.. title: Automated Nightly Mac OS X Builds
.. slug: 2012/01/15/automated-nightly-mac-os-x-builds
.. date: 2012-01-15 20:01:42 UTC
.. tags: 
.. description: 

This weekend we were able to set up the necessary infrastructure for
doing test builds for Mac OS X automatically.

Nightly builds are created every day around 10pm GMT. These builds are
created on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) and should also work on Mac OS X 10.6
(Snow Leopard). These builds include latest development changes in
OpenLP. The latest test build is available on the download page.

I would like to encourage Mac OS X users and testers to test OpenLP
builds and report bugs periodically since we do not have a lot of Mac OS
X developers and the support for Mac platform is not perfect.

Happy testing and reporting!