# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2023 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ The :mod:`~openlp.plugins.songs.lib.songselect` module contains the SongSelect importer itself. """ import logging import re from html import unescape from urllib.request import URLError from PyQt5 import QtCore from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString from openlp.plugins.songs.lib import VerseType, clean_song from openlp.plugins.songs.lib.db import Song, Author, Topic from openlp.plugins.songs.lib.openlyricsxml import SongXML from openlp.core.common.utils import wait_for BASE_URL = 'https://songselect.ccli.com' LOGIN_PAGE = 'https://profile.ccli.com/account/signin?appContext=SongSelect&returnUrl='\ 'https%3a%2f%2fsongselect.ccli.com%2f' LOGIN_URL = 'https://profile.ccli.com' LOGOUT_URL = BASE_URL + '/account/logout' SEARCH_URL = BASE_URL + '/search/results' SONG_PAGE = BASE_URL + '/Songs/' log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Pages(object): """ Songselect web page types. """ Login = 0 Home = 1 Search = 2 Song = 3 Other = 4 class SongSelectImport(object): """ The :class:`~openlp.plugins.songs.lib.songselect.SongSelectImport` class contains all the code which interfaces with CCLI's SongSelect service and downloads the songs. """ def __init__(self, db_manager, webview): """ Set up the song select importer :param db_manager: The song database manager """ self.db_manager = db_manager self.webview = webview def get_page_type(self): """ Get the type of page the user is currently ono :return: The page the user is on """ current_url_host = self.webview.page().url().host() current_url_path = self.webview.page().url().path() if (current_url_host == QtCore.QUrl(LOGIN_URL).host() and current_url_path == QtCore.QUrl(LOGIN_PAGE).path()): return Pages.Login elif (current_url_host == QtCore.QUrl(BASE_URL).host()): if (current_url_path == '/' or current_url_path == ''): return Pages.Home elif (current_url_path == QtCore.QUrl(SEARCH_URL).path()): return Pages.Search elif (self.get_song_number_from_url(current_url_path) is not None): return Pages.Song return Pages.Other def _run_javascript(self, script): """ Run a script and returns the result :param script: The javascript to be run :return: The evaluated result """ self.web_stuff = "" self.got_web_stuff = False def handle_result(result): """ Handle the result from the asynchronous call """ self.got_web_stuff = True self.web_stuff = result self.webview.page().runJavaScript(script, handle_result) wait_for(lambda: self.got_web_stuff) return self.web_stuff def reset_webview(self): """ Sets the webview back to the login page using the Qt setUrl method """ url = QtCore.QUrl(LOGIN_PAGE) self.webview.setUrl(url) def set_home_page(self): """ Sets the webview to the search page """ self.set_page(BASE_URL) def set_page(self, url): """ Sets the active page in the webview :param url: The new page location """ script = 'document.location = "{}"'.format(url) self._run_javascript(script) def set_login_fields(self, username, password): script_set_login_fields = ('document.getElementById("EmailAddress").value = "{email}";' 'document.getElementById("Password").value = "{password}";' ).format(email=username, password=password) self._run_javascript(script_set_login_fields) def get_page(self, url): """ Gets the html for the url through the active webview :return: String containing a html document """ script_get_page = ('var openlp_page_data = null;' 'fetch("{}").then(data => {{return data.text()}})' ' .then(data => {{openlp_page_data = data}})').format(url) self._run_javascript(script_get_page) wait_for(lambda: self._run_javascript('openlp_page_data != null')) return self._run_javascript('openlp_page_data') def get_song_number_from_url(self, url): """ Gets the ccli song number for a song from the url :return: String containg ccli song number, None is returned if not found """ ccli_number_regex = re.compile(r'.*?Songs\/([0-9]+).*', re.IGNORECASE) regex_matches = ccli_number_regex.match(url) if regex_matches: return regex_matches.group(1) return None def get_song(self, callback=None): """ Get the full song from SongSelect :param song: The song page url :param callback: A callback which can be used to indicate progress :return: Dictionary containing the song info """ song = {} # Get current song current_url = self.webview.url().path() ccli_number = self.get_song_number_from_url(current_url) if callback: callback() try: song_page = BeautifulSoup(self.get_page(SONG_PAGE + ccli_number), 'lxml') except (TypeError, URLError) as error: log.exception('Could not get song from SongSelect, {error}'.format(error=error)) return None try: lyrics_link = song_page.find('section', 'page-section').find('a')['href'] except KeyError: # can't find a link to the song - most likely the user account has no access to it return None if callback: callback() try: lyrics_page = BeautifulSoup(self.get_page(BASE_URL + lyrics_link), 'lxml') except (TypeError, URLError): log.exception('Could not get lyrics from SongSelect') return None if callback: callback() theme_elements = [] # Themes regex only works if the ccli site is in english. themes_regex = re.compile(r'\bThemes\b') for ul in song_page.find_all('ul', 'song-meta-list'): if ul.find('li', string=themes_regex): theme_elements.extend(ul.find_all('li')[1:]) copyright_elements = lyrics_page.find('ul', 'copyright').find_all('li') author_elements = song_page.find('div', 'content-title').find('ul', 'authors').find_all('li') song['title'] = unescape(song_page.find('div', 'content-title').find('h1').string.strip()) song['authors'] = [unescape(li.find('a').string).strip() for li in author_elements] song['copyright'] = '/'.join([unescape(li.string).strip() for li in copyright_elements]) song['topics'] = [unescape(li.string).strip() for li in theme_elements] song['ccli_number'] = song_page.find('div', 'song-content-data').find('ul').find('li')\ .find('strong').string.strip() song['verses'] = [] verses = lyrics_page.find('div', 'song-viewer lyrics').find_all('p') verse_labels = lyrics_page.find('div', 'song-viewer lyrics').find_all('h3') for verse, label in zip(verses, verse_labels): song_verse = {'label': unescape(label.string).strip(), 'lyrics': ''} for v in verse.contents: if isinstance(v, NavigableString): song_verse['lyrics'] += unescape(v.string).strip() else: song_verse['lyrics'] += '\n' song_verse['lyrics'] = song_verse['lyrics'].strip(' \n\r\t') song['verses'].append(song_verse) for counter, author in enumerate(song['authors']): song['authors'][counter] = unescape(author) return song def save_song(self, song): """ Save a song to the database, using the db_manager :param song: Dictionary of the song to save :return: """ db_song = Song(title=song['title'], copyright=song['copyright'], ccli_number=song['ccli_number']) song_xml = SongXML() verse_order = [] for verse in song['verses']: if ' ' in verse['label']: verse_type, verse_number = verse['label'].split(' ', 1) else: verse_type = verse['label'] verse_number = 1 verse_type = VerseType.from_loose_input(verse_type) try: verse_number = int(verse_number) except ValueError: # Some custom verse types contain multiple words, and this messes with the verse number, # so just default to 1 on ValueError. See https://gitlab.com/openlp/openlp/-/issues/937 verse_number = 1 song_xml.add_verse_to_lyrics(VerseType.tags[verse_type], verse_number, verse['lyrics']) verse_order.append('{tag}{number}'.format(tag=VerseType.tags[verse_type], number=verse_number)) db_song.verse_order = ' '.join(verse_order) db_song.lyrics = song_xml.extract_xml() clean_song(self.db_manager, db_song) self.db_manager.save_object(db_song) db_song.authors_songs = [] for author_name in song['authors']: author = self.db_manager.get_object_filtered(Author, Author.display_name == author_name) if not author: name_parts = author_name.rsplit(' ', 1) first_name = name_parts[0] if len(name_parts) == 1: last_name = '' else: last_name = name_parts[1] author = Author(first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, display_name=author_name) db_song.add_author(author) for topic_name in song.get('topics', []): topic = self.db_manager.get_object_filtered(Topic, Topic.name == topic_name) if not topic: topic = Topic(name=topic_name) db_song.topics.append(topic) self.db_manager.save_object(db_song) return db_song