OpenLP 3.0.2 ============ * Only show hash if song book number exists * FIX: Missing looping for theme background videos * Fixing Songs' Topics media manager icon to be the same from the Song Maintenance dialog * Adding ability to return transposed item with service_item format to avoid duplicate calls on remote * Fix OpenLyrics whitespaces being 'eaten' (again) * Fixing service manager's list exception when pressing 'Left' keyboard key without any item selected * Force the use of SqlAlchemy 1.4 for now * Removing login requirement from transpose endpoint * Handle verse ranges in BibleServer * Fix up loading 2.9.x services * Attempt to fix #1287 by checking for both str and bytes, and decoding bytes to unicode * Add debugging for VLC and fix strange state. * Display the closing progress dialog during plugin shutdown * Fix an issue with the Worship Center Pro importer * Fix white preview display when previewing presentations * Fix an issue where the websockets server would try to shut down even when -w is supplied * Use a simpler approach when creating a tmp file when saving service files OpenLP 2.5.1 ============ * Fixed a bug where the author type upgrade was being ignore because it was looking at the wrong table * Fixed a bug where the songs_songbooks table was not being created because the if expression was the wrong way round * Changed the songs_songbooks migration SQL slightly to take into account a bug that has (hopefully) been fixed * Sometimes the timer goes off as OpenLP is shutting down, and the application has already been deleted (reported via support system) * Fix opening the data folder (KDE thought the old way was an SMB share) * Fix a problem with the new QMediaPlayer not controlling the playlist anymore * Added importing of author types to the OpenLP 2 song importer * Refactored the merge script and gave it some options * Fix a problem with loading Qt's translation files, bug #1676163