import os # This is the settings file for building the DMG. Run dmgbuild like so: # $ dmgbuild -s -D size=,app= "OpenLP" OpenLP-{version}.dmg HERE = os.getcwd() format = 'UDBZ' size = '600M' files = [defines.get('app', '/Applications/')] symlinks = { 'Applications': '/Applications' } badge_icon = os.path.join(HERE, 'openlp-logo-new.icns') icon_locations = { '': (160, 200), 'Applications': (550, 200) } background = os.path.join(HERE, 'dmg-background-new.png') window_rect = ((100, 100), (700, 457)) default_view = 'icon-view' show_icon_preview = False arrange_by = None scroll_position = (0, 0) grid_offset = (0, 0) grid_spacing = 100 label_pos = 'bottom' # or 'right' text_size = 16 icon_size = 128