.. title: Vista problems .. slug: 2007/09/08/vista-problems .. date: 2007-09-08 16:09:53 UTC .. tags: .. description: A couple of guys using Vista have told us that the problem is that openlp.org is looking for a file that doesn't exist in DirectX 10 anymore (openlp.org uses DirectX 9 headers). You need to download and install D3DRM.dll. You should be able to simply copy the file into the openlp.org directory (on most systems it should be "C:\\Program Files\\openlp.org") and openlp.org should work fine. Let me know about this, I'm operating on hearsay. | On the other hand, I've moved to Linux full time now, Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), as my main desktop, although I'll still have a Windows box around to develop openlp.org.  If you haven't looked at Linux yet, I would strongly recommend you do! Download a CD image from www.ubuntu.com and try it out!