Make strip_rtf a function again.

This commit is contained in:
Mattias Põldaru 2012-07-04 01:26:54 +03:00
parent 4aa62141a0
commit aef1c550e0
3 changed files with 227 additions and 222 deletions

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@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
import logging
import re
from PyQt4 import QtGui
@ -34,10 +33,106 @@ from openlp.core.utils import CONTROL_CHARS
from db import Author
from ui import SongStrings
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
WHITESPACE = re.compile(r'[\W_]+', re.UNICODE)
APOSTROPHE = re.compile(u'[\'`ʻ]', re.UNICODE)
PATTERN = re.compile(r"\\([a-z]{1,32})(-?\d{1,10})?[ ]?|\\'"
r"([0-9a-f]{2})|\\([^a-z])|([{}])|[\r\n]+|(.)", re.I)
# RTF control words which specify a "destination" to be ignored.
DESTINATIONS = frozenset((
u'aftncn', u'aftnsep', u'aftnsepc', u'annotation', u'atnauthor',
u'atndate', u'atnicn', u'atnid', u'atnparent', u'atnref', u'atntime',
u'atrfend', u'atrfstart', u'author', u'background', u'bkmkend',
u'bkmkstart', u'blipuid', u'buptim', u'category',
u'colorschememapping', u'colortbl', u'comment', u'company', u'creatim',
u'datafield', u'datastore', u'defchp', u'defpap', u'do', u'doccomm',
u'docvar', u'dptxbxtext', u'ebcend', u'ebcstart', u'factoidname',
u'falt', u'fchars', u'ffdeftext', u'ffentrymcr', u'ffexitmcr',
u'ffformat', u'ffhelptext', u'ffl', u'ffname', u'ffstattext', u'field',
u'file', u'filetbl', u'fldinst', u'fldrslt', u'fldtype', u'fname',
u'fontemb', u'fontfile', u'footer', u'footerf', u'footerl', u'footerr',
u'footnote', u'formfield', u'ftncn', u'ftnsep', u'ftnsepc', u'g',
u'generator', u'gridtbl', u'header', u'headerf', u'headerl',
u'headerr', u'hl', u'hlfr', u'hlinkbase', u'hlloc', u'hlsrc', u'hsv',
u'htmltag', u'info', u'keycode', u'keywords', u'latentstyles',
u'lchars', u'levelnumbers', u'leveltext', u'lfolevel', u'linkval',
u'list', u'listlevel', u'listname', u'listoverride',
u'listoverridetable', u'listpicture', u'liststylename', u'listtable',
u'listtext', u'lsdlockedexcept', u'macc', u'maccPr', u'mailmerge',
u'maln', u'malnScr', u'manager', u'margPr', u'mbar', u'mbarPr',
u'mbaseJc', u'mbegChr', u'mborderBox', u'mborderBoxPr', u'mbox',
u'mboxPr', u'mchr', u'mcount', u'mctrlPr', u'md', u'mdeg', u'mdegHide',
u'mden', u'mdiff', u'mdPr', u'me', u'mendChr', u'meqArr', u'meqArrPr',
u'mf', u'mfName', u'mfPr', u'mfunc', u'mfuncPr', u'mgroupChr',
u'mgroupChrPr', u'mgrow', u'mhideBot', u'mhideLeft', u'mhideRight',
u'mhideTop', u'mhtmltag', u'mlim', u'mlimloc', u'mlimlow',
u'mlimlowPr', u'mlimupp', u'mlimuppPr', u'mm', u'mmaddfieldname',
u'mmath', u'mmathPict', u'mmathPr', u'mmaxdist', u'mmc', u'mmcJc',
u'mmconnectstr', u'mmconnectstrdata', u'mmcPr', u'mmcs',
u'mmdatasource', u'mmheadersource', u'mmmailsubject', u'mmodso',
u'mmodsofilter', u'mmodsofldmpdata', u'mmodsomappedname',
u'mmodsoname', u'mmodsorecipdata', u'mmodsosort', u'mmodsosrc',
u'mmodsotable', u'mmodsoudl', u'mmodsoudldata', u'mmodsouniquetag',
u'mmPr', u'mmquery', u'mmr', u'mnary', u'mnaryPr', u'mnoBreak',
u'mnum', u'mobjDist', u'moMath', u'moMathPara', u'moMathParaPr',
u'mopEmu', u'mphant', u'mphantPr', u'mplcHide', u'mpos', u'mr',
u'mrad', u'mradPr', u'mrPr', u'msepChr', u'mshow', u'mshp', u'msPre',
u'msPrePr', u'msSub', u'msSubPr', u'msSubSup', u'msSubSupPr', u'msSup',
u'msSupPr', u'mstrikeBLTR', u'mstrikeH', u'mstrikeTLBR', u'mstrikeV',
u'msub', u'msubHide', u'msup', u'msupHide', u'mtransp', u'mtype',
u'mvertJc', u'mvfmf', u'mvfml', u'mvtof', u'mvtol', u'mzeroAsc',
u'mzeroDesc', u'mzeroWid', u'nesttableprops', u'nextfile',
u'nonesttables', u'objalias', u'objclass', u'objdata', u'object',
u'objname', u'objsect', u'objtime', u'oldcprops', u'oldpprops',
u'oldsprops', u'oldtprops', u'oleclsid', u'operator', u'panose',
u'password', u'passwordhash', u'pgp', u'pgptbl', u'picprop', u'pict',
u'pn', u'pnseclvl', u'pntext', u'pntxta', u'pntxtb', u'printim',
u'private', u'propname', u'protend', u'protstart', u'protusertbl',
u'pxe', u'result', u'revtbl', u'revtim', u'rsidtbl', u'rxe', u'shp',
u'shpgrp', u'shpinst', u'shppict', u'shprslt', u'shptxt', u'sn', u'sp',
u'staticval', u'stylesheet', u'subject', u'sv', u'svb', u'tc',
u'template', u'themedata', u'title', u'txe', u'ud', u'upr',
u'userprops', u'wgrffmtfilter', u'windowcaption', u'writereservation',
u'writereservhash', u'xe', u'xform', u'xmlattrname', u'xmlattrvalue',
u'xmlclose', u'xmlname', u'xmlnstbl', u'xmlopen'))
# Translation of some special characters.
u'par': u'\n',
u'sect': u'\n\n',
# Required page and column break.
# Would be good if we could split verse into subverses here.
u'page': u'\n\n',
u'column': u'\n\n',
# Soft breaks.
u'softpage': u'[---]',
u'softcol': u'[---]',
u'line': u'\n',
u'tab': u'\t',
u'emdash': u'\u2014',
u'endash': u'\u2013',
u'emspace': u'\u2003',
u'enspace': u'\u2002',
u'qmspace': u'\u2005',
u'bullet': u'\u2022',
u'lquote': u'\u2018',
u'rquote': u'\u2019',
u'ldblquote': u'\u201C',
u'rdblquote': u'\u201D',
u'ltrmark': u'\u200E',
u'rtlmark': u'\u200F',
u'zwj': u'\u200D',
u'zwnj': u'\u200C'}
u'fcharset0': u'cp1252',
u'fcharset161': u'cp1253',
u'fcharset162': u'cp1254',
u'fcharset163': u'cp1258',
u'fcharset177': u'cp1255',
u'fcharset178': u'cp1256',
u'fcharset186': u'cp1257',
u'fcharset204': u'cp1251',
u'fcharset222': u'cp874',
u'fcharset238': u'cp1250'}
class VerseType(object):
@ -368,217 +463,136 @@ def clean_song(manager, song):
if song.copyright:
song.copyright = CONTROL_CHARS.sub(u'', song.copyright).strip()
class StripRtf():
def get_encoding(font, font_table, default_encoding, failed=False):
This class strips RTF control structures and returns an unicode string.
Finds an encoding to use. Asks user, if necessary.
The number of currently active font.
Dictionary of fonts and respective encodings.
The defaul encoding to use when font_table is empty or no font is used.
A boolean indicating whether the previous encoding didn't work.
encoding = None
if font in font_table:
encoding = font_table[font]
if not encoding and default_encoding:
encoding = default_encoding
if not encoding or failed:
encoding = retrieve_windows_encoding()
default_encoding = encoding
font_table[font] = encoding
return encoding, default_encoding
def strip_rtf(text, default_encoding=None):
This function strips RTF control structures and returns an unicode string.
Thanks to Markus Jarderot (MizardX) for this code, used by permission.
RTF-encoded text, a string.
Default encoding to use when no encoding is specified.
PATTERN = re.compile(r"\\([a-z]{1,32})(-?\d{1,10})?[ ]?|\\'"
r"([0-9a-f]{2})|\\([^a-z])|([{}])|[\r\n]+|(.)", re.I)
# Control words which specify a "destination" to be ignored.
DESTINATIONS = frozenset((
u'aftncn', u'aftnsep', u'aftnsepc', u'annotation', u'atnauthor',
u'atndate', u'atnicn', u'atnid', u'atnparent', u'atnref', u'atntime',
u'atrfend', u'atrfstart', u'author', u'background', u'bkmkend',
u'bkmkstart', u'blipuid', u'buptim', u'category',
u'colorschememapping', u'colortbl', u'comment', u'company', u'creatim',
u'datafield', u'datastore', u'defchp', u'defpap', u'do', u'doccomm',
u'docvar', u'dptxbxtext', u'ebcend', u'ebcstart', u'factoidname',
u'falt', u'fchars', u'ffdeftext', u'ffentrymcr', u'ffexitmcr',
u'ffformat', u'ffhelptext', u'ffl', u'ffname', u'ffstattext', u'field',
u'file', u'filetbl', u'fldinst', u'fldrslt', u'fldtype', u'fname',
u'fontemb', u'fontfile', u'footer', u'footerf', u'footerl', u'footerr',
u'footnote', u'formfield', u'ftncn', u'ftnsep', u'ftnsepc', u'g',
u'generator', u'gridtbl', u'header', u'headerf', u'headerl',
u'headerr', u'hl', u'hlfr', u'hlinkbase', u'hlloc', u'hlsrc', u'hsv',
u'htmltag', u'info', u'keycode', u'keywords', u'latentstyles',
u'lchars', u'levelnumbers', u'leveltext', u'lfolevel', u'linkval',
u'list', u'listlevel', u'listname', u'listoverride',
u'listoverridetable', u'listpicture', u'liststylename', u'listtable',
u'listtext', u'lsdlockedexcept', u'macc', u'maccPr', u'mailmerge',
u'maln', u'malnScr', u'manager', u'margPr', u'mbar', u'mbarPr',
u'mbaseJc', u'mbegChr', u'mborderBox', u'mborderBoxPr', u'mbox',
u'mboxPr', u'mchr', u'mcount', u'mctrlPr', u'md', u'mdeg', u'mdegHide',
u'mden', u'mdiff', u'mdPr', u'me', u'mendChr', u'meqArr', u'meqArrPr',
u'mf', u'mfName', u'mfPr', u'mfunc', u'mfuncPr', u'mgroupChr',
u'mgroupChrPr', u'mgrow', u'mhideBot', u'mhideLeft', u'mhideRight',
u'mhideTop', u'mhtmltag', u'mlim', u'mlimloc', u'mlimlow',
u'mlimlowPr', u'mlimupp', u'mlimuppPr', u'mm', u'mmaddfieldname',
u'mmath', u'mmathPict', u'mmathPr', u'mmaxdist', u'mmc', u'mmcJc',
u'mmconnectstr', u'mmconnectstrdata', u'mmcPr', u'mmcs',
u'mmdatasource', u'mmheadersource', u'mmmailsubject', u'mmodso',
u'mmodsofilter', u'mmodsofldmpdata', u'mmodsomappedname',
u'mmodsoname', u'mmodsorecipdata', u'mmodsosort', u'mmodsosrc',
u'mmodsotable', u'mmodsoudl', u'mmodsoudldata', u'mmodsouniquetag',
u'mmPr', u'mmquery', u'mmr', u'mnary', u'mnaryPr', u'mnoBreak',
u'mnum', u'mobjDist', u'moMath', u'moMathPara', u'moMathParaPr',
u'mopEmu', u'mphant', u'mphantPr', u'mplcHide', u'mpos', u'mr',
u'mrad', u'mradPr', u'mrPr', u'msepChr', u'mshow', u'mshp', u'msPre',
u'msPrePr', u'msSub', u'msSubPr', u'msSubSup', u'msSubSupPr', u'msSup',
u'msSupPr', u'mstrikeBLTR', u'mstrikeH', u'mstrikeTLBR', u'mstrikeV',
u'msub', u'msubHide', u'msup', u'msupHide', u'mtransp', u'mtype',
u'mvertJc', u'mvfmf', u'mvfml', u'mvtof', u'mvtol', u'mzeroAsc',
u'mzeroDesc', u'mzeroWid', u'nesttableprops', u'nextfile',
u'nonesttables', u'objalias', u'objclass', u'objdata', u'object',
u'objname', u'objsect', u'objtime', u'oldcprops', u'oldpprops',
u'oldsprops', u'oldtprops', u'oleclsid', u'operator', u'panose',
u'password', u'passwordhash', u'pgp', u'pgptbl', u'picprop', u'pict',
u'pn', u'pnseclvl', u'pntext', u'pntxta', u'pntxtb', u'printim',
u'private', u'propname', u'protend', u'protstart', u'protusertbl',
u'pxe', u'result', u'revtbl', u'revtim', u'rsidtbl', u'rxe', u'shp',
u'shpgrp', u'shpinst', u'shppict', u'shprslt', u'shptxt', u'sn', u'sp',
u'staticval', u'stylesheet', u'subject', u'sv', u'svb', u'tc',
u'template', u'themedata', u'title', u'txe', u'ud', u'upr',
u'userprops', u'wgrffmtfilter', u'windowcaption', u'writereservation',
u'writereservhash', u'xe', u'xform', u'xmlattrname', u'xmlattrvalue',
u'xmlclose', u'xmlname', u'xmlnstbl', u'xmlopen'))
# Translation of some special characters.
u'par': u'\n',
u'sect': u'\n\n',
# Required page and column break.
# Would be good if we could split verse into subverses here.
u'page': u'\n\n',
u'column': u'\n\n',
# Soft breaks.
u'softpage': u'[---]',
u'softcol': u'[---]',
u'line': u'\n',
u'tab': u'\t',
u'emdash': u'\u2014',
u'endash': u'\u2013',
u'emspace': u'\u2003',
u'enspace': u'\u2002',
u'qmspace': u'\u2005',
u'bullet': u'\u2022',
u'lquote': u'\u2018',
u'rquote': u'\u2019',
u'ldblquote': u'\u201C',
u'rdblquote': u'\u201D',
u'ltrmark': u'\u200E',
u'rtlmark': u'\u200F',
u'zwj': u'\u200D',
u'zwnj': u'\u200C'}
u'fcharset0': u'cp1252',
u'fcharset161': u'cp1253',
u'fcharset162': u'cp1254',
u'fcharset163': u'cp1258',
u'fcharset177': u'cp1255',
u'fcharset178': u'cp1256',
u'fcharset186': u'cp1257',
u'fcharset204': u'cp1251',
u'fcharset222': u'cp874',
u'fcharset238': u'cp1250'}
# If user is asked for an encoding, it is used since then.
user_encoding = []
# Current font is the font tag we last met.
font = u''
# Character encoding is defined inside fonttable.
# font_table could contain eg u'0': u'cp1252'
font_table = {u'': u''}
# Stack of things to keep track of when entering/leaving groups.
stack = []
# Whether this group (and all inside it) are "ignorable".
ignorable = False
# Number of ASCII characters to skip after an unicode character.
ucskip = 1
# Number of ASCII characters left to skip.
curskip = 0
# Output buffer.
out = []
for match in PATTERN.finditer(text):
word, arg, hex, char, brace, tchar = match.groups()
if brace:
curskip = 0
if brace == u'{':
# Push state
stack.append((ucskip, ignorable, font))
elif brace == u'}':
# Pop state
ucskip, ignorable, font = stack.pop()
# \x (not a letter)
elif char:
curskip = 0
if char == u'~' and not ignorable:
elif char in u'{}\\' and not ignorable:
elif char == u'-' and not ignorable:
elif char == u'_' and not ignorable:
elif char == u'*':
ignorable = True
# \command
elif word:
curskip = 0
if word in DESTINATIONS:
ignorable = True
elif word in SPECIAL_CHARS:
elif word == u'uc':
ucskip = int(arg)
elif word == u' ':
c = int(arg)
if c < 0:
c += 0x10000
curskip = ucskip
elif word == u'fonttbl':
inside_font_table = True
ignorable = True
elif word == u'f':
font = arg
elif word == u'ansicpg':
font_table[font] = 'cp' + arg
elif word == u'fcharset' and font not in font_table and \
word + arg in CHARSET_MAPPING:
# \ansicpg overrides \fcharset, if present.
font_table[font] = CHARSET_MAPPING[word + arg]
# \'xx
elif hex:
if curskip > 0:
curskip -= 1
elif not ignorable:
charcode = int(hex, 16)
encoding, default_encoding = get_encoding(font, font_table,
while True:
except UnicodeDecodeError:
encoding, default_encoding = get_encoding(font,
font_table, default_encoding, failed=True)
elif tchar:
if curskip > 0:
curskip -= 1
elif not ignorable:
text = u''.join(out)
return text, default_encoding
def strip_rtf(self, text, default_encoding=None):
self.default_encoding = default_encoding
# Current font is the font tag we last met.
font = u''
# Character encoding is defined inside fonttable.
# font_table could contain eg u'0': u'cp1252'
font_table = {u'': default_encoding}
# Stack of things to keep track of when entering/leaving groups.
stack = []
# Whether this group (and all inside it) are "ignorable".
ignorable = False
# Number of ASCII characters to skip after an unicode character.
ucskip = 1
# Number of ASCII characters left to skip.
curskip = 0
# Output buffer.
out = []
for match in self.PATTERN.finditer(text):
word, arg, hex, char, brace, tchar = match.groups()
if brace:
curskip = 0
if brace == u'{':
# Push state
stack.append((ucskip, ignorable, font))
elif brace == u'}':
# Pop state
ucskip, ignorable, font = stack.pop()
# \x (not a letter)
elif char:
curskip = 0
if char == u'~' and not ignorable:
elif char in u'{}\\' and not ignorable:
elif char == u'-' and not ignorable:
elif char == u'_' and not ignorable:
elif char == u'*':
ignorable = True
# \command
elif word:
curskip = 0
if word in self.DESTINATIONS:
ignorable = True
elif word in self.SPECIAL_CHARS:
elif word == u'uc':
ucskip = int(arg)
elif word == u' ':
c = int(arg)
if c < 0:
c += 0x10000
curskip = ucskip
elif word == u'fonttbl':
inside_font_table = True
ignorable = True
elif word == u'f':
font = arg
elif word == u'ansicpg':
font_table[font] = 'cp' + arg
elif word == u'fcharset' and font not in font_table and \
word + arg in self.CHARSET_MAPPING:
# \ansicpg overrides \fcharset, if present.
font_table[font] = self.CHARSET_MAPPING[word + arg]
# \'xx
elif hex:
if curskip > 0:
curskip -= 1
elif not ignorable:
charcode = int(hex, 16)
encoding = self.get_encoding(font, font_table)
while True:
except UnicodeDecodeError:
encoding = self.get_encoding(font, font_table,
elif tchar:
if curskip > 0:
curskip -= 1
elif not ignorable:
return u''.join(out)
def get_encoding(self, font, font_table, failed=False):
encoding = None
if font in font_table:
encoding = font_table[font]
if not encoding and len(self.user_encoding):
encoding = self.user_encoding[-1]
if not encoding and self.default_encoding:
encoding = self.default_encoding
if not encoding or (failed and self.user_encoding == encoding):
encoding = retrieve_windows_encoding(self.default_encoding)
if encoding not in self.user_encoding:
elif failed:
encoding = self.user_encoding
font_table[font] = encoding
return encoding
from xml import OpenLyrics, SongXML
from songstab import SongsTab

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import re
from openlp.core.lib import translate
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib import VerseType
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib import retrieve_windows_encoding, StripRtf
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib import retrieve_windows_encoding, strip_rtf
from songimport import SongImport
RTF_STRIPPING_REGEX = re.compile(r'\{\\tx[^}]*\}')
@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ class EasyWorshipSongImport(SongImport):
def __init__(self, manager, **kwargs):
SongImport.__init__(self, manager, **kwargs)
self.rtf = StripRtf()
def doImport(self):
# Open the DB and MB files if they exist
@ -179,7 +178,7 @@ class EasyWorshipSongImport(SongImport):
if words:
# Format the lyrics
words = self.rtf.strip_rtf(words, self.encoding)
words, self.encoding = strip_rtf(words, self.encoding)
verse_type = VerseType.Tags[VerseType.Verse]
for verse in SLIDE_BREAK_REGEX.split(words):
verse = verse.strip()

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import os
import re
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib import VerseType, retrieve_windows_encoding
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib import StripRtf
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib import strip_rtf
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib.songimport import SongImport
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ class SundayPlusImport(SongImport):
SongImport.__init__(self, manager, **kwargs)
self.encoding = u'us-ascii'
self.rtf = StripRtf()
def doImport(self):
@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ class SundayPlusImport(SongImport):
verse_type = self.HOTKEY_TO_VERSE_TYPE[value]
if name == 'rtf':
value = self.unescape(value)
verse = self.rtf.strip_rtf(value, self.encoding)
verse, self.encoding = strip_rtf(value, self.encoding)
lines = verse.strip().split('\n')
# If any line inside any verse contains CCLI or
# only Public Domain, we treat this as special data:
@ -188,14 +187,7 @@ class SundayPlusImport(SongImport):
return unicode(blob, self.encoding)
# This is asked again every time the previously chosen
# encoding does not work. Integrated with StripRtf encoding.
if len(self.rtf.user_encoding) and \
self.encoding != self.rtf.user_encoding[-1]:
self.encoding = self.rtf.user_encoding[-1]
self.encoding = retrieve_windows_encoding()
self.encoding = retrieve_windows_encoding()
def unescape(self, text):
text = text.replace('^^', '"')