import { AfterViewInit, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, Input, OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit, SimpleChanges, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { fromEvent, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { debounceTime } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { SettingsProperties, SettingsService } from 'src/app/settings.service'; @Component({ selector: 'openlp-stage-chord-preview', templateUrl: './stage-chord-preview.component.html', styleUrls: ['./stage-chord-preview.component.scss'], }) export class StageChordPreviewComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, OnChanges { constructor( protected settingsService: SettingsService, protected ref: ChangeDetectorRef ) { this.windowResizeSubscription$ = fromEvent(window, 'resize') .pipe(debounceTime(300)) .subscribe(() => this._resizeElement()); } @Input() stageType: 'stage' | 'chords' = 'stage'; @ViewChild('stageView', {read: ElementRef}) stageView: ElementRef; @ViewChild('chordsView', {read: ElementRef}) chordsView: ElementRef; @ViewChild('stageViewContainer') stageViewContainer: ElementRef; fontScale: number; protected windowResizeSubscription$: Subscription; protected settingChangedSubscription$: Subscription; ngOnInit(): void { this.fontScale = this.settingsService.get( this.stageType + 'FontScale' as keyof SettingsProperties ) as number / 100; } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void { if (changes['stageType'].currentValue !== changes['stageType'].previousValue) { this.settingChangedSubscription$?.unsubscribe(); this.settingChangedSubscription$ = this.settingsService .onPropertyChanged(changes['stageType'].currentValue + 'FontScale' as keyof SettingsProperties) .subscribe(value => { this.fontScale = value as number / 100; this.ref.detectChanges(); }); } } ngAfterViewInit(): void { if (this._getStageViewElement()?.nativeElement) { this._resizeElement(); } } ngOnDestroy(): void { this.windowResizeSubscription$?.unsubscribe(); this.settingChangedSubscription$?.unsubscribe(); } _getStageViewElement() { switch (this.stageType) { case 'stage': return this.stageView; case 'chords': return this.chordsView; } } _resizeElement() { const viewElement = this._getStageViewElement(); if (this.stageViewContainer?.nativeElement && viewElement?.nativeElement) { // Resetting container to 100% width before calculating = '100%'; = 'auto'; const windowWidth = window.innerWidth; const windowHeight = window.innerHeight; const {width: containerWidth} = this.stageViewContainer?.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect(); let zoomScale = containerWidth / windowWidth; const targetContainerHeight = containerWidth * (windowHeight / windowWidth); let scaleTranslate = ''; if (targetContainerHeight > (windowHeight * 0.6)) { zoomScale *= 0.5; scaleTranslate = ' translateX(50%)'; } // Setting the container width + height to scale after = (windowWidth * zoomScale) + 'px'; = (windowHeight * zoomScale) + 'px'; = windowWidth + 'px'; = windowHeight + 'px'; = `scale(${zoomScale})${scaleTranslate}`; } } }