.. title: A minor Faux Pas, and some web site down time .. slug: 2012/11/28/minor-faux-pas-and-some-web-site-down-time .. date: 2012-11-28 07:11:05 UTC .. tags: .. description: |Computer| It seems that we made a bit of a miscalculation, as some of us thought that the 1st of December was a Sunday. Only once we were getting closer to the release date did we realise that it was a Saturday! |Site Maintenance| So, we're still releasing OpenLP 2.0 this weekend, just on Sunday the 2nd of December, rather than Saturday the 1st. Are you ready for version 2.0? In semi-related news, we'll be running some maintenance on the web site this weekend just before the release. So don't panic if see a "website under maintenance" page, the web site will be ready for the release on Sunday!   .. |Computer| image:: http://openlp.org/files/u2/computer-laptop.png .. |Site Maintenance| image:: http://openlp.org/files/u2/internet-web-browser.png