.. title: Let's Get Translating! .. slug: 2012/10/12/lets-get-translating .. date: 2012-10-12 20:10:04 UTC .. tags: .. description: |Translate OpenLP| Our non-English users would have noticed that some of them can use OpenLP in their own language. Now, I am an English speaker, so I don't have any issues using OpenLP as-is, but I can imagine that it would be way better to be able to use OpenLP in English if it were only available in another language. The good news for our non-English users is that we already have a number of languages which are 100% (or close to 100%) translated. Unfortunately, the bad news is that not all the translations are complete, so there are still English words creeping through in a few translations. Additionally, in order to produce a top-quality final version of OpenLP, we'll be dropping any incomplete translations from OpenLP when we release it in 2 weeks time. Here's the break down of the different translations we currently have: |Current Status of OpenLP Translations| Helping out with these translations is easy! Just go to `Transifex <https://www.transifex.com/>`_ and register, then go to the `OpenLP project page <https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/openlp/>`_, and then request to join a language team. Once you've been added to that team you will receive an e-mail notification, and all you need to do is login and start translating! It couldn't be simpler! **Translations need to be completed by midnight Tuesday, 23rd October UTC.** .. |Translate OpenLP| image:: /pictures/translations.jpg .. |Current Status of OpenLP Translations| image:: /pictures/openlp_translations.png