## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
<%def name="html_headstart()">
%if description:
${title|striphtml} | ${blog_title|striphtml}
%if permalink:
%if favicons:
%for name, file, size in favicons:
% if comment_system == 'facebook':
% endif
%if prevlink:
%if nextlink:
%if use_cdn:
<%def name="late_load_js()">
%if use_bundles:
%if use_cdn:
%if use_cdn:
% if colorbox_locales[lang]:
% endif
<%def name="html_stylesheets()">
%if use_bundles:
%if use_cdn:
%if use_cdn:
%if has_custom_css:
% if annotations and post and not post.meta('noannotations'):
% elif not annotations and post and post.meta('annotations'):
% endif
<%def name="html_navigation_links()">
%for url, text in navigation_links[lang]:
% if isinstance(url, tuple):
% else:
% if rel_link(permalink, url) == "#":
% endif
<%def name="html_feedlinks()">
%if rss_link:
%elif generate_rss:
%if len(translations) > 1:
%for language in translations:
<%def name="html_translations()">
%for langname in translations.keys():
%if langname != lang:
${messages("LANGUAGE", langname)}