# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2020 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ The :mod:`languages` module provides a list of icons. """ import logging import qtawesome as qta from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtWidgets from openlp.core.common import Singleton from openlp.core.common.applocation import AppLocation from openlp.core.common.registry import Registry from openlp.core.lib import build_icon from openlp.core.ui.style import HAS_DARK_STYLE log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class UiIcons(metaclass=Singleton): """ Provide standard icons for objects to use. """ def __init__(self): """ These are the font icons used in the code. """ font_path = AppLocation.get_directory(AppLocation.AppDir) / 'core' / 'ui' / 'fonts' / 'OpenLP.ttf' charmap_path = AppLocation.get_directory(AppLocation.AppDir) / 'core' / 'ui' / 'fonts' / 'openlp-charmap.json' qta.load_font('op', font_path, charmap_path) palette = QtWidgets.QApplication.palette() qta.set_defaults(color=palette.color(QtGui.QPalette.Active, QtGui.QPalette.ButtonText), color_disabled=palette.color(QtGui.QPalette.Disabled, QtGui.QPalette.ButtonText)) icon_list = { 'active': {'icon': 'fa.child'}, 'add': {'icon': 'fa.plus-circle'}, 'alert': {'icon': 'fa.exclamation-triangle'}, 'arrow_down': {'icon': 'fa.arrow-down'}, 'arrow_left': {'icon': 'fa.arrow-left'}, 'arrow_right': {'icon': 'fa.arrow-right'}, 'arrow_up': {'icon': 'fa.arrow-up'}, 'audio': {'icon': 'fa.file-sound-o'}, 'authentication': {'icon': 'fa.exclamation-triangle', 'attr': 'red'}, 'address': {'icon': 'fa.book'}, 'back': {'icon': 'fa.step-backward'}, 'backspace': {'icon': 'fa.times'}, # 'backspace': {'icon': 'fa.caret-square-o-left'}, 'bible': {'icon': 'fa.book'}, 'blank': {'icon': 'fa.times-circle'}, 'blank_theme': {'icon': 'fa.file-image-o'}, 'bold': {'icon': 'fa.bold'}, 'book': {'icon': 'fa.book'}, 'bottom': {'icon': 'fa.angle-double-down'}, 'box': {'icon': 'fa.briefcase'}, 'clapperboard': {'icon': 'fa.film'}, 'clock': {'icon': 'fa.clock-o'}, 'clone': {'icon': 'fa.clone'}, 'close': {'icon': 'fa.times-circle-o'}, 'copy': {'icon': 'fa.copy'}, 'copyright': {'icon': 'fa.copyright'}, 'database': {'icon': 'fa.database'}, 'default': {'icon': 'fa.info-circle'}, 'desktop': {'icon': 'fa.desktop'}, 'delete': {'icon': 'fa.trash'}, 'device_stream': {'icon': 'fa.video-camera'}, 'download': {'icon': 'fa.download'}, 'edit': {'icon': 'fa.edit'}, 'email': {'icon': 'fa.envelope'}, 'error': {'icon': 'fa.exclamation', 'attr': 'red'}, 'exception': {'icon': 'fa.times-circle'}, 'exit': {'icon': 'fa.sign-out'}, 'group': {'icon': 'fa.object-group'}, 'inactive': {'icon': 'fa.child', 'attr': 'lightGray'}, 'info': {'icon': 'fa.info'}, 'italic': {'icon': 'fa.italic'}, 'light_bulb': {'icon': 'fa.lightbulb-o'}, 'live': {'icon': 'fa.eye'}, 'manual': {'icon': 'fa.graduation-cap'}, 'media': {'icon': 'fa.fax'}, 'minus': {'icon': 'fa.minus'}, 'music': {'icon': 'fa.music'}, 'network_stream': {'icon': 'fa.link'}, 'new': {'icon': 'fa.file'}, 'new_group': {'icon': 'fa.folder'}, 'notes': {'icon': 'fa.sticky-note'}, 'open': {'icon': 'fa.folder-open'}, 'optical': {'icon': 'fa.circle-thin'}, 'pause': {'icon': 'fa.pause'}, 'planning_center': {'icon': 'fa.cloud-download'}, 'play': {'icon': 'fa.play'}, 'player': {'icon': 'fa.tablet'}, 'plugin_list': {'icon': 'fa.puzzle-piece'}, 'plus': {'icon': 'fa.plus'}, 'presentation': {'icon': 'fa.bar-chart'}, 'preview': {'icon': 'fa.laptop'}, 'projector': {'icon': 'op.video'}, 'projector_connect': {'icon': 'fa.plug'}, # Projector connect 'projector_cooldown': {'icon': 'fa.video-camera', 'attr': 'blue'}, 'projector_disconnect': {'icon': 'fa.plug', 'attr': 'lightGray'}, # Projector disconnect 'projector_error': {'icon': 'fa.video-camera', 'attr': 'red'}, 'projector_hdmi': {'icon': 'op.hdmi'}, 'projector_power_off': {'icon': 'fa.video-camera', 'attr': 'red'}, # Toolbar power off 'projector_power_on': {'icon': 'fa.video-camera', 'attr': 'green'}, # Toolbar power on 'projector_off': {'icon': 'fa.video-camera', 'attr': 'black'}, # Projector off 'projector_on': {'icon': 'fa.video-camera', 'attr': 'green'}, # Projector on 'projector_select_connect': {'icon': 'fa.plug', 'attr': 'green'}, # Toolbar connect 'projector_select_disconnect': {'icon': 'fa.plug', 'attr': 'red'}, # Toolbar disconnect 'projector_warmup': {'icon': 'fa.video-camera', 'attr': 'yellow'}, 'picture': {'icon': 'fa.picture-o'}, 'print': {'icon': 'fa.print'}, 'remote': {'icon': 'fa.rss'}, 'repeat': {'icon': 'fa.repeat'}, 'save': {'icon': 'fa.save'}, 'search': {'icon': 'fa.search'}, 'search_ccli': {'icon': 'op.search-CCLI'}, 'search_comb': {'icon': 'fa.columns'}, 'search_lyrcs': {'icon': 'op.search-lyrcs'}, 'search_minus': {'icon': 'fa.search-minus'}, 'search_plus': {'icon': 'fa.search-plus'}, 'search_ref': {'icon': 'fa.institution'}, 'search_text': {'icon': 'op.search-text'}, 'select_all': {'icon': 'fa.check-square-o'}, 'select_none': {'icon': 'fa.square-o'}, 'settings': {'icon': 'fa.cogs'}, 'shortcuts': {'icon': 'fa.wrench'}, 'song_usage': {'icon': 'fa.line-chart'}, 'song_usage_active': {'icon': 'op.plus_sign'}, 'song_usage_inactive': {'icon': 'op.minus_sign'}, 'sort': {'icon': 'fa.sort'}, 'stop': {'icon': 'fa.stop'}, 'square': {'icon': 'fa.square'}, 'text': {'icon': 'op.file-text'}, 'time': {'icon': 'fa.history'}, 'theme': {'icon': 'fa.paint-brush'}, 'top': {'icon': 'fa.angle-double-up'}, 'undo': {'icon': 'fa.undo'}, 'upload': {'icon': 'fa.upload'}, 'user': {'icon': 'fa.user'}, 'usermo': {'icon': 'op.users'}, 'users': {'icon': 'fa.users'}, 'video': {'icon': 'fa.file-video-o'}, 'volunteer': {'icon': 'fa.group'} } self.load_icons(icon_list) self.main_icon = build_icon(':/icon/openlp-logo.svg') def load_icons(self, icon_list): """ Load the list of icons to be processed """ is_dark = (HAS_DARK_STYLE and Registry().get('settings').value('advanced/use_dark_style')) for key in icon_list: try: icon = icon_list[key]['icon'] try: attr = icon_list[key]['attr'] setattr(self, key, qta.icon(icon, color=attr)) except KeyError: if is_dark: setattr(self, key, qta.icon(icon, color='white')) else: setattr(self, key, qta.icon(icon)) except Exception: log.exception('Unexpected error for icon: {icon}'.format(icon=icon)) setattr(self, key, qta.icon('fa.exclamation-circle', color='red')) except Exception: log.exception('Unexpected error for icon: {icon}'.format(icon=icon)) setattr(self, key, qta.icon('fa.exclamation-circle', color='red')) @staticmethod def _print_icons(): """ Have ability to dump icons to see what is actually available. Can only run within an application :return: """ ico = qta._resource['iconic'] fa = ico.charmap['fa'] for ky in fa.keys(): print(ky, fa[ky])