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# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2017 OpenLP Developers #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for #
# more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
The :mod:`upgrade` module provides a way for the database and schema that is the
backend for the Songs plugin
import logging
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, ForeignKey, types
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func, false, null, text
from openlp.core.common.db import drop_columns
from openlp.core.lib.db import get_upgrade_op
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__version__ = 6
# TODO: When removing an upgrade path the ftw-data needs updating to the minimum supported version
def upgrade_1(session, metadata):
Version 1 upgrade.
This upgrade removes the many-to-many relationship between songs and
media_files and replaces it with a one-to-many, which is far more
representative of the real relationship between the two entities.
In order to facilitate this one-to-many relationship, a song_id column is
added to the media_files table, and a weight column so that the media
files can be ordered.
:param session:
:param metadata:
op = get_upgrade_op(session)
if 'media_files_songs' in [ for t in metadata.tables.values()]:
op.add_column('media_files', Column('song_id', types.Integer(), server_default=null()))
op.add_column('media_files', Column('weight', types.Integer(), server_default=text('0')))
if metadata.bind.url.get_dialect().name != 'sqlite':
op.create_foreign_key('fk_media_files_song_id', 'media_files', 'songs', ['song_id', 'id'])
log.warning('Skipping upgrade_1 step of upgrading the song db')
def upgrade_2(session, metadata):
Version 2 upgrade.
This upgrade adds a create_date and last_modified date to the songs table
op = get_upgrade_op(session)
songs_table = Table('songs', metadata, autoload=True)
if 'create_date' not in [ for col in songs_table.c.values()]:
op.add_column('songs', Column('create_date', types.DateTime(),
op.add_column('songs', Column('last_modified', types.DateTime(),
log.warning('Skipping upgrade_2 step of upgrading the song db')
def upgrade_3(session, metadata):
Version 3 upgrade.
This upgrade adds a temporary song flag to the songs table
op = get_upgrade_op(session)
songs_table = Table('songs', metadata, autoload=True)
if 'temporary' not in [ for col in songs_table.c.values()]:
if metadata.bind.url.get_dialect().name == 'sqlite':
op.add_column('songs', Column('temporary', types.Boolean(create_constraint=False), server_default=false()))
op.add_column('songs', Column('temporary', types.Boolean(), server_default=false()))
log.warning('Skipping upgrade_3 step of upgrading the song db')
def upgrade_4(session, metadata):
Version 4 upgrade.
This upgrade adds a column for author type to the authors_songs table
# This is now empty due to a bug in the upgrade
def upgrade_5(session, metadata):
Version 5 upgrade.
This upgrade adds support for multiple songbooks
# This is now empty due to a bug in the upgrade
def upgrade_6(session, metadata):
Version 6 upgrade
This version corrects the errors in upgrades 4 and 5
op = get_upgrade_op(session)
# Move upgrade 4 to here and correct it (authors_songs table, not songs table)
authors_songs = Table('authors_songs', metadata, autoload=True)
if 'author_type' not in [ for col in authors_songs.c.values()]:
# Since SQLite doesn't support changing the primary key of a table, we need to recreate the table
# and copy the old values
Column('author_id', types.Integer(), ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True),
Column('song_id', types.Integer(), ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True),
Column('author_type', types.Unicode(255), primary_key=True,
nullable=False, server_default=text('""'))
op.execute('INSERT INTO authors_songs_tmp SELECT author_id, song_id, "" FROM authors_songs')
op.rename_table('authors_songs_tmp', 'authors_songs')
# Move upgrade 5 here to correct it
if 'songs_songbooks' not in [ for t in metadata.tables.values()]:
# Create the mapping table (songs <-> songbooks)
Column('songbook_id', types.Integer(), ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True),
Column('song_id', types.Integer(), ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True),
Column('entry', types.Unicode(255), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
# Migrate old data
op.execute('INSERT INTO songs_songbooks SELECT song_book_id, id, song_number FROM songs\
WHERE song_book_id IS NOT NULL AND song_number IS NOT NULL AND song_book_id <> 0')
# Drop old columns
if metadata.bind.url.get_dialect().name == 'sqlite':
drop_columns(op, 'songs', ['song_book_id', 'song_number'])
op.drop_constraint('songs_ibfk_1', 'songs', 'foreignkey')
op.drop_column('songs', 'song_book_id')
op.drop_column('songs', 'song_number')
# Finally, clean up our mess in people's databases
songs_songbooks = Table('songs_songbooks', metadata, autoload=True)
del_query = songs_songbooks.delete().where(songs_songbooks.c.songbook_id == 0)