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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2023 OpenLP Developers #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
Package to test the openlp.core.lib.theme package.
import pytest
from PyQt5 import QtCore
from pathlib import Path
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
from openlp.core.lib.theme import BackgroundType, BackgroundGradientType, TransitionType, TransitionSpeed, Theme
def mock_geometry():
mocked_screen = MagicMock()
mocked_screen.display_geometry = QtCore.QRect(10, 20, 400, 600)
mocked_screenlist = MagicMock()
mocked_screenlist.current = mocked_screen
screenlist_patcher = patch('openlp.core.lib.theme.ScreenList', return_value=mocked_screenlist)
def test_background_type_to_string():
Test the to_string method of :class:`BackgroundType`
# GIVEN: The BackgroundType members
background_type_solid = BackgroundType.Solid
background_type_gradient = BackgroundType.Gradient
background_type_image = BackgroundType.Image
background_type_transparent = BackgroundType.Transparent
background_type_video = BackgroundType.Video
background_type_stream = BackgroundType.Stream
# WHEN: Calling BackgroundType.to_string
# THEN: The string equivalents should be returned
assert BackgroundType.to_string(background_type_solid) == 'solid'
assert BackgroundType.to_string(background_type_gradient) == 'gradient'
assert BackgroundType.to_string(background_type_image) == 'image'
assert BackgroundType.to_string(background_type_transparent) == 'transparent'
assert BackgroundType.to_string(background_type_video) == 'video'
assert BackgroundType.to_string(background_type_stream) == 'stream'
def test_background_type_from_string():
Test the from_string method of :class:`BackgroundType`
# GIVEN: The BackgroundType strings
background_type_solid = 'solid'
background_type_gradient = 'gradient'
background_type_image = 'image'
background_type_transparent = 'transparent'
background_type_video = 'video'
background_type_stream = 'stream'
# WHEN: Calling BackgroundType.from_string
# THEN: The enum equivalents should be returned
assert BackgroundType.from_string(background_type_solid) == BackgroundType.Solid
assert BackgroundType.from_string(background_type_gradient) == BackgroundType.Gradient
assert BackgroundType.from_string(background_type_image) == BackgroundType.Image
assert BackgroundType.from_string(background_type_transparent) == BackgroundType.Transparent
assert BackgroundType.from_string(background_type_video) == BackgroundType.Video
assert BackgroundType.from_string(background_type_stream) == BackgroundType.Stream
def test_background_gradient_type_to_string():
Test the to_string method of :class:`BackgroundGradientType`
# GIVEN: The BackgroundGradientType member
background_gradient_horizontal = BackgroundGradientType.Horizontal
background_gradient_vertical = BackgroundGradientType.Vertical
background_gradient_circular = BackgroundGradientType.Circular
background_gradient_left_top = BackgroundGradientType.LeftTop
background_gradient_left_bottom = BackgroundGradientType.LeftBottom
# WHEN: Calling BackgroundGradientType.to_string
# THEN: The string equivalents should be returned
assert BackgroundGradientType.to_string(background_gradient_horizontal) == 'horizontal'
assert BackgroundGradientType.to_string(background_gradient_vertical) == 'vertical'
assert BackgroundGradientType.to_string(background_gradient_circular) == 'circular'
assert BackgroundGradientType.to_string(background_gradient_left_top) == 'leftTop'
assert BackgroundGradientType.to_string(background_gradient_left_bottom) == 'leftBottom'
def test_background_gradient_type_from_string():
Test the from_string method of :class:`BackgroundGradientType`
# GIVEN: The BackgroundGradientType strings
background_gradient_horizontal = 'horizontal'
background_gradient_vertical = 'vertical'
background_gradient_circular = 'circular'
background_gradient_left_top = 'leftTop'
background_gradient_left_bottom = 'leftBottom'
# WHEN: Calling BackgroundGradientType.from_string
# THEN: The enum equivalents should be returned
assert BackgroundGradientType.from_string(background_gradient_horizontal) == BackgroundGradientType.Horizontal
assert BackgroundGradientType.from_string(background_gradient_vertical) == BackgroundGradientType.Vertical
assert BackgroundGradientType.from_string(background_gradient_circular) == BackgroundGradientType.Circular
assert BackgroundGradientType.from_string(background_gradient_left_top) == BackgroundGradientType.LeftTop
assert BackgroundGradientType.from_string(background_gradient_left_bottom) == BackgroundGradientType.LeftBottom
def test_transition_type_to_string():
Test the to_string method of :class:`TransitionType`
# GIVEN: The TransitionType member
transition_type_fade = TransitionType.Fade
transition_type_slide = TransitionType.Slide
transition_type_convex = TransitionType.Convex
transition_type_concave = TransitionType.Concave
transition_type_zoom = TransitionType.Zoom
# WHEN: Calling TransitionType.to_string
# THEN: The string equivalents should be returned
assert TransitionType.to_string(transition_type_fade) == 'fade'
assert TransitionType.to_string(transition_type_slide) == 'slide'
assert TransitionType.to_string(transition_type_convex) == 'convex'
assert TransitionType.to_string(transition_type_concave) == 'concave'
assert TransitionType.to_string(transition_type_zoom) == 'zoom'
def test_transition_type_from_string():
Test the from_string method of :class:`TransitionType`
# GIVEN: The TransitionType strings
transition_type_fade = 'fade'
transition_type_slide = 'slide'
transition_type_convex = 'convex'
transition_type_concave = 'concave'
transition_type_zoom = 'zoom'
# WHEN: Calling TransitionType.from_string
# THEN: The enum equivalents should be returned
assert TransitionType.from_string(transition_type_fade) == TransitionType.Fade
assert TransitionType.from_string(transition_type_slide) == TransitionType.Slide
assert TransitionType.from_string(transition_type_convex) == TransitionType.Convex
assert TransitionType.from_string(transition_type_concave) == TransitionType.Concave
assert TransitionType.from_string(transition_type_zoom) == TransitionType.Zoom
def test_transition_speed_to_string():
Test the to_string method of :class:`TransitionSpeed`
# GIVEN: The TransitionSpeed member
transition_speed_normal = TransitionSpeed.Normal
transition_speed_fast = TransitionSpeed.Fast
transition_speed_slow = TransitionSpeed.Slow
# WHEN: Calling TransitionSpeed.to_string
# THEN: The string equivalents should be returned
assert TransitionSpeed.to_string(transition_speed_normal) == 'normal'
assert TransitionSpeed.to_string(transition_speed_fast) == 'fast'
assert TransitionSpeed.to_string(transition_speed_slow) == 'slow'
def test_transition_speed_from_string():
Test the from_string method of :class:`TransitionSpeed`
# GIVEN: The TransitionSpeed strings
transition_speed_normal = 'normal'
transition_speed_fast = 'fast'
transition_speed_slow = 'slow'
# WHEN: Calling TransitionSpeed.from_string
# THEN: The enum equivalents should be returned
assert TransitionSpeed.from_string(transition_speed_normal) == TransitionSpeed.Normal
assert TransitionSpeed.from_string(transition_speed_fast) == TransitionSpeed.Fast
assert TransitionSpeed.from_string(transition_speed_slow) == TransitionSpeed.Slow
def test_new_theme(mock_geometry):
Test the Theme constructor
# GIVEN: The Theme class
# WHEN: A theme object is created
default_theme = Theme()
# THEN: The default values should be correct
def test_expand_json(mock_geometry):
Test the expand_json method
# GIVEN: A Theme object and some JSON to "expand"
theme = Theme()
theme_json = {
'background': {
'border_color': '#000000',
'type': 'solid'
'display': {
'vertical_align': 0
'font': {
'footer': {
'bold': False
'main': {
'name': 'Arial'
# WHEN: Theme.expand_json() is run
# THEN: The attributes should be set on the object
def test_extend_image_filename(mock_geometry):
Test the extend_image_filename method
# GIVEN: A theme object
theme = Theme()
theme.theme_name = 'MyBeautifulTheme'
theme.background_filename = Path('video.mp4')
theme.background_type = 'video'
path = Path.home()
# WHEN: Theme.extend_image_filename is run
# THEN: The filename of the background should be correct
expected_filename = path / 'MyBeautifulTheme' / 'video.mp4'
assert expected_filename == theme.background_filename
assert 'MyBeautifulTheme' == theme.theme_name
def test_save_retrieve(mock_geometry):
Load a dummy theme, save it and reload it
# GIVEN: The default Theme class
# WHEN: A theme object is created
default_theme = Theme()
# THEN: The default values should be correct
save_theme_json = default_theme.export_theme()
lt = Theme()
def test_set_default_header_footer_overridden(mock_geometry):
Check that when the theme header and footer locations are overridden, the defaults are not set
# GIVEN: A theme with the overrides on
theme = Theme()
theme.set_default_header = MagicMock()
theme.set_default_footer = MagicMock()
theme.font_main_override = True
theme.font_footer_override = True
# WHEN: set_default_header_footer is called
# THEN: Neither header or footer default fns should have been called
assert theme.set_default_header.call_count == 0
assert theme.set_default_footer.call_count == 0
def test_set_default_footer(mock_geometry):
Test the set_default_footer function sets the footer back to default
(reletive to the screen)
# GIVEN: A screen geometry object and a Theme footer with a strange area
theme = Theme()
theme.font_main_x = 20
theme.font_footer_x = 207
theme.font_footer_y = 25
theme.font_footer_width = 4253
theme.font_footer_height = 5423
# WHEN: set_default_footer is called
# THEN: footer should be set, header should not have changed
assert theme.font_main_x == 20, 'header should not have been changed'
assert theme.font_footer_x == 10, 'x pos should be reset to default of 10'
assert theme.font_footer_y == 540, 'y pos should be reset to (screen_size_height * 9 / 10)'
assert theme.font_footer_width == 380, 'width should have been reset to (screen_size_width - 20)'
assert theme.font_footer_height == 60, 'height should have been reset to (screen_size_height / 10)'
def test_set_default_header(mock_geometry):
Test the set_default_header function sets the header back to default
(reletive to the screen)
# GIVEN: A screen geometry object and a Theme header with a strange area
theme = Theme()
theme.font_footer_x = 200
theme.font_main_x = 687
theme.font_main_y = 546
theme.font_main_width = 345
theme.font_main_height = 653
# WHEN: set_default_header is called
# THEN: footer should be set, header should not have changed
assert theme.font_footer_x == 200, 'footer should not have been changed'
assert theme.font_main_x == 10, 'x pos should be reset to default of 10'
assert theme.font_main_y == 0, 'y pos should be reset to 0'
assert theme.font_main_width == 380, 'width should have been reset to (screen_size_width - 20)'
assert theme.font_main_height == 540, 'height should have been reset to (screen_size_height * 9 / 10)'
def test_set_default_header_footer(mock_geometry):
Test the set_default_header_footer function sets the header and footer back to default
(reletive to the screen)
# GIVEN: A screen geometry object and a Theme header with a strange area
theme = Theme()
theme.font_footer_x = 200
theme.font_main_x = 687
# WHEN: set_default_header is called
# THEN: footer should be set, header should not have changed
assert theme.font_footer_x == 10, 'footer x pos should be reset to default of 10'
assert theme.font_main_x == 10, 'header x pos should be reset to default of 10'
def check_theme(theme):
assert '#000000' == theme.background_border_color, 'background_border_color should be "#000000"'
assert 'solid' == theme.background_type, 'background_type should be "solid"'
assert 0 == theme.display_vertical_align, 'display_vertical_align should be 0'
assert theme.font_footer_bold is False, 'font_footer_bold should be False'
assert 'Arial' == theme.font_main_name, 'font_main_name should be "Arial"'
assert 53 == len(theme.__dict__), 'The theme should have 53 attributes'