/** * display.js is the main Javascript file that is used to drive the display. */ /** * Background type enumeration */ var BackgroundType = { Transparent: "transparent", Solid: "solid", Gradient: "gradient", Video: "video", Image: "image" }; /** * Gradient type enumeration */ var GradientType = { Horizontal: "horizontal", LeftTop: "leftTop", LeftBottom: "leftBottom", Vertical: "vertical", Circular: "circular" }; /** * Horizontal alignment enumeration */ var HorizontalAlign = { Left: 0, Right: 1, Center: 2, Justify: 3 }; /** * Vertical alignment enumeration */ var VerticalAlign = { Top: 0, Middle: 1, Bottom: 2 }; /** * Transition type enumeration */ var TransitionType = { Fade: 0, Slide: 1, Convex: 2, Concave: 3, Zoom: 4 }; /** * Transition speed enumeration */ var TransitionSpeed = { Normal: 0, Fast: 1, Slow: 2 }; /** * Transition direction enumeration */ var TransitionDirection = { Horizontal: 0, Vertical: 1 }; /** * Audio state enumeration */ var AudioState = { Playing: "playing", Paused: "paused", Stopped: "stopped" }; /** * Transition state enumeration */ var TransitionState = { EntranceTransition: "entranceTransition", NoTransition: "noTransition", ExitTransition: "exitTransition" }; /** * Animation state enumeration */ var AnimationState = { NoAnimation: "noAnimation", ScrollingText: "scrollingText", NonScrollingText: "noScrollingText" }; /** * Alert location enumeration */ var AlertLocation = { Top: 0, Middle: 1, Bottom: 2 }; /** * Alert state enumeration */ var AlertState = { Displaying: "displaying", NotDisplaying: "notDisplaying" }; /** * Alert delay enumeration */ var AlertDelay = { FiftyMilliseconds: 50, OneSecond: 1000, OnePointFiveSeconds: 1500 }; /** * Return an array of elements based on the selector query * @param {string} selector - The selector to find elements * @returns {array} An array of matching elements */ function $(selector) { return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)); } /** * Build linear gradient CSS * @private * @param {string} direction - The direction or angle of the gradient e.g. to bottom or 90deg * @param {string} startColor - The starting color * @param {string} endColor - The ending color * @returns {string} A string of the gradient CSS */ function _buildLinearGradient(direction, startColor, endColor) { return "linear-gradient(" + direction + ", " + startColor + ", " + endColor + ") fixed"; } /** * Build radial gradient CSS * @private * @param {string} width - Width of the gradient * @param {string} startColor - The starting color * @param {string} endColor - The ending color * @returns {string} A string of the gradient CSS */ function _buildRadialGradient(width, startColor, endColor) { return "radial-gradient(" + startColor + ", " + endColor + ") fixed"; } /** * Build a set of text shadows to form an outline * @private * @param {Number} size - The desired width of the outline * @param {string} color - The color of the outline * @returns {array} A list of shadows to be given to "text-shadow" */ function _buildTextOutline(size, color) { let shadows = []; // Outlines work from -(size) to +(size) let from = size * -1; // Loop through all the possible size iterations and add them to the array for (let i = from; i <= size; i++) { for (let j = from; j <= size; j++) { shadows.push(color + " " + i + "pt " + j + "pt 0pt"); } } return shadows; } /** * Build a text shadow * @private * @param {Number} offset - The offset of the shadow * @param {string} color - The color that the shadow should be * @returns {string} The text-shadow rule */ function _buildTextShadow(offset, size, color) { let shadows = []; let from = (size * -1) + offset; let to = size + offset; for (let i = from; i <= to; i++) { for (let j = from; j <= to; j++) { shadows.push(color + " " + i + "pt " + j + "pt 0pt"); } } return shadows.join(", "); } /** * Get a style value from an element (computed or manual) * @private * @param {Object} element - The element whose style we want * @param {string} style - The name of the style we want * @returns {(Number|string)} The style value (type depends on the style) */ function _getStyle(element, style) { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(style); } /** * Convert newlines to
tags * @private * @param {string} text - The text to parse * @returns {string} The text now with
tags */ function _nl2br(text) { return text.replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\n", "
"); } /** * Prepare text by creating paragraphs and calling _nl2br to convert newlines to
tags * @private * @param {string} text - The text to parse * @returns {string} The text now with

tags */ function _prepareText(text) { return "

" + _nl2br(text) + "

"; } /** * Change a camelCaseString to a camel-case-string * @private * @param {string} text * @returns {string} the Un-camel-case-ified string */ function _fromCamelCase(text) { return text.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function (match, submatch) { return '-' + submatch.toLowerCase(); }); } /** * Create a CSS style * @private * @param {string} selector - The selector for this style * @param {Object} rules - The rules to apply to the style */ function _createStyle(selector, rules) { var style; var id = selector.replace("#", "").replace(" .", "-").replace(".", "-").replace(" ", "_"); if ($("style#" + id).length != 0) { style = $("style#" + id)[0]; } else { style = document.createElement("style"); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(style); style.type = "text/css"; style.id = id; } var rulesString = selector + " { "; for (var key in rules) { var ruleValue = rules[key]; var ruleKey = _fromCamelCase(key); rulesString += "" + ruleKey + ": " + ruleValue + ";"; } rulesString += " } "; if (style.styleSheet) { style.styleSheet.cssText = rulesString; } else { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(rulesString)); } } /** * Fixes font name to match CSS names. * @param {string} fontName Font Name * @returns Fixed Font Name */ function _fixFontName(fontName) { if (!fontName || (fontName == 'Sans Serif')) { return 'sans-serif'; } return "'" + fontName + "'"; } /** * The Display object is what we use from OpenLP */ var Display = { /** @type {HTMLElement} */ _slidesContainer: null, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ _footerContainer: null, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ _backgroundsContainer: null, _alerts: [], _slides: {}, _alertSettings: {}, _alertState: AlertState.NotDisplaying, _transitionState: TransitionState.NoTransition, _animationState: AnimationState.NoAnimation, _doTransitions: false, _doItemTransitions: false, _skipNextTransition: false, _themeApplied: true, _revealConfig: { margin: 0.0, minScale: 1.0, maxScale: 1.0, controls: false, progress: false, history: false, keyboard: false, overview: false, center: false, touch: false, help: false, transition: "none", backgroundTransition: "none", viewDistance: 9999, width: "100%", height: "100%" }, _lastRequestAnimationFrameHandle: null, /** * Start up reveal and do any other initialisation * @param {object} options - The initialisation options: * * {bool} isDisplay - Is this a real display output * * {bool} doItemTransitions - Transition between service items * * {bool} hideMouse - Hide the cursor when hovering on this display */ init: function (options) { // Set defaults for undefined values options = options || {}; let isDisplay = options.isDisplay || false; let doItemTransitions = options.doItemTransitions || false; let hideMouse = options.hideMouse || false; if (options.slideNumbersInFooter) { Display._revealConfig.slideNumber = Display.setFooterSlideNumbers; } // Now continue to initialisation if (!isDisplay) { document.body.classList.add('checkerboard'); } if (hideMouse) { document.body.classList.add('hide-mouse'); } Display._slidesContainer = $(".slides")[0]; Display._footerContainer = $(".footer")[0]; Display._backgroundsContainer = $(".backgrounds")[0]; Display._doTransitions = isDisplay; Reveal.initialize(Display._revealConfig); Reveal.addEventListener('slidechanged', Display._onSlideChanged); Display.setItemTransition(doItemTransitions && isDisplay); displayWatcher.setInitialised(true); }, /** * Reinitialise Reveal */ reinit: function () { Reveal.sync(); // Python expects to be on first page after reinit Reveal.slide(0); }, /** * Enable/Disable item transitions */ setItemTransition: function (enable) { Display._doItemTransitions = enable; var body = $("body")[0]; if (enable) { body.classList.add("transition"); Reveal.configure({"backgroundTransition": "fade", "transitionSpeed": "default"}); } else { body.classList.remove("transition"); Reveal.configure({"backgroundTransition": "none"}); } }, /** * Clear the current list of slides */ clearSlides: function () { Display._slidesContainer.innerHTML = ""; Display._clearSlidesList(); }, /** * Clear the current list of slides */ _clearSlidesList: function () { Display._footerContainer.innerHTML = ""; Display._slides = {}; }, /** * Add new item/slides, replacing the old one * Clears current list of slides but allows time for a transition animation * Items are ordered newest to oldest in the slides container * @param {element} new_slides - New slides to display * @param {element} is_text - Used to decide if the theme main area constraints should apply */ replaceSlides: function (new_slides, is_text=false) { if (Display._doItemTransitions) { new_slides.setAttribute('data-transition', "fade"); new_slides.setAttribute('data-transition-speed', "default"); } new_slides.classList.add("future"); Display.applyTheme(new_slides, is_text); Display._slidesContainer.prepend(new_slides); var currentSlide = Reveal.getIndices(); if (Display._doItemTransitions && Display._slidesContainer.children.length >= 2 && !Display._skipNextTransition) { // Set the slide one section ahead so we'll stay on the old slide after reinit Reveal.slide(1, currentSlide.v); Display.reinit(); // Timeout to allow time to transition before deleting the old slides setTimeout (Display._removeLastSection, 5000); } else { Reveal.slide(0, currentSlide.v); Reveal.sync(); Display._removeLastSection(); Display._skipNextTransition = false; } }, /** * Removes the last slides item if there are more than one */ _removeLastSection: function () { if (Display._slidesContainer.children.length > 1) { Display._slidesContainer.lastChild.remove(); } }, /** * Checks if the present slide content fits within the slide */ doesContentFit: function () { var currSlide = $("section.text-slides"); if (currSlide.length === 0) { currSlide = Display._footerContainer; } else { currSlide = currSlide[0]; } return currSlide.clientHeight >= currSlide.scrollHeight; }, /** * Generate the OpenLP startup splashscreen * @param {string} bg_color - The background color * @param {string} image - Path to the splash image */ setStartupSplashScreen: function(bg_color, image) { Display._clearSlidesList(); var section = document.createElement("section"); section.setAttribute("id", 0); section.setAttribute("data-background", bg_color); section.setAttribute("style", "height: 100%; width: 100%;"); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = Display._getFileUrl(image); img.setAttribute("style", "position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; margin: auto; max-height: 100%; max-width: 100%"); section.appendChild(img); Display._slides['0'] = 0; Display.replaceSlides(section); }, /** * Set fullscreen image from path * @param {string} bg_color - The background color * @param {string} image - Path to the image */ setFullscreenImage: function(bg_color, image) { Display.clearSlides(); var section = document.createElement("section"); section.setAttribute("id", 0); section.setAttribute("data-background", bg_color); section.setAttribute("style", "height: 100%; width: 100%;"); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = image; img.setAttribute("style", "height: 100%; width: 100%"); section.appendChild(img); Display._slides['0'] = 0; Display.replaceSlides(section); }, /** * Set fullscreen image from base64 data * @param {string} bg_color - The background color * @param {string} image_data - base64 encoded image data */ setFullscreenImageFromData: function(bg_color, image_data) { Display.clearSlides(); var section = document.createElement("section"); section.setAttribute("id", 0); section.setAttribute("data-background", bg_color); section.setAttribute("style", "height: 100%; width: 100%;"); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + image_data; img.setAttribute("style", "height: 100%; width: 100%"); section.appendChild(img); Display._slidesContainer.appendChild(section); Display._slides['0'] = 0; Display.reinit(); }, /** * Display an alert. If there's an alert already showing, add this one to the queue * @param {string} text - The alert text * @param {Object} JSON object - The settings for the alert object */ alert: function (text, settings) { if (text == "") { return null; } if (Display._alertState === AlertState.Displaying) { Display.addAlertToQueue(text, settings); } else { Display.showAlert(text, settings); } }, /** * Show the alert on the screen * @param {string} text - The alert text * @param {Object} JSON object - The settings for the alert */ showAlert: function (text, settings) { var alertBackground = $('#alert-background')[0]; var alertText = $('#alert-text')[0]; // create styles for the alerts from the settings _createStyle("#alert-background.settings", { backgroundColor: settings.backgroundColor, fontFamily: _fixFontName(settings.fontFace), fontSize: settings.fontSize.toString() + "pt", color: settings.fontColor }); alertBackground.classList.add("settings"); alertBackground.classList.replace("hide", "show"); alertText.innerHTML = text; Display.setAlertLocation(settings.location); Display._transitionState = TransitionState.EntranceTransition; /* Check if the alert is a queued alert */ if (Display._alertState !== AlertState.Displaying) { Display._alertState = AlertState.Displaying; } alertBackground.addEventListener('transitionend', Display.alertTransitionEndEvent, false); alertText.addEventListener('animationend', Display.alertAnimationEndEvent, false); /* Either scroll the alert, or make it disappear at the end of its time */ if (settings.scroll) { Display._animationState = AnimationState.ScrollingText; alertText.classList.add('scrolling'); alertText.classList.replace("hide", "show"); var animationSettings = "alert-scrolling-text " + settings.timeout + "s linear 0.6s " + settings.repeat + " normal"; alertText.style.animation = animationSettings; } else { Display._animationState = AnimationState.NonScrollingText; alertText.classList.replace("hide", "show"); setTimeout (function () { Display._animationState = AnimationState.NoAnimation; Display.hideAlert(); }, settings.timeout * AlertDelay.OneSecond); } }, /** * Hide the alert at the end */ hideAlert: function () { var alertBackground = $('#alert-background')[0]; var alertText = $('#alert-text')[0]; Display._transitionState = TransitionState.ExitTransition; alertText.classList.replace("show", "hide"); alertBackground.classList.replace("show", "hide"); alertText.style.animation = ""; Display._alertState = AlertState.NotDisplaying; }, /** * Add an alert to the alert queue * @param {string} text - The alert text to be displayed * @param {Object} setttings - JSON object containing the settings for the alert */ addAlertToQueue: function (text, settings) { Display._alerts.push({text: text, settings: settings}); }, /** * The alertTransitionEndEvent called after a transition has ended */ alertTransitionEndEvent: function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (Display._transitionState === TransitionState.EntranceTransition) { Display._transitionState = TransitionState.NoTransition; } else if (Display._transitionState === TransitionState.ExitTransition) { Display._transitionState = TransitionState.NoTransition; Display.hideAlert(); Display.showNextAlert(); } }, /** * The alertAnimationEndEvent called after an animation has ended */ alertAnimationEndEvent: function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); Display.hideAlert(); }, /** * Set the location of the alert * @param {int} location - Integer number with the location of the alert on screen */ setAlertLocation: function (location) { var alertContainer = $(".alert-container")[0]; // Remove an existing location classes alertContainer.classList.remove("top"); alertContainer.classList.remove("middle"); alertContainer.classList.remove("bottom"); // Apply the location class we want switch (location) { case AlertLocation.Top: alertContainer.classList.add("top"); break; case AlertLocation.Middle: alertContainer.classList.add("middle"); break; case AlertLocation.Bottom: default: alertContainer.classList.add("bottom"); break; } }, /** * Display the next alert in the queue */ showNextAlert: function () { if (Display._alerts.length > 0) { var alertObject = Display._alerts.shift(); Display._alertState = AlertState.DisplayingFromQueue; Display.showAlert(alertObject.text, alertObject.settings); } else { // For the tests return null; } }, /** * Create a text slide. * @param {string} verse - The verse number, e.g. "v1" * @param {string} text - The HTML for the verse, e.g. "line1
line2" */ _createTextSlide: function (verse, text) { var slide; var html = _prepareText(text); slide = document.createElement("section"); slide.setAttribute("id", verse); // The "future" class is used internally by reveal, it's used here to hide newly added slides slide.classList.add("future"); slide.innerHTML = html; return slide; }, _onSlideChanged: function(event) { Display._footerContainer.querySelectorAll('.footer-item') .forEach(footerItem => footerItem.classList.remove('active')); var currentSlideNth = parseInt(event.currentSlide.getAttribute('data-slide')); var newActiveFooter = Display._footerContainer.querySelector('.footer-item[data-slide="' + currentSlideNth + '"]'); if (newActiveFooter) { newActiveFooter.classList.add('active'); } }, /** * Set text slides. * @param {Object[]} slides - A list of slides to add as JS objects: {"verse": "v1", "text": "line 1\nline2"} */ setTextSlides: function (slides) { Display._clearSlidesList(); var slide_html; var parentSection = document.createElement("section"); parentSection.classList = "text-slides"; slides.forEach(function (slide, index) { slide_html = Display._createTextSlide(slide.verse, slide.text); slide_html.setAttribute('data-slide', index); parentSection.appendChild(slide_html); Display._slides[slide.verse] = parentSection.children.length - 1; if (slide.footer) { var footerSlide = document.createElement('div'); footerSlide.classList.add('footer-item'); footerSlide.setAttribute('data-slide', index); var currentSlide = Reveal.getIndices(); if (currentSlide) { currentSlide = currentSlide.v; } else { currentSlide = 0; } if (index == currentSlide) { footerSlide.classList.add('active'); } footerSlide.innerHTML = slide.footer; Display._footerContainer.append(footerSlide); } }); Display.replaceSlides(parentSection, true); }, /** * Set a single text slide. This changes the slide with no transition. * Prevents the need to reapply the theme if only changing content. * @param String slide - Text to put on the slide */ setTextSlide: function (text) { if (Display._slides.hasOwnProperty("test-slide") && Object.keys(Display._slides).length === 1) { var slide = $("#" + "test-slide")[0]; var html = _prepareText(text); if (slide.innerHTML != html) { slide.innerHTML = html; } if (!Display._themeApplied) { Display.applyTheme(slide.parent); } } else { Display._clearSlidesList(); var slide_html; var parentSection = document.createElement("section"); parentSection.classList = "text-slides"; slide_html = Display._createTextSlide("test-slide", text); slide_html.setAttribute('data-slide', 0); parentSection.appendChild(slide_html); Display._slides["test-slide"] = 0; Display.applyTheme(parentSection); Display._slidesContainer.innerHTML = ""; Display._slidesContainer.prepend(parentSection); Display.reinit(); } }, /** * Set image slides * @param {Object[]} slides - A list of images to add as JS objects [{"path": "url/to/file"}] */ setImageSlides: function (slides) { Display._clearSlidesList(); var parentSection = document.createElement("section"); slides.forEach(function (slide, index) { var section = document.createElement("section"); section.setAttribute("id", index); section.setAttribute("style", "height: 100%; width: 100%;"); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = Display._getFileUrl(slide.path); img.setAttribute("style", "width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; object-fit: contain;"); img.setAttribute('data-slide', index); section.appendChild(img); parentSection.appendChild(section); Display._slides[index.toString()] = index; }); Display.replaceSlides(parentSection); }, /** * Set a video * @param {Object} video - The video to show as a JS object: {"path": "url/to/file"} */ setVideo: function (video) { Display._clearSlidesList(); var section = document.createElement("section"); section.setAttribute("data-background", "#000"); var videoElement = document.createElement("video"); videoElement.src = video.path; videoElement.preload = "auto"; videoElement.setAttribute("id", "video"); videoElement.setAttribute("style", "height: 100%; width: 100%;"); videoElement.setAttribute('data-slide', 0); videoElement.autoplay = false; // All the update methods below are Python functions, hence not camelCase videoElement.addEventListener("durationchange", function (event) { mediaWatcher.update_duration(event.target.duration); }); videoElement.addEventListener("timeupdate", function (event) { mediaWatcher.update_progress(event.target.currentTime); }); videoElement.addEventListener("volumeupdate", function (event) { mediaWatcher.update_volume(event.target.volume); }); videoElement.addEventListener("ratechange", function (event) { mediaWatcher.update_playback_rate(event.target.playbackRate); }); videoElement.addEventListener("ended", function (event) { mediaWatcher.has_ended(event.target.ended); }); videoElement.addEventListener("muted", function (event) { mediaWatcher.has_muted(event.target.muted); }); section.appendChild(videoElement); Display.replaceSlides(section); }, /** * Play a video */ playVideo: function () { var videoElem = $("#video"); if (videoElem.length == 1) { videoElem[0].play(); } }, /** * Pause a video */ pauseVideo: function () { var videoElem = $("#video"); if (videoElem.length == 1) { videoElem[0].pause(); } }, /** * Stop a video */ stopVideo: function () { var videoElem = $("#video"); if (videoElem.length == 1) { videoElem[0].pause(); videoElem[0].currentTime = 0.0; } }, /** * Go to a particular time in a video * @param seconds The position in seconds to seek to */ seekVideo: function (seconds) { var videoElem = $("#video"); if (videoElem.length == 1) { videoElem[0].currentTime = seconds; } }, /** * Set the playback rate of a video * @param rate A Double of the rate. 1.0 => 100% speed, 0.75 => 75% speed, 1.25 => 125% speed, etc. */ setPlaybackRate: function (rate) { var videoElem = $("#video"); if (videoElem.length == 1) { videoElem[0].playbackRate = rate; } }, /** * Set the volume * @param level The volume level from 0 to 100. */ setVideoVolume: function (level) { var videoElem = $("#video"); if (videoElem.length == 1) { videoElem[0].volume = level / 100.0; } }, /** * Mute the volume */ toggleVideoMute: function () { var videoElem = $("#video"); if (videoElem.length == 1) { videoElem[0].muted = !videoElem[0].muted; } }, /** * Clear the background audio playlist */ clearPlaylist: function () { var backgroundAudoElem = $("#background-audio"); if (backgroundAudoElem.length == 1) { var audio = backgroundAudoElem[0]; /* audio.playList */ } }, /** * Add background audio * @param files The list of files as objects in an array */ addBackgroundAudio: function (files) { }, /** * Go to a slide. * @param slide The slide number or name, e.g. "v1", 0 */ goToSlide: function (slide) { if (Display._slides.hasOwnProperty(slide)) { Reveal.slide(0, Display._slides[slide]); } else { Reveal.slide(0, slide); } }, /** * Go to the next slide in the list */ next: Reveal.nextFragment, /** * Go to the previous slide in the list */ prev: Reveal.prevFragment, /** * Blank the screen */ toBlack: function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /* Avoid race conditions where display goes to transparent and quickly goes to black */ Display._abortLastTransitionOperation(); /* Reveal's black overlay should be shown before the transitions are restored, to avoid screen flashes */ Display._restorePauseBehavior(); Display._requestAnimationFrameExclusive(function() { if (!Reveal.isPaused()) { Reveal.togglePause(); } Display._reenableGlobalTransitions(function() { var documentBody = $("body")[0]; documentBody.style.opacity = 1; resolve(); }); }); }); }, /** * Hide all but theme background */ toTheme: function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Display._abortLastTransitionOperation(); /* Reveal's black overlay should be shown before the transitions are restored, to avoid screen flashes */ Display._restorePauseBehavior(); var documentBody = $("body")[0]; documentBody.style.opacity = 1; Display._slidesContainer.style.opacity = 0; Display._footerContainer.style.opacity = 0; if (Reveal.isPaused()) { Reveal.togglePause(); } Display._reenableGlobalTransitions(function() { resolve(); }); }); }, /** * Hide everything (CAUTION: Causes a invisible mouse barrier) */ toTransparent: function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Display._abortLastTransitionOperation(); var documentBody = $("body")[0]; documentBody.style.opacity = 0; if (!Reveal.isPaused()) { /* Removing previously the overlay if it's not paused, to avoid a content flash while going from black screen to transparent */ document.body.classList.add('is-desktop'); Reveal.togglePause(); } /* Waiting for body transition to happen, now it would be safe to hide the Webview (as other transitions were suppressed) */ Display._abortLastTransitionOperation(); Display._addTransitionEndEventToBody(transitionEndEvent); function transitionEndEvent(e) { // Targeting only body if (e.target != documentBody) { return; } /* Disabling all transitions (except body) to allow the Webview to attain the transparent state before it gets hidden by Qt. */ document.body.classList.add('disable-transitions'); document.body.classList.add('is-desktop'); Display._slidesContainer.style.opacity = 0; Display._footerContainer.style.opacity = 0; /* Repainting before hiding the Webview to avoid flashes when showing it again. */ displayWatcher.pleaseRepaint(); /* Waiting for repaint to happen before saying that it's done. */ Display._requestAnimationFrameExclusive(function() { /* We're transparent now, aborting any transition event between */ Display._abortLastTransitionOperation(); resolve(); }); } }); }, /** * Show the screen */ show: function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var documentBody = $("body")[0]; /* Removing transitionend event, avoids the content being hidden if the user tries to show content again before toTransparent() transitionend event happens */ Display._abortLastTransitionOperation(); Display._slidesContainer.style.opacity = 1; Display._footerContainer.style.opacity = 1; if (Reveal.isPaused()) { Reveal.togglePause(); } Display._restorePauseBehavior(); Display._reenableGlobalTransitions(function() { documentBody.style.opacity = 1; resolve(); }); }); }, _reenableGlobalTransitions: function(afterCallback) { Display._requestAnimationFrameExclusive(function() { /* Waiting for the previous opacity + unpause operations to complete to restore the transitions behavior */ document.body.classList.remove('disable-transitions'); if (typeof afterCallback === 'function') { afterCallback(); } }); }, /** * Shows again the Reveal's black pause overlay that was * hidden before Webview was hidden */ _restorePauseBehavior: function() { document.body.classList.remove('is-desktop'); }, /** * Cancels previous requested animationFrame. * Last animationFrame should be aborted to avoid race condition bugs when * the user changes the view modes too quickly, for example. */ _requestAnimationFrameExclusive: function(callback) { cancelAnimationFrame(Display._lastRequestAnimationFrameHandle); Display._lastRequestAnimationFrameHandle = requestAnimationFrame(callback); }, /** * Aborts last body's transitionend and requestAnimationFrame's events, to avoid * race condition bugs. */ _abortLastTransitionOperation: function() { Display._removeTransitionEndEventToBody(); cancelAnimationFrame(Display._lastRequestAnimationFrameHandle); }, /** * Intercepts the addEventListener call and stores it, so that it acts * like the ontransitionend GlobalEventHandler. */ _addTransitionEndEventToBody: function(listener) { Display._lastTransitionEndBodyEvent = listener; document.body.addEventListener('transitionend', listener); }, _removeTransitionEndEventToBody: function() { document.body.removeEventListener('transitionend', Display._lastTransitionEndBodyEvent); }, /** * Figure out how many lines can fit on a slide given the font size * @param fontSize The font size in pts */ calculateLineCount: function (fontSize) { var p = $(".slides > section > section > p"); if (p.length == 0) { Display.addSlide("v1", "Arky arky"); p = $(".slides > section > section > p"); } p = p[0]; p.style.fontSize = "" + fontSize + "pt"; var d = $(".slides > section")[0]; var lh = parseFloat(_getStyle(p, "line-height")); var dh = parseFloat(_getStyle(d, "height")); return Math.floor(dh / lh); }, /** * Prepare the theme for the next item to be added * @param theme The theme to be used */ setTheme: function (theme) { if (Display._theme != theme) { Display._themeApplied = false; Display._theme = theme; } }, /** * Set background image, replaced when theme is updated/applied * @param image_path Image path */ setBackgroundImage: function (image_path) { var targetElement = $(".slides > section")[0]; targetElement.setAttribute("data-background", "url('" + image_path + "')"); targetElement.setAttribute("data-background-size", "cover"); Reveal.sync(); }, /** * Reset/reapply the theme */ resetTheme: function () { var targetElement = $(".slides > section")[0]; if (!targetElement) { console.warn("Couldn't reset theme: No slides exist"); return; } Display.applyTheme(targetElement, targetElement.classList.contains("text-slides")); Reveal.sync(); }, /** * Apply the theme to the provided element * @param targetElement The target element to apply the theme (expected to be a
in the slides container) * @param is_text Used to decide if the main area constraints should be applied */ applyTheme: function (targetElement, is_text=true) { Display._themeApplied = true; if (!Display._theme) { return; } // Set slide transitions var new_transition_type = "none", new_transition_speed = "default"; if (!!Display._theme.display_slide_transition && Display._doTransitions) { switch (Display._theme.display_slide_transition_type) { case TransitionType.Fade: new_transition_type = "fade"; break; case TransitionType.Slide: new_transition_type = "slide"; break; case TransitionType.Convex: new_transition_type = "convex"; break; case TransitionType.Concave: new_transition_type = "concave"; break; case TransitionType.Zoom: new_transition_type = "zoom"; break; default: new_transition_type = "fade"; } switch (Display._theme.display_slide_transition_speed) { case TransitionSpeed.Normal: new_transition_speed = "default"; break; case TransitionSpeed.Fast: new_transition_speed = "fast"; break; case TransitionSpeed.Slow: new_transition_speed = "slow"; break; default: new_transition_speed = "default"; } switch (Display._theme.display_slide_transition_direction) { case TransitionDirection.Vertical: new_transition_type += "-vertical"; break; case TransitionDirection.Horizontal: default: new_transition_type += "-horizontal"; } if (Display._theme.display_slide_transition_reverse) { new_transition_type += "-reverse"; } } var slides = targetElement.children; for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { slides[i].setAttribute("data-transition", new_transition_type); slides[i].setAttribute("data-transition-speed", new_transition_speed); } // Set the background var backgroundContent = ""; var backgroundHtml = ""; switch (Display._theme.background_type) { case BackgroundType.Transparent: backgroundContent = "transparent"; break; case BackgroundType.Solid: backgroundContent = Display._theme.background_color; break; case BackgroundType.Gradient: switch (Display._theme.background_direction) { case GradientType.Horizontal: backgroundContent = _buildLinearGradient("to right", Display._theme.background_start_color, Display._theme.background_end_color); break; case GradientType.Vertical: backgroundContent = _buildLinearGradient("to bottom", Display._theme.background_start_color, Display._theme.background_end_color); break; case GradientType.LeftTop: backgroundContent = _buildLinearGradient("to right bottom", Display._theme.background_start_color, Display._theme.background_end_color); break; case GradientType.LeftBottom: backgroundContent = _buildLinearGradient("to top right", Display._theme.background_start_color, Display._theme.background_end_color); break; case GradientType.Circular: backgroundContent = _buildRadialGradient(window.innerWidth / 2, Display._theme.background_start_color, Display._theme.background_end_color); break; default: backgroundContent = "#000"; } break; case BackgroundType.Image: backgroundContent = "url('" + Display._getFileUrl(Display._theme.background_filename) + "')"; break; case BackgroundType.Video: // never actually used since background type is overridden from video to transparent in window.py backgroundContent = Display._theme.background_border_color; backgroundHtml = ""; break; default: backgroundContent = "#000"; } targetElement.style.cssText = ""; targetElement.setAttribute("data-background", backgroundContent); targetElement.setAttribute("data-background-size", "cover"); // set up the main area if (!is_text) { // only transition and background for non text slides return; } mainStyle = {}; // These need to be fixed, in the Python they use a width passed in as a parameter mainStyle.width = Display._theme.font_main_width + "px"; mainStyle.height = Display._theme.font_main_height + "px"; mainStyle["margin-top"] = "" + Display._theme.font_main_y + "px"; mainStyle.left = "" + Display._theme.font_main_x + "px"; mainStyle.color = Display._theme.font_main_color; mainStyle["font-family"] = Display._theme.font_main_name; mainStyle["font-size"] = "" + Display._theme.font_main_size + "pt"; mainStyle["font-style"] = !!Display._theme.font_main_italics ? "italic" : ""; mainStyle["font-weight"] = !!Display._theme.font_main_bold ? "bold" : ""; mainStyle["line-height"] = "" + (100 + Display._theme.font_main_line_adjustment) + "%"; mainStyle["letter-spacing"] = "" + (Display._theme.font_main_letter_adjustment) + 'px'; // Using text-align-last because there is a
seperating each line switch (Display._theme.display_horizontal_align) { case HorizontalAlign.Justify: mainStyle["text-align"] = "justify"; mainStyle["text-align-last"] = "justify"; break; case HorizontalAlign.Center: mainStyle["text-align"] = "center"; mainStyle["text-align-last"] = "center"; break; case HorizontalAlign.Left: mainStyle["text-align"] = "left"; mainStyle["text-align-last"] = "left"; break; case HorizontalAlign.Right: mainStyle["text-align"] = "right"; mainStyle["text-align-last"] = "right"; break; default: mainStyle["text-align"] = "center"; mainStyle["text-align-last"] = "center"; } switch (Display._theme.display_vertical_align) { case VerticalAlign.Middle: mainStyle["justify-content"] = "center"; break; case VerticalAlign.Top: mainStyle["justify-content"] = "flex-start"; break; case VerticalAlign.Bottom: mainStyle["justify-content"] = "flex-end"; // This gets around the webkit scroll height bug mainStyle["padding-bottom"] = "" + (Display._theme.font_main_size / 8) + "px"; break; default: mainStyle["justify-content"] = "center"; } /** * This section draws the font outline. Previously we used the proprietary -webkit-text-stroke property * but it draws the outline INSIDE the text, instead of OUTSIDE, so we had to go back to the old way * of using multiple text-shadow rules to fake an outline. */ if (!!Display._theme.font_main_outline && Display._theme.hasOwnProperty('font_main_shadow_size') && !!Display._theme.font_main_shadow) { let outlineShadows = _buildTextOutline(Display._theme.font_main_outline_size, Display._theme.font_main_outline_color); let textShadow = _buildTextShadow(Display._theme.font_main_shadow_size, Display._theme.font_main_outline_size, Display._theme.font_main_shadow_color); mainStyle["text-shadow"] = outlineShadows.join(", ") + ", " + textShadow; } else if (!!Display._theme.font_main_outline) { let outlineShadows = _buildTextOutline(Display._theme.font_main_outline_size, Display._theme.font_main_outline_color); mainStyle["text-shadow"] = outlineShadows.join(", "); } else if (Display._theme.hasOwnProperty('font_main_shadow_size') && !!Display._theme.font_main_shadow) { mainStyle["text-shadow"] = _buildTextShadow(Display._theme.font_main_shadow_size, 0, Display._theme.font_main_shadow_color); } targetElement.style.cssText = ""; for (var mainKey in mainStyle) { if (mainStyle.hasOwnProperty(mainKey)) { targetElement.style.setProperty(mainKey, mainStyle[mainKey]); } } // Set up the footer footerStyle = { "text-align": "left" }; footerStyle.position = "absolute"; footerStyle.left = "" + Display._theme.font_footer_x + "px"; footerStyle.top = "" + Display._theme.font_footer_y + "px"; footerStyle.width = "" + Display._theme.font_footer_width + "px"; footerStyle.height = "" + Display._theme.font_footer_height + "px"; footerStyle.color = Display._theme.font_footer_color; footerStyle["font-family"] = Display._theme.font_footer_name; footerStyle["font-size"] = "" + Display._theme.font_footer_size + "pt"; footerStyle["font-style"] = !!Display._theme.font_footer_italics ? "italic" : ""; footerStyle["font-weight"] = !!Display._theme.font_footer_bold ? "bold" : ""; footerStyle["line-height"] = "" + (100 + Display._theme.font_footer_line_adjustment) + "%"; footerStyle["letter-spacing"] = "" + (Display._theme.font_footer_letter_adjustment) + 'px'; footerStyle["white-space"] = Display._theme.font_footer_wrap ? "normal" : "nowrap"; for (var footerKey in footerStyle) { if (footerStyle.hasOwnProperty(footerKey)) { Display._footerContainer.style.setProperty(footerKey, footerStyle[footerKey]); } } }, /** * Called whenever openlp wants to finish completely with the current text/image slides * because a different window (eg presentation or vlc) is going to be displaying the next item * and we don't want any flashbacks to the current slide contents */ finishWithCurrentItem: function () { Display.setTextSlide(''); var documentBody = $("body")[0]; documentBody.style.opacity = 1; Display._skipNextTransition = true; displayWatcher.pleaseRepaint(); }, /** * Return the video types supported by the video tag */ getVideoTypes: function () { var videoElement = document.createElement('video'); var videoTypes = []; if (videoElement.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="mp4v.20.8"') == "probably" || videoElement.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E"') == "pobably" || videoElement.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"') == "probably") { videoTypes.push(['video/mp4', '*.mp4']); } if (videoElement.canPlayType('video/ogg; codecs="theora"') == "probably") { videoTypes.push(['video/ogg', '*.ogv']); } if (videoElement.canPlayType('video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"') == "probably") { videoTypes.push(['video/webm', '*.webm']); } return videoTypes; }, /** * Sets the scale of the page - used to make preview widgets scale */ setScale: function(scale) { document.body.style.zoom = scale+"%"; }, /** * In order to check if a font exists, we need a container to do * calculations on. This method creates that container and caches * some width values so that we don't have to do this step every * time we check if a font exists. */ _prepareFontContainer: function() { Display._fontContainer = document.createElement("span"); Display._fontContainer.id = "does-font-exist"; Display._fontContainer.innerHTML = Array(100).join("wi"); Display._fontContainer.style.cssText = [ "position: absolute", "width: auto", "font-size: 128px", "left: -999999px" ].join(" !important;"); document.body.appendChild(Display._fontContainer); }, /** * Prepare the slide number (slide x/y) for insertion into the Reveal footer * This is a callback function which Reveal calls to get the values * Fixes https://gitlab.com/openlp/openlp/-/issues/942 */ setFooterSlideNumbers: function (slide) { let value = ['', '', '']; // Reveal does call this function passing undefined if (typeof slide === 'undefined') { return value; } value[0] = Reveal.getSlidePastCount(slide) + 1; value[1] = '/'; value[2] = Object.keys(Display._slides).length; return value; }, /** * Translates file:// protocol URLs to openlp-library://local-file/ scheme */ _getFileUrl: function(url) { if (url && (url.indexOf('file://') === 0)) { return url.replace('file://', 'openlp-library://local-file/'); } return url; }, }; Display._handleNativeCall = (action, ...values) => { if (Display[action]) { return Display[action](...values); } }; initCommunicationBridge(); communicationBridge.setDisplayTarget(Display);