.. title: Forum Housekeeping
.. slug: 2011/09/18/forum-housekeeping
.. date: 2011-09-18 13:09:17 UTC
.. tags: 
.. description: 

Hi folks,

In order to make our forums a little easier to use, we've consolidated
our 5 groups and 13 forums into 2 groups and 7 forums. The
language-specific forums have remained the same, so if you speak German,
French, Spanish, or Portuguese, you can post your queries in those

The big changes come in the rest of the forums. We used to have a
multitude of sections and forums, and in order to make the forums easier
to use, and easier to figure out where the best place to post your query
is, we have slimmed it down to 3 categories:

-  General Discussion
   This is where you can discuss more general topics, like problems with
   the web site, or where to get Bibles, and other things that don't fit
   in either of the other two forums.
-  Troubleshooting
   If you're having general problems getting OpenLP running, this is the
   place to find help. If you think you've encountered a bug, but you're
   not getting an actual error, you should post in here too. Please note
   that since most of the developers use Linux, most operating system
   specific queries cannot necessarily be answered.
-  Development
   Bug reports, feature requests, offers of help, and other
   development-related topics can be posted in here.

This is another change we're making in order to optimise the site,
hopefully making the site almost as easy to use as OpenLP is