.. title: Shutting Down the Support System .. slug: 2018/05/06/shutting-down-the-support-system .. date: 2018-05-06 12:00:00 UTC .. tags: .. category: .. link: .. description: .. type: text .. previewimage: /cover-images/shutting-down-the-support-system.jpg I have decided to shut down the support system. It's getting too much for me, I am spending most of my time answering people's e-mails instead of working on OpenLP, and I've largely been the only person answering support e-mails. I'm really sad to do this, as I feel it's one of the defining parts of OpenLP (our support), but in reality I have no other choice. My time is limited (and only getting more so), and I'd rather spend that time improving OpenLP. In future anyone who e-mails support@openlp.org will get a message that redirects them to the manual and the forums. [ Image Credit: `Closed by Rob Brewer` ] .. _Closed by Rob Brewer: https://www.flickr.com/photos/rbrwr/36572315045/