.. title: beta 5 release due on friday
.. slug: 2007/02/14/beta-5-release-due-on-friday
.. date: 2007-02-14 12:02:55 UTC
.. tags: 
.. description: 

Hi folks,

Derek and I had a chat a few weeks ago and have decided to release
openlp.org Beta 5 on Friday. it's not going to have all the features and
bug fixes we'd hoped for, but it should have the majority of
show-stopper bugs patched. We've fixed a number of things in the CCLI
SongSelect and also in the Video part. We've decided to postpone the
localisation, since that's gonna take a little longer than expected, and
I haven't had the time to work on it until recently.

Also, like I've said before, we have done a feature-freeze. This is
because if we DON'T we'll NEVER release version 1.0.

God bless!