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# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2019 OpenLP Developers #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
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# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program. If not, see <>. #
Functional tests to test the AppLocation class and related methods.
import os
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
from openlp.core.common.httputils import ProxyMode, download_file, get_proxy_settings, get_url_file_size, \
get_user_agent, get_web_page
from openlp.core.common.settings import Settings
from tests.helpers.testmixin import TestMixin
class TestHttpUtils(TestCase, TestMixin):
A test suite to test out various http helper functions.
def setUp(self):
self.tempfile = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'testfile')
def tearDown(self):
if os.path.isfile(self.tempfile):
def test_get_user_agent_linux(self):
Test that getting a user agent on Linux returns a user agent suitable for Linux
with patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.sys') as mocked_sys:
# GIVEN: The system is Linux
mocked_sys.platform = 'linux2'
# WHEN: We call get_user_agent()
user_agent = get_user_agent()
# THEN: The user agent is a Linux (or ChromeOS) user agent
result = 'Linux' in user_agent or 'CrOS' in user_agent
assert result is True, 'The user agent should be a valid Linux user agent'
def test_get_user_agent_windows(self):
Test that getting a user agent on Windows returns a user agent suitable for Windows
with patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.sys') as mocked_sys:
# GIVEN: The system is Windows
mocked_sys.platform = 'win32'
# WHEN: We call get_user_agent()
user_agent = get_user_agent()
# THEN: The user agent is a Linux (or ChromeOS) user agent
assert 'Windows' in user_agent, 'The user agent should be a valid Windows user agent'
def test_get_user_agent_macos(self):
Test that getting a user agent on OS X returns a user agent suitable for OS X
with patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.sys') as mocked_sys:
# GIVEN: The system is macOS
mocked_sys.platform = 'darwin'
# WHEN: We call get_user_agent()
user_agent = get_user_agent()
# THEN: The user agent is a Linux (or ChromeOS) user agent
assert 'Mac OS X' in user_agent, 'The user agent should be a valid OS X user agent'
def test_get_user_agent_default(self):
Test that getting a user agent on a non-Linux/Windows/OS X platform returns the default user agent
with patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.sys') as mocked_sys:
# GIVEN: The system is something else
mocked_sys.platform = 'freebsd'
# WHEN: We call get_user_agent()
user_agent = get_user_agent()
# THEN: The user agent is a Linux (or ChromeOS) user agent
assert 'NetBSD'in user_agent, 'The user agent should be the default user agent'
def test_get_web_page_no_url(self):
Test that sending a URL of None to the get_web_page method returns None
# GIVEN: A None url
test_url = None
# WHEN: We try to get the test URL
result = get_web_page(test_url)
# THEN: None should be returned
assert result is None, 'The return value of get_web_page should be None'
def test_get_web_page(self, MockRegistry, mocked_get_user_agent, mocked_requests):
Test that the get_web_page method works correctly
# GIVEN: Mocked out objects and a fake URL
mocked_requests.get.return_value = MagicMock(text='text')
mocked_get_user_agent.return_value = 'user_agent'
fake_url = 'this://is.a.fake/url'
# WHEN: The get_web_page() method is called
returned_page = get_web_page(fake_url)
# THEN: The correct methods are called with the correct arguments and a web page is returned
mocked_requests.get.assert_called_once_with(fake_url, headers={'User-Agent': 'user_agent'},
proxies=None, timeout=30.0)
assert MockRegistry.call_count == 0, 'The Registry() object should have never been called'
assert returned_page == 'text', 'The returned page should be the mock object'
def test_get_web_page_with_header(self, mocked_get_user_agent, mocked_requests):
Test that adding a header to the call to get_web_page() adds the header to the request
# GIVEN: Mocked out objects, a fake URL and a fake header
mocked_requests.get.return_value = MagicMock(text='text')
mocked_get_user_agent.return_value = 'user_agent'
fake_url = 'this://is.a.fake/url'
fake_headers = {'Fake-Header': 'fake value'}
# WHEN: The get_web_page() method is called
returned_page = get_web_page(fake_url, headers=fake_headers)
# THEN: The correct methods are called with the correct arguments and a web page is returned
expected_headers = dict(fake_headers)
expected_headers.update({'User-Agent': 'user_agent'})
mocked_requests.get.assert_called_once_with(fake_url, headers=expected_headers,
proxies=None, timeout=30.0)
assert returned_page == 'text', 'The returned page should be the mock object'
def test_get_web_page_with_user_agent_in_headers(self, mocked_get_user_agent, mocked_requests):
Test that adding a user agent in the header when calling get_web_page() adds that user agent to the request
# GIVEN: Mocked out objects, a fake URL and a fake header
mocked_requests.get.return_value = MagicMock(text='text')
fake_url = 'this://is.a.fake/url'
user_agent_headers = {'User-Agent': 'OpenLP/2.2.0'}
# WHEN: The get_web_page() method is called
returned_page = get_web_page(fake_url, headers=user_agent_headers)
# THEN: The correct methods are called with the correct arguments and a web page is returned
mocked_requests.get.assert_called_once_with(fake_url, headers=user_agent_headers,
proxies=None, timeout=30.0)
assert mocked_get_user_agent.call_count == 0, 'get_user_agent() should not have been called'
assert returned_page == 'text', 'The returned page should be "test"'
def test_get_web_page_update_openlp(self, MockRegistry, mocked_get_user_agent, mocked_requests):
Test that passing "update_openlp" as true to get_web_page calls Registry().get('app').process_events()
# GIVEN: Mocked out objects, a fake URL
mocked_requests.get.return_value = MagicMock(text='text')
mocked_get_user_agent.return_value = 'user_agent'
mocked_registry_object = MagicMock()
mocked_application_object = MagicMock()
mocked_registry_object.get.return_value = mocked_application_object
MockRegistry.return_value = mocked_registry_object
fake_url = 'this://is.a.fake/url'
# WHEN: The get_web_page() method is called
returned_page = get_web_page(fake_url, update_openlp=True)
# THEN: The correct methods are called with the correct arguments and a web page is returned
mocked_requests.get.assert_called_once_with(fake_url, headers={'User-Agent': 'user_agent'},
proxies=None, timeout=30.0)
assert returned_page == 'text', 'The returned page should be the mock object'
def test_get_url_file_size(self, mocked_requests):
Test that calling "get_url_file_size" works correctly
# GIVEN: Mocked out objects, a fake URL
mocked_requests.head.return_value = MagicMock(headers={'Content-Length': 100})
fake_url = 'this://is.a.fake/url'
# WHEN: The get_url_file_size() method is called
file_size = get_url_file_size(fake_url)
# THEN: The correct methods are called with the correct arguments and a web page is returned
mocked_requests.head.assert_called_once_with(fake_url, allow_redirects=True, proxies=None, timeout=30.0)
assert file_size == 100
def test_socket_timeout(self, mocked_requests):
Test socket timeout gets caught
# GIVEN: Mocked urlopen to fake a network disconnect in the middle of a download
mocked_requests.get.side_effect = OSError
# WHEN: Attempt to retrieve a file
download_file(MagicMock(), url='http://localhost/test', file_path=Path(self.tempfile))
# THEN: socket.timeout should have been caught
# NOTE: Test is if $tmpdir/tempfile is still there, then test fails since ftw deletes bad downloaded files
assert os.path.exists(self.tempfile) is False, 'tempfile should have been deleted'
class TestGetProxySettings(TestCase, TestMixin):
def setUp(self):
def test_mode_arg_specified(self, mocked_settings):
Test that the argument is used rather than reading the 'advanced/proxy mode' setting
# GIVEN: Mocked settings
# WHEN: Calling `get_proxy_settings` with the mode arg specified
# THEN: The mode arg should have been used rather than looking it up in the settings
def test_mode_incorrect_arg_specified(self, mocked_settings):
Test that the system settings are used when the mode arg specieied is invalid
# GIVEN: Mocked settings
# WHEN: Calling `get_proxy_settings` with an invalid mode arg specified
result = get_proxy_settings(mode='qwerty')
# THEN: An None should be returned
assert result is None
def test_no_proxy_mode(self):
Test that a dictionary with http and https values are set to None is returned, when `NO_PROXY` mode is specified
# GIVEN: A `proxy mode` setting of NO_PROXY
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy mode', ProxyMode.NO_PROXY)
# WHEN: Calling `get_proxy_settings`
result = get_proxy_settings()
# THEN: The returned value should be a dictionary with http and https values set to None
assert result == {'http': None, 'https': None}
def test_system_proxy_mode(self):
Test that None is returned, when `SYSTEM_PROXY` mode is specified
# GIVEN: A `proxy mode` setting of SYSTEM_PROXY
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy mode', ProxyMode.SYSTEM_PROXY)
# WHEN: Calling `get_proxy_settings`
result = get_proxy_settings()
# THEN: The returned value should be None
assert result is None
def test_manual_proxy_mode_no_auth(self):
Test that the correct proxy addresses are returned when basic authentication is not used
# GIVEN: A `proxy mode` setting of MANUAL_PROXY with proxy servers, but no auth credentials are supplied
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy mode', ProxyMode.MANUAL_PROXY)
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy http', 'testhttp.server:port')
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy https', 'testhttps.server:port')
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy username', '')
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy password', '')
# WHEN: Calling `get_proxy_settings`
result = get_proxy_settings()
# THEN: The returned value should be the proxy servers without authentication
assert result == {'http': 'http://testhttp.server:port', 'https': 'https://testhttps.server:port'}
def test_manual_proxy_mode_auth(self):
Test that the correct proxy addresses are returned when basic authentication is used
# GIVEN: A `proxy mode` setting of MANUAL_PROXY with proxy servers and auth credentials supplied
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy mode', ProxyMode.MANUAL_PROXY)
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy http', 'testhttp.server:port')
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy https', 'testhttps.server:port')
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy username', 'user')
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy password', 'pass')
# WHEN: Calling `get_proxy_settings`
result = get_proxy_settings()
# THEN: The returned value should be the proxy servers with the authentication credentials
assert result == {'http': 'http://user:pass@testhttp.server:port',
'https': 'https://user:pass@testhttps.server:port'}
def test_manual_proxy_mode_no_servers(self):
Test that the system proxies are overidden when the MANUAL_PROXY mode is specified, but no server addresses are
# GIVEN: A `proxy mode` setting of MANUAL_PROXY with no servers specified
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy mode', ProxyMode.MANUAL_PROXY)
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy http', '')
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy https', '')
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy username', 'user')
Settings().setValue('advanced/proxy password', 'pass')
# WHEN: Calling `get_proxy_settings`
result = get_proxy_settings()
# THEN: The returned value should be the proxy servers set to None
assert result == {'http': None, 'https': None}