import re from chordpro.constants import CHORD_SUFFIXES, ENGLISH_NOTES, GERMAN_NOTES, NEOLATIN_NOTES _chord_cache = {} _line_cache = {} def _get_chord_regex(notes): """ Create the regex for a particular set of notes :param notes: The regular expression for a set of valid notes :return: An expanded regular expression for valid chords """ chord = notes + CHORD_SUFFIXES return '(' + chord + '(/' + chord + ')?)' def _get_chord_match(notes): """ Construct chord matching regular expression object :param notes: The regular expression for a set of valid notes :return: A compiled regular expression object """ return re.compile(r'\[' + _get_chord_regex(notes) + r'\]') def _get_line_match(notes): """ Construct a chord line matching regular expression object :param notes: The regular expression for a set of valid notes :return: A compiled regular expression object """ return re.compile(r'\[' + _get_chord_regex(notes) + r'\]([\u0080-\uFFFF,\w]*)' r'([\u0080-\uFFFF\w\s\.\,\!\?\;\:\|\"\'\-\_]*)(\Z)?') def _get_chords_for_notation(notation): """ Get the right chord_match object based on the current chord notation """ if notation not in _chord_cache.keys(): if notation == 'german': _chord_cache[notation] = _get_chord_match(GERMAN_NOTES) elif notation == 'neo-latin': _chord_cache[notation] = _get_chord_match(NEOLATIN_NOTES) else: _chord_cache[notation] = _get_chord_match(ENGLISH_NOTES) return _chord_cache[notation] def _get_line_for_notation(notation): """ Get the right chord line match based on the current chord notation """ if notation not in _line_cache.keys(): if notation == 'german': _line_cache[notation] = _get_line_match(GERMAN_NOTES) elif notation == 'neo-latin': _line_cache[notation] = _get_line_match(NEOLATIN_NOTES) else: _line_cache[notation] = _get_line_match(ENGLISH_NOTES) return _line_cache[notation]