import { Component, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core'; import { OpenLPService } from '../../openlp.service'; import { ServiceItem, Slide } from '../../responses'; interface Tag { text: string; active: boolean; } @Component({ selector: 'app-stage-view', templateUrl: './stage-view.component.html', styleUrls: ['./stage-view.component.scss', '../overlay.scss'], encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None }) export class StageViewComponent implements OnInit { serviceItem: ServiceItem = null; notes = ''; currentSlides: Slide[] = []; activeSlide = 0; tags: Tag[] = []; time = new Date(); showNotes = true; constructor(public openlpService: OpenLPService) { setInterval(() => this.time = new Date(), 1000); } ngOnInit() { this.updateCurrentSlides(); this.openlpService.stateChanged$.subscribe(item => this.updateCurrentSlides()); } updateCurrentSlides(): void { this.openlpService.getServiceItem().subscribe(serviceItem => { this.serviceItem = serviceItem; if (serviceItem instanceof Array) { this.setNewSlides(serviceItem); } else { this.setNewSlides(serviceItem.slides); this.setNotes(serviceItem.notes); } }); } get nextSlides(): Slide[] { return this.currentSlides.slice(this.activeSlide + 1); } setNewSlides(slides: Slide[]): void { if (slides.length === 0) { return; } this.currentSlides = slides; this.activeSlide = slides.findIndex(s => s.selected); this.updateTags(); } setNotes(notes: string): void { this.notes = notes; } /** * This method updates the tags from the current slides. * * We add a tag as soon as we know we need it. * So we start with the first tag and on each tag change we push the new one. * * If we find the same tag, we check to see if the current slide is a repition. * In case of a repetition we also add a new tag. * * TODO This approach should work for most cases. It is a primary candidate for a test :-) */ updateTags(): void { this.tags = []; this.tags.push({text: this.currentSlides[0].tag, active: this.currentSlides[0].selected}); let lastIndex = 0; loop: for (let index = 1; index < this.currentSlides.length; ++index) { let foundActive = false; if (this.currentSlides[index].tag === this.currentSlides[lastIndex].tag) { for (let i = 0; i < index - lastIndex; ++i) { foundActive = foundActive || this.currentSlides[index + i].selected; // they are different, stop checking and continue outer loop if (this.currentSlides[lastIndex + i].text !== this.currentSlides[index + i].text) { // Since we are collapsing tags, we make sure to mark the tag active, if any of the collapsed tags were active if (foundActive) { this.tags[this.tags.length - 1].active = foundActive; } continue loop; } } } // either the tags differed, or we found a repitition. Either way add a tag this.tags.push({text: this.currentSlides[index].tag, active: this.currentSlides[index].selected}); this.currentSlides[index].first_slide_of_tag = true; lastIndex = index; } } }