item:
theme_name = item.theme if item.theme else Registry().get('theme_manager').global_theme
theme_data = Registry().get('theme_manager').get_theme_data(theme_name)
self.theme_height = theme_data.font_main_height
# Set theme for preview
# Add line endings after each line of text used for bibles.
line_end = '<br>'
if item and item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.NoLineBreaks):
line_end = ' '
# Bibles
if item and item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.CanWordSplit):
pages = self._paginate_slide_words(text.split('\n'), line_end)
# Songs and Custom
2019-06-03 20:11:19 +00:00
elif item is None or (item and item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.CanSoftBreak)):
pages = []
if '[---]' in text:
# Remove Overflow split if at start of the text
if text.startswith('[---]'):
text = text[5:]
# Remove two or more option slide breaks next to each other (causing infinite loop).
while '\n[---]\n[---]\n' in text:
text = text.replace('\n[---]\n[---]\n', '\n[---]\n')
while ' [---]' in text:
text = text.replace(' [---]', '[---]')
while '[---] ' in text:
text = text.replace('[---] ', '[---]')
count = 0
# only loop 5 times as there will never be more than 5 incorrect logical splits on a single slide.
while True and count < 5:
slides = text.split('\n[---]\n', 2)
# If there are (at least) two occurrences of [---] we use the first two slides (and neglect the last
# for now).
if len(slides) == 3:
2018-11-13 05:42:43 +00:00
html_text = render_tags('\n'.join(slides[:2]))
# We check both slides to determine if the optional split is needed (there is only one optional
# split).
2018-11-13 05:42:43 +00:00
html_text = render_tags('\n'.join(slides))
html_text = html_text.replace('\n', '<br>')
if self._text_fits_on_slide(html_text):
# The first two optional slides fit (as a whole) on one slide. Replace the first occurrence
# of [---].
text = text.replace('\n[---]', '', 1)
# The first optional slide fits, which means we have to render the first optional slide.
text_contains_split = '[---]' in text
if text_contains_split:
text_to_render, text = text.split('\n[---]\n', 1)
except ValueError:
text_to_render = text.split('\n[---]\n')[0]
text = ''
text_to_render, raw_tags, html_tags = get_start_tags(text_to_render)
if text:
text = raw_tags + text
text_to_render = text
text = ''
lines = text_to_render.strip('\n').split('\n')
slides = self._paginate_slide(lines, line_end)
if len(slides) > 1 and text:
# Add all slides apart from the last one the list.
if text_contains_split:
text = slides[-1] + '\n[---]\n' + text
text = slides[-1] + '\n' + text
text = text.replace('<br>', '\n')
if '[---]' not in text:
lines = text.strip('\n').split('\n')
pages.extend(self._paginate_slide(lines, line_end))
count += 1
# Clean up line endings.
pages = self._paginate_slide(text.split('\n'), line_end)
pages = self._paginate_slide(text.split('\n'), line_end)
new_pages = []
for page in pages:
while page.endswith('<br>'):
page = page[:-4]
return new_pages
def _paginate_slide(self, lines, line_end):
Figure out how much text can appear on a slide, using the current theme settings.
**Note:** The smallest possible "unit" of text for a slide is one line. If the line is too long it will be cut
off when displayed.
:param lines: The text to be fitted on the slide split into lines.
:param line_end: The text added after each line. Either ``' '`` or ``'<br>``.
formatted = []
previous_html = ''
previous_raw = ''
separator = '<br>'
html_lines = list(map(render_tags, lines))
# Text too long so go to next page.
if not self._text_fits_on_slide(separator.join(html_lines)):
html_text, previous_raw = self._binary_chop(
formatted, previous_html, previous_raw, html_lines, lines, separator, '')
previous_raw = separator.join(lines)
return formatted
def _paginate_slide_words(self, lines, line_end):
Figure out how much text can appear on a slide, using the current theme settings.
**Note:** The smallest possible "unit" of text for a slide is one word. If one line is too long it will be
processed word by word. This is sometimes need for **bible** verses.
:param lines: The text to be fitted on the slide split into lines.
:param line_end: The text added after each line. Either ``' '`` or ``'<br>``. This is needed for **bibles**.
formatted = []
previous_html = ''
previous_raw = ''
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
2018-11-13 05:42:43 +00:00
html_line = render_tags(line)
# Text too long so go to next page.
if not self._text_fits_on_slide(previous_html + html_line):
# Check if there was a verse before the current one and append it, when it fits on the page.
if previous_html:
if self._text_fits_on_slide(previous_html):
previous_html = ''
previous_raw = ''
# Now check if the current verse will fit, if it does not we have to start to process the verse
# word by word.
if self._text_fits_on_slide(html_line):
previous_html = html_line + line_end
previous_raw = line + line_end
# Figure out how many words of the line will fit on screen as the line will not fit as a whole.
raw_words = words_split(line)
2018-11-13 05:42:43 +00:00
html_words = list(map(render_tags, raw_words))
previous_html, previous_raw = \
self._binary_chop(formatted, previous_html, previous_raw, html_words, raw_words, ' ', line_end)
previous_html += html_line + line_end
previous_raw += line + line_end
return formatted
def _binary_chop(self, formatted, previous_html, previous_raw, html_list, raw_list, separator, line_end):
This implements the binary chop algorithm for faster rendering. This algorithm works line based (line by line)
and word based (word by word). It is assumed that this method is **only** called, when the lines/words to be
rendered do **not** fit as a whole.
:param formatted: The list to append any slides.
:param previous_html: The html text which is know to fit on a slide, but is not yet added to the list of
slides. (unicode string)
:param previous_raw: The raw text (with formatting tags) which is know to fit on a slide, but is not yet added
to the list of slides. (unicode string)
:param html_list: The elements which do not fit on a slide and needs to be processed using the binary chop.
The text contains html.
:param raw_list: The elements which do not fit on a slide and needs to be processed using the binary chop.
The elements can contain formatting tags.
:param separator: The separator for the elements. For lines this is ``'<br>'`` and for words this is ``' '``.
:param line_end: The text added after each "element line". Either ``' '`` or ``'<br>``. This is needed for
smallest_index = 0
highest_index = len(html_list) - 1
index = highest_index // 2
while True:
if not self._text_fits_on_slide(previous_html + separator.join(html_list[:index + 1]).strip()):
# We know that it does not fit, so change/calculate the new index and highest_index accordingly.
highest_index = index
index = index - (index - smallest_index) // 2
smallest_index = index
index = index + (highest_index - index) // 2
# We found the number of words which will fit.
if smallest_index == index or highest_index == index:
index = smallest_index
text = previous_raw.rstrip('<br>') + separator.join(raw_list[:index + 1])
text, raw_tags, html_tags = get_start_tags(text)
previous_html = ''
previous_raw = ''
# Stop here as the theme line count was requested.
if self.force_page:
Registry().execute('theme_line_count', index + 1)
# Check if the remaining elements fit on the slide.
if self._text_fits_on_slide(html_tags + separator.join(html_list[index + 1:]).strip()):
previous_html = html_tags + separator.join(html_list[index + 1:]).strip() + line_end
previous_raw = raw_tags + separator.join(raw_list[index + 1:]).strip() + line_end
# The remaining elements do not fit, thus reset the indexes, create a new list and continue.
raw_list = raw_list[index + 1:]
2019-02-19 21:38:44 +00:00
raw_list[0] = raw_tags + raw_list[0]
html_list = html_list[index + 1:]
html_list[0] = html_tags + html_list[0]
smallest_index = 0
highest_index = len(html_list) - 1
index = highest_index // 2
return previous_html, previous_raw
def _text_fits_on_slide(self, text):
Checks if the given ``text`` fits on a slide. If it does ``True`` is returned, otherwise ``False``.
:param text: The text to check. It may contain HTML tags.
2019-06-07 20:51:19 +00:00
self.run_javascript('Display.addTextSlide("v1", "{text}", "Dummy Footer");'
.format(text=text.replace('"', '\\"')), is_sync=True)
does_text_fits = self.run_javascript('Display.doesContentFit();', is_sync=True)
return does_text_fits
2018-11-06 18:55:34 +00:00
def save_screenshot(self, fname=None):
Save a screenshot, either returning it or saving it to file. Do some extra work to actually get a picture.
pixmap = self.grab()
for i in range(0, 4):
pixmap = self.grab()
pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.webview.size())
if fname:
ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[-1][1:]
pixmap.save(fname, ext)
return pixmap
class Renderer(RegistryBase, RegistryProperties, ThemePreviewRenderer):
A virtual display used for rendering thumbnails and other offscreen tasks
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.force_page = False
for screen in ScreenList():
if screen.is_display:
self.setGeometry(screen.display_geometry.x(), screen.display_geometry.y(),
screen.display_geometry.width(), screen.display_geometry.height())
# If the display is not show'ed and hidden like this webegine will not render
self.theme_height = 0
self.theme_level = ThemeLevel.Global
def set_theme_level(self, theme_level):
Sets the theme level.
:param theme_level: The theme level to be used.
self.theme_level = theme_level