## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%namespace name="base" file="base_helper.tmpl" import="*" /> <%namespace name="notes" file="annotation_helper.tmpl" import="*" /> ${set_locale(lang)} ${base.html_headstart()} <%block name="extra_head"> ### Leave this block alone. ${template_hooks['extra_head']()} % if permalink is not UNDEFINED and permalink == '/': <%include file="front_page.html"/> % else:
% if post is not UNDEFINED and post:


% elif permalink is not UNDEFINED and permalink.startswith(u'/blog/'):

Reflections and Projections

% endif
${template_hooks['page_header']()} <%block name="content">
% endif ${base.late_load_js()} <%block name="extra_js"> % if annotations and post and not post.meta('noannotations'): ${notes.code()} % elif not annotations and post and post.meta('annotations'): ${notes.code()} % endif ${body_end} ${template_hooks['body_end']()}