MediaClipSelector 0 0 683 739 0 0 683 686 Qt::NoFocus Select media clip false Qt::ImhNone 0 0 true 0 0 true true HH:mm:ss.z true HH:mm:ss.z true Set current position as start point true Load disc Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Minimum 20 40 true ../images/media_playback_start.png../images/media_playback_start.png true End point true true Title true true Set current position as end point true Save current clip true Close true Start point true Jump to start point true Audio track true true HH:mm:ss.z 665 375 background-color:black; QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised true Subtitle track true Jump to end point true Media path true true false Qt::Horizontal false media_path_combobox load_disc_pushbutton title_combo_box audio_tracks_combobox subtitle_tracks_combobox play_pushbutton position_horizontalslider media_position_timeedit start_timeedit set_start_pushbutton jump_start_pushbutton end_timeedit set_end_pushbutton jump_end_pushbutton save_pushbutton close_pushbutton