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2021-09-08 22:01:47 +00:00
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from igitar.base import Song
from igitar.renderers.html import render as html_render, get_options as html_get_options
from igitar.renderers.text import render as text_render, get_options as text_get_options
def get_args():
"""Parse the command line arguments"""
parser = ArgumentParser()
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='command')
subparsers.add_parser('list', aliases=['list-commands', 'l'], help='List the commands available')
subparsers.add_parser('html', aliases=['html-params', 'h'], help='List the parameters available for HTML rendering')
subparsers.add_parser('text', aliases=['text-params', 't'], help='List the parameters available for text rendering')
parser_render = subparsers.add_parser('render', aliases=['r'], help='Render a ChordPro file to HTML or text')
parser_render.add_argument('input', metavar='FILENAME', help='Input ChordPro file')
parser_render.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='FILENAME', help='Output to a file')
parser_render.add_argument('-f', '--format', metavar='FORMAT', choices=['html', 'text'], default='html',
help='Output format')
parser_render.add_argument('-p', '--param', metavar='KEY=VALUE', action='append',
help='Parameter to send to renderer')
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
"""The command line entrypoint"""
args = get_args()
if args.command in ['list', 'list-commands', 'l']:
print(' list List all available commands')
print(' render Render a ChordPro file to HTML or text')
print(' html List the parameters available for HTML rendering')
print(' text List the parameters available for text rendering')
elif args.command in ['html', 'html-params', 'h']:
print('HTML parameters')
for param, details in html_get_options().items():
print(' {:<12} {}'.format(param, details['description']))
elif args.command in ['text', 'text-params', 't']:
print('Text parameters')
for param, details in text_get_options().items():
print(' {:<12} {}'.format(param, details['description']))
elif args.command == 'render':
render_params = {kv.split('=')[0]: kv.split('=')[-1] for kv in args.param} if args.param else {}
# Prepare the params
for key, value in render_params.items():
if value.lower() == "true":
render_params[key] = True
elif value.lower() == "false":
render_params[key] = False
elif value.isdigit():
render_params[key] = int(value)
song = Song(args.input)
if args.format == 'text':
output = text_render(song, **render_params)
output = html_render(song, **render_params)
if args.output:
with open(args.output, 'w') as output_file: