.. title: Server Migrations and Support E-mails .. slug: 2014/01/13/server-migrations-and-support-e-mails .. date: 2014-01-13 19:01:09 UTC .. tags: .. description: |pc-blue| If anyone has had problems e-mailing either our support e-mail address or our bug reporting e-mail address over the last couple of weeks, we apologise for the inconvenience. A few weeks ago we migrated some of our systems, including our web site, e-mail server and support system, to an new server for better performance and security. As smooth as the transition was, it wasn't 100% without error, and one of the small problems that we only discovered in the last 2 days was that some of our e-mails were not getting through to our new support system. If you sent an e-mail in the last 3 or 4 weeks, and you never heard a reply from us (apart from an automated reply, perhaps), then please e-mail us again and we should now get your e-mails and be able to respond to your queries. If we still don't seem to be getting your e-mails, please visit us in `IRC `__ and let us know which e-mail address you sent your query to, and when you sent it. Thanks for your patience, and your continued support! .. |pc-blue| image:: http://openclipart.org/image/100px/svg_to_png/77377/pc-blue.png