mirror of https://gitlab.com/openlp/openlp.git synced 2024-09-28 10:57:36 +00:00

Fix an issue with the Worship Center Pro importer

This commit is contained in:
Raoul Snyman 2023-01-17 19:46:04 -07:00
parent 4443a8aaa2
commit d6c22432a1
3 changed files with 71 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -94,20 +94,18 @@ class WorshipCenterProImport(SongImport):
marker_end = verse.find('>')
marker = verse[marker_start + 1:marker_end]
# Identify the marker type
if 'REFRAIN' in marker or 'CHORUS' in marker:
if marker in ['REFRAIN', 'CHORUS']:
marker_type = 'c'
elif 'BRIDGE' in marker:
elif marker == 'BRIDGE':
marker_type = 'b'
elif 'PRECHORUS' in marker:
elif marker == 'PRECHORUS':
marker_type = 'p'
elif 'END' in marker:
elif marker == 'END':
marker_type = 'e'
elif 'INTRO' in marker:
elif marker == 'INTRO':
marker_type = 'i'
elif 'TAG' in marker:
elif marker == 'TAG':
marker_type = 'o'
marker_type = 'v'
# Strip tags from text
verse = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', verse)
self.add_verse(verse.strip(), marker_type)

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def mocked_qapp():
def registry():
def registry(autouse=True):
"""An instance of the Registry"""
yield Registry.create()
Registry._instances = {}

View File

@ -52,10 +52,11 @@ if CAN_RUN_TESTS:
This class logs changes in the title instance variable
_title_assignment_list = []
_title_assignment_list = None
def __init__(self, manager):
WorshipCenterProImport.__init__(self, manager, file_paths=[])
self._title_assignment_list = []
def title(self):
@ -63,7 +64,10 @@ if CAN_RUN_TESTS:
def title(self, title):
except AttributeError:
self._title_assignment_list = [title]
RECORDSET_TEST_DATA = [DBTestRecord(1, 'TITLE', 'Amazing Grace'),
@ -71,21 +75,27 @@ RECORDSET_TEST_DATA = [DBTestRecord(1, 'TITLE', 'Amazing Grace'),
DBTestRecord(1, 'CCLISONGID', '12345'),
DBTestRecord(1, 'COMMENTS', 'The original version'),
DBTestRecord(1, 'COPY', 'Public Domain'),
DBTestRecord(1, 'SUBJECT', 'Grace'),
1, 'LYRICS',
'Amazing grace! How&crlf;sweet the sound&crlf;That saved a wretch like me!&crlf;'
'<INTRO>Amazing grace! How&crlf;sweet the sound&crlf;That saved a wretch like me!&crlf;'
'I once was lost,&crlf;but now am found;&crlf;Was blind, but now I see.&crlf;&crlf;'
'\'Twas grace that&crlf;taught my heart to fear,&crlf;And grace my fears relieved;&crlf;'
'<PRECHORUS>\'Twas grace that&crlf;taught my heart to fear,&crlf;'
'And grace my fears relieved;&crlf;'
'How precious did&crlf;that grace appear&crlf;The hour I first believed.&crlf;&crlf;'
'Through many dangers,&crlf;toils and snares,&crlf;I have already come;&crlf;'
'<CHORUS>Through many dangers,&crlf;toils and snares,&crlf;I have already come;&crlf;'
'\'Tis grace hath brought&crlf;me safe thus far,&crlf;'
'And grace will lead me home.&crlf;&crlf;The Lord has&crlf;promised good to me,&crlf;'
'And grace will lead me home.&crlf;&crlf;'
'<REFRAIN>The Lord has&crlf;promised good to me,&crlf;'
'His Word my hope secures;&crlf;He will my Shield&crlf;and Portion be,&crlf;'
'As long as life endures.&crlf;&crlf;Yea, when this flesh&crlf;and heart shall fail,&crlf;'
'As long as life endures.&crlf;&crlf;'
'<BRIDGE>Yea, when this flesh&crlf;and heart shall fail,&crlf;'
'And mortal life shall cease,&crlf;I shall possess,&crlf;within the veil,&crlf;'
'A life of joy and peace.&crlf;&crlf;The earth shall soon&crlf;dissolve like snow,&crlf;'
'A life of joy and peace.&crlf;&crlf;'
'<TAG>The earth shall soon&crlf;dissolve like snow,&crlf;'
'The sun forbear to shine;&crlf;But God, Who called&crlf;me here below,&crlf;'
'Shall be forever mine.&crlf;&crlf;When we\'ve been there&crlf;ten thousand years,&crlf;'
'Shall be forever mine.&crlf;&crlf;'
'<END>When we\'ve been there&crlf;ten thousand years,&crlf;'
'Bright shining as the sun,&crlf;We\'ve no less days to&crlf;sing God\'s praise&crlf;'
'Than when we\'d first begun.&crlf;&crlf;'),
DBTestRecord(2, 'TITLE', 'Beautiful Garden Of Prayer, The'),
@ -105,32 +115,32 @@ RECORDSET_TEST_DATA = [DBTestRecord(1, 'TITLE', 'Amazing Grace'),
SONG_TEST_DATA = [{'title': 'Amazing Grace',
'verses': [
('Amazing grace! How\nsweet the sound\nThat saved a wretch like me!\nI once was lost,\n'
'but now am found;\nWas blind, but now I see.'),
'but now am found;\nWas blind, but now I see.', 'i'),
('\'Twas grace that\ntaught my heart to fear,\nAnd grace my fears relieved;\nHow precious did\n'
'that grace appear\nThe hour I first believed.'),
'that grace appear\nThe hour I first believed.', 'p'),
('Through many dangers,\ntoils and snares,\nI have already come;\n\'Tis grace hath brought\n'
'me safe thus far,\nAnd grace will lead me home.'),
'me safe thus far,\nAnd grace will lead me home.', 'c'),
('The Lord has\npromised good to me,\nHis Word my hope secures;\n'
'He will my Shield\nand Portion be,\nAs long as life endures.'),
'He will my Shield\nand Portion be,\nAs long as life endures.', 'c'),
('Yea, when this flesh\nand heart shall fail,\nAnd mortal life shall cease,\nI shall possess,\n'
'within the veil,\nA life of joy and peace.'),
'within the veil,\nA life of joy and peace.', 'b'),
('The earth shall soon\ndissolve like snow,\nThe sun forbear to shine;\nBut God, Who called\n'
'me here below,\nShall be forever mine.'),
'me here below,\nShall be forever mine.', 'o'),
('When we\'ve been there\nten thousand years,\nBright shining as the sun,\n'
'We\'ve no less days to\nsing God\'s praise\nThan when we\'d first begun.')],
'We\'ve no less days to\nsing God\'s praise\nThan when we\'d first begun.', 'e')],
'author': 'John Newton',
'comments': 'The original version',
'copyright': 'Public Domain'},
{'title': 'Beautiful Garden Of Prayer, The',
'verses': [
('There\'s a garden where\nJesus is waiting,\nThere\'s a place that\nis wondrously fair,\n'
'For it glows with the\nlight of His presence.\n\'Tis the beautiful\ngarden of prayer.'),
'For it glows with the\nlight of His presence.\n\'Tis the beautiful\ngarden of prayer.', 'v'),
('Oh, the beautiful garden,\nthe garden of prayer!\nOh, the beautiful\ngarden of prayer!\n'
'There my Savior awaits,\nand He opens the gates\nTo the beautiful\ngarden of prayer.'),
'There my Savior awaits,\nand He opens the gates\nTo the beautiful\ngarden of prayer.', 'v'),
('There\'s a garden where\nJesus is waiting,\nAnd I go with my\nburden and care,\n'
'Just to learn from His\nlips words of comfort\nIn the beautiful\ngarden of prayer.'),
'Just to learn from His\nlips words of comfort\nIn the beautiful\ngarden of prayer.', 'v'),
('There\'s a garden where\nJesus is waiting,\nAnd He bids you to come,\nmeet Him there;\n'
'Just to bow and\nreceive a new blessing\nIn the beautiful\ngarden of prayer.')]}]
'Just to bow and\nreceive a new blessing\nIn the beautiful\ngarden of prayer.', 'v')]}]
@skipUnless(CAN_RUN_TESTS, 'Not Windows, skipping test')
@ -233,11 +243,44 @@ class TestWorshipCenterProSongImport(TestCase):
verse_calls = song_data['verses']
add_verse_call_count += len(verse_calls)
for call in verse_calls:
mocked_add_verse.assert_any_call(call, 'v')
if 'author' in song_data:
if 'comments' in song_data:
if 'copyright' in song_data:
if 'subject' in song_data:
assert mocked_add_verse.call_count == add_verse_call_count, 'Incorrect number of calls made to add_verse'
def test_song_import_stop(self):
"""Test that the song importer stops when the flag is set"""
with patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.worshipcenterpro.SongImport'), \
patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.worshipcenterpro.pyodbc') as mocked_pyodbc, \
patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.worshipcenterpro.translate') as mocked_translate:
mocked_manager = MagicMock()
mocked_import_wizard = MagicMock()
mocked_add_verse = MagicMock()
mocked_parse_author = MagicMock()
mocked_add_comment = MagicMock()
mocked_add_copyright = MagicMock()
mocked_finish = MagicMock()
mocked_pyodbc.connect().cursor().fetchall.return_value = RECORDSET_TEST_DATA
mocked_translate.return_value = 'Translated Text'
importer = WorshipCenterProImportLogger(mocked_manager)
importer.import_source = 'import_source'
importer.import_wizard = mocked_import_wizard
importer.add_verse = mocked_add_verse
importer.parse_author = mocked_parse_author
importer.add_comment = mocked_add_comment
importer.add_copyright = mocked_add_copyright
importer.stop_import_flag = True
importer.finish = mocked_finish
# WHEN: Calling the do_import method
# THEN: No songs should have been imported
assert len(importer._title_assignment_list) == 0