.. title: OpenLP Featured in Theotek Hangout .. slug: 2014/10/27/openlp-featured-theotek-hangout .. date: 2014-10-27 18:10:14 SAST .. tags: podcast review theotek .. link: .. description: .. type: .. previewimage: /cover-images/openlp-featured-theotek-hangout.jpg One of OpenLP's long-time users and advocates, Wesley Allen, is part of a great podcast/Hangout-on-Air called Theotek. In their most recent episode, they talked about a number of things, including OpenLP. Check out the video below! (The OpenLP review starts at 16:50) .. raw:: html
.. youtube:: 8Lb43lsPD44 :height: 315 :width: 560 .. raw:: html
[ Image Credit: `JVC HD 250 by Andrew Laparra`_ ] .. _JVC HD 250 by Andrew Laparra: https://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewlaparra/4117804630/