.. title: Some useful utilities for openlp.org .. slug: 2007/06/26/some-useful-utilities-for-openlp-org .. date: 2007-06-26 14:06:36 UTC .. tags: .. description: One of our users, Jonathan Corwin, has written a couple of little scripts to do various imports for openlp.org. One of the most requested items are Bible translations, and Jonathan has written a script that can import Bibles from BibleGateway.com, which should be legal in terms of the "fair use" clause of copyright law. Please note, however, that I am not a lawyer, so I might be totally incorrect about this. We've listed Jonathan's software on a new page in the documentation: Useful Utilities. If you have written a utility for openlp.org and what it included on this page, please let me know (see the Contributing page).