.. title: Last Call for Translators! .. slug: 2012/11/15/last-call-translators .. date: 2012-11-14 22:11:31 UTC .. tags: .. description: |Translate OpenLP| **Update:** Instructions on how to test your translation out have been added to the `bottom of this blog post </blog/2012/11/15/last-call-translators#testing-translations>`_. This is the final call for all translators. If you wish to have OpenLP in your langauge you need to have completed the translation of `OpenLP <https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/openlp/>`_ on the `Transifex <https://www.transifex.com/>`_ site ***by midnight UTC (GMT) on Friday the 23rd of November 2012***. Because we believe strongly in quality over quantity at OpenLP, we will not be including any translations that are incomplete into the final build. **This means that if you want your language to be part of the final release of version 2.0, you need to make sure it is 100% done by the end of Friday the 23rd**. This deadline also gives you just over a week to complete any outstanding translations. Currently, the following translations are more than 85% complete, but still need some work (ordered from most complete to least complete). My estimate is that none of these should take longer than an hour to complete. #. Afrikaans #. Dutch #. German #. Hungarian #. Japanese #. Polish #. Spanish #. Greek #. French #. Danish The following translations are between 20% and 65% complete. Unless these are worked on this week, they probably won't make it into the final release of OpenLP. #. Russian #. Finnish #. Slovak #. Bulgarian #. Italian #. Chinese (Taiwan) Lastly, the following translations are less than 10% complete. If any of these translations makes it into the final release, I will be very surprised. These translations seem to have been abandoned by their translators. #. Korean #. Latvian #. Romanian #. Albanian #. Chinese (China) #. Korean (Korea) #. Spanish (Chile) |Current Status of OpenLP Translations| Testing Out Your Translation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To test your translation out, do the following: #. Make sure you are running the `latest nightly build <http://openlp.org/download#nightly-builds>`_ #. Install Qt Linguist Windows and OS X users can download Qt Linguist from here: http://code.google.com/p/qtlinguistdownload/downloads/list Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux and Unix users can install Qt Linguist from their package manager #. Download the language file from Transifex #. Open it in Qt Linguist #. Open the File menu, select "Release" and save the resulting release file with only your language code as the file name (see Transifex for your language code) #. Copy the release file to OpenLP's i18n directory Windows: C:\\Program Files\\OpenLP\\i18n or C:\\Program Files (x86)\\OpenLP\\i18n Mac OS X: /Applications/OpenLP.app/Contents/MacOS/i18n/ Linux: /usr/share/openlp/i18n/ \*BSD: /usr/local/share/openlp/i18n/ #. (Re)start Openlp and select your language .. |Translate OpenLP| image:: /pictures/applications-development-translation.png .. |Current Status of OpenLP Translations| image:: /pictures/openlp_translations_0.png