image: $CI_REGISTRY/openlp/runners/angular stages: - test - build - deploy audit: stage: test script: - yarn install - yarn audit rules: - when: always allow_failure: true lint: stage: test script: - yarn install - yarn lint rules: - when: always test: stage: test script: - yarn install - yarn test --no-progress --no-watch --browsers=ChromiumHeadlessCI rules: - when: always push-i18n-source: stage: build script: - apk add npm - npm install @transifex/api - npm run tx push rules: - changes: - src/assets/en.json build-branch: stage: build script: # Temporarily install npm manually until we get it added to the runner image - apk add npm - yarn install --production - npm install @angular/cli - yarn build --no-progress --configuration production --aot - export APP_VERSION=`git describe --dirty --tags --long --match '*[0-9]*'` - 'echo "window.appVersion = \"$APP_VERSION\";" > dist/web-remote/assets/version.js' artifacts: paths: - dist/ rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != "master" build-tag: stage: build script: # Temporarily install npm manually until we get it added to the runner image - apk add npm - yarn install --production - npm install @angular/cli - yarn build --no-progress --configuration production --aot - 'echo "window.appVersion = \"$CI_COMMIT_TAG\";" > dist/web-remote/assets/version.js' artifacts: paths: - dist/ rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG deploy: stage: deploy variables: OPENLP_HOST: "" script: - cd dist/web-remote - zip -r ../../remote-$ * - cd ../../ - export CHECK_SUM=`sha256sum remote-$ | cut -d' ' -f1` - export FILE_SIZE=`stat -c '%s' remote-$` - 'echo -e "{\"latest\": {\"version\": \"$CI_COMMIT_TAG\", \"sha256\": \"$CHECK_SUM\", \"filename\": \"remote-$\", \"size\": $FILE_SIZE}}" > version-$CI_COMMIT_TAG.json' - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa - chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa - eval $(ssh-agent -s) - ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa - '[[ -f /.dockerenv ]] && echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\n" > ~/.ssh/config' - ssh openlp@$OPENLP_HOST "mkdir -p /home/openlp/sites/$CI_COMMIT_TAG" - scp remote-$ openlp@$OPENLP_HOST:/home/openlp/sites/$CI_COMMIT_TAG/ - scp version-$CI_COMMIT_TAG.json openlp@$OPENLP_HOST:/home/openlp/sites/ - ssh openlp@$OPENLP_HOST "rm /home/openlp/sites/" - scp version-$CI_COMMIT_TAG.json openlp@$OPENLP_HOST:/home/openlp/sites/ rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG