
501 lines
15 KiB

import os
CHORD = '<div class="chord">{}</div>'
SYLLB = '<div class="syllable">{}</div>'
WRAPP = '<div class="wrapper">{}</div>'
LINE = '<div class="line">{}</div>'
STANZA = '''<section class="stanza-section {verse_type}-section">
<h2 class="stanza-heading {verse_type}-heading">{verse_name}</h2>
<div class="stanza {verse_type}">
METADATA = '''<section class="metadata">
TITLE = '<h1 class="title">{title}</h1>'
ARTIST = '<p class="artist">As performed by {artist}</p>'
COMPOSER = '<p class="composer">Written by {composer}</p>'
KEY_CAPO = '<div class="key-capo">{key_capo}</div>'
KEY = '<div class="key">Key: {key}</div>'
CAPO = '<div class="capo">Capo: {capo}</div>'
COPYRIGHT = '<p class="copyright">{copyright}</p>'
FOOTER = '<footer class="footer">{footer}</footer>'
HTML = '''<html>
h1.title, h2.stanza-heading, p.composer, p.artist {{ font-weight: normal; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }}
.metadata, .stanza-section {{ margin-bottom: 1.8rem; page-break-inside: avoid; }}
.key-capo {{ padding: 0.5rem 1rem; border: 1px solid #000; border-radius: 2px; float: right; clear: right; }}
.key-capo div {{ margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 0.5rem; }}
.key-capo div:first-child {{ margin-top: 0; }}
.key-capo div:last-child {{ margin-bottom: 0; }}
footer, .footer {{ position: absolute; bottom: 0; height: 2rem; }}
.wrapper {{ display: inline-block !important; }}
'default_font': {
'description': 'The default font to use.',
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'description': 'The default size to use.',
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'description': 'The font for the title',
'type': str,
'default': None,
'group': 'title'
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'description': 'The size of the title in pt',
'type': int,
'default': 14,
'group': 'title'
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'description': 'Set to True to make the title bold',
'type': bool,
'default': True,
'group': 'title'
'title_is_centered': {
'description': 'Center the title on the page',
'type': bool,
'default': False,
'group': 'title'
'title_is_upper': {
'description': 'Force the title to be uppercase',
'type': bool,
'default': False,
'group': 'title'
'composer_font': {
'description': 'The font for the composer',
'type': str,
'default': None,
'group': 'composer'
'composer_size': {
'description': 'The size of the composer in pt',
'type': int,
'default': 12,
'group': 'composer'
'composer_is_bold': {
'description': 'Set to True to make the composer bold',
'type': bool,
'default': False,
'group': 'composer'
'composer_is_centered': {
'description': 'Center the composer on the page',
'type': bool,
'default': False,
'group': 'composer'
'composer_is_upper': {
'description': 'Force the composer to be uppercase',
'type': bool,
'default': False,
'group': 'composer'
'artist_font': {
'description': 'The font for the artist',
'type': str,
'default': None,
'group': 'artist'
'artist_size': {
'description': 'The size of the artist in pt',
'type': int,
'default': 12,
'group': 'artist'
'artist_is_bold': {
'description': 'Set to True to make the artist bold',
'type': bool,
'default': False,
'group': 'artist'
'artist_is_centered': {
'description': 'Center the artist on the page',
'type': bool,
'default': False,
'group': 'artist'
'artist_is_upper': {
'description': 'Force the artist to be uppercase',
'type': bool,
'default': False,
'group': 'artist'
'copyright_font': {
'description': 'The font for the copyright',
'type': str,
'default': None,
'group': 'copyright'
'copyright_size': {
'description': 'The size of the copyright in pt',
'type': int,
'default': 12,
'group': 'copyright'
'copyright_is_bold': {
'description': 'Set to True to make the copyright bold',
'type': bool,
'default': False,
'group': 'copyright'
'copyright_is_upper': {
'description': 'Force the copyright to be uppercase',
'type': bool,
'default': False,
'group': 'copyright'
'stanza_font': {
'description': 'The font for the stanzas',
'type': str,
'default': None,
'group': 'stanza'
'stanza_size': {
'description': 'The size of the stanza in pt',
'type': int,
'default': 12,
'group': 'stanza'
'stanza_is_bold': {
'description': 'Set to True to make the stanza bold',
'type': bool,
'default': False,
'group': 'stanza'
'stanza_indent': {
'description': 'How much to indent the stanza',
'type': int,
'default': 4,
'group': 'stanza'
'stanza_heading_font': {
'description': 'The font for the stanza headings',
'type': str,
'default': None,
'group': 'stanza_heading'
'stanza_heading_size': {
'description': 'The size of the stanza heading in pt',
'type': int,
'default': 12,
'group': 'stanza_heading'
'stanza_heading_is_bold': {
'description': 'Set to True to make the stanza heading bold',
'type': bool,
'default': True,
'group': 'stanza_heading'
'stanza_heading_is_upper': {
'description': 'Force the stanza heading to be uppercase',
'type': bool,
'default': True,
'group': 'stanza_heading'
'verse_font': {
'description': 'The font for the verses',
'type': str,
'default': None,
'group': 'verse'
'verse_size': {
'description': 'The size of the verse in pt',
'type': int,
'default': 12,
'group': 'verse'
'verse_is_bold': {
'description': 'Set to True to make the verse bold',
'type': bool,
'default': False,
'group': 'verse'
'verse_indent': {
'description': 'How much to indent the verse',
'type': int,
'default': 4,
'group': 'verse'
'verse_heading_font': {
'description': 'The font for the verse headings',
'type': str,
'default': None,
'group': 'verse_heading'
'verse_heading_size': {
'description': 'The size of the verse heading in pt',
'type': int,
'default': 12,
'group': 'verse_heading'
'verse_heading_is_bold': {
'description': 'Set to True to make the verse heading bold',
'type': bool,
'default': True,
'group': 'verse_heading'
'verse_heading_is_upper': {
'description': 'Force the verse heading to be uppercase',
'type': bool,
'default': True,
'group': 'verse_heading'
'chorus_font': {
'description': 'The font for the choruses',
'type': str,
'default': None,
'group': 'chorus'
'chorus_size': {
'description': 'The size of the chorus in pt',
'type': int,
'default': 12,
'group': 'chorus'
'chorus_is_bold': {
'description': 'Set to True to make the chorus bold',
'type': bool,
'default': False,
'group': 'chorus'
'chorus_indent': {
'description': 'How much to indent the chorus',
'type': int,
'default': 4,
'group': 'chorus'
'chorus_heading_font': {
'description': 'The font for the chorus headings',
'type': str,
'default': None,
'group': 'chorus_heading'
'chorus_heading_size': {
'description': 'The size of the chorus heading in pt',
'type': int,
'default': 12,
'group': 'chorus_heading'
'chorus_heading_is_bold': {
'description': 'Set to True to make the chorus heading bold',
'type': bool,
'default': True,
'group': 'chorus_heading'
'chorus_heading_is_upper': {
'description': 'Force the chorus heading to be uppercase',
'type': bool,
'default': True,
'group': 'chorus_heading'
'bridge_font': {
'description': 'The font for the bridge',
'type': str,
'default': None,
'group': 'bridge'
'bridge_size': {
'description': 'The size of the bridge in pt',
'type': int,
'default': 12,
'group': 'bridge'
'bridge_is_bold': {
'description': 'Set to True to make the bridge bold',
'type': bool,
'default': False,
'group': 'bridge'
'bridge_indent': {
'description': 'How much to indent the bridge',
'type': int,
'default': 4,
'group': 'bridge'
'bridge_heading_font': {
'description': 'The font for the bridge headings',
'type': str,
'default': None,
'group': 'bridge_heading'
'bridge_heading_size': {
'description': 'The size of the bridge heading in pt',
'type': int,
'default': 12,
'group': 'bridge_heading'
'bridge_heading_is_bold': {
'description': 'Set to True to make the bridge heading bold',
'type': bool,
'default': True,
'group': 'bridge_heading'
'bridge_heading_is_upper': {
'description': 'Force the bridge heading to be uppercase',
'type': bool,
'default': True,
'group': 'bridge_heading'
'chord_font': {
'description': 'The font for the chord',
'type': str,
'default': None,
'group': 'chord'
'chord_size': {
'description': 'The size of the chord in pt',
'type': int,
'default': 12,
'group': 'chord'
'chord_is_bold': {
'description': 'Set to True to make the chord bold',
'type': bool,
'default': True,
'group': 'chord'
'chord_is_centered': {
'description': 'Make chords centered over syllables',
'type': bool,
'default': True,
'group': 'chord'
def get_options(group=None):
"""Return the options supported by the HTML renderer"""
if not group:
return {key: value for key, value in HTML_OPTIONS.items() if value['group'] == group}
def get_option_groups():
for option in HTML_OPTIONS.values():
if option['group'] not in _OPTION_GROUPS:
def make_style(name, font=None, size=None, is_bold=None, is_centered=None, is_upper=None, indent=None):
"""Build a CSS style"""
styles = []
if name == 'default':
styles.append('html, body, * {')
styles.append('.{name} {{'.format(name=name))
if font:
styles.append(' font-family: \'{font}\';'.format(font=font))
if size:
styles.append(' font-size: {size}pt;'.format(size=size))
if is_bold:
styles.append(' font-weight: bold !important;')
if is_centered:
styles.append(' text-align: center;')
if is_upper:
styles.append(' text-transform: uppercase;')
if indent:
styles.append(' margin-left: {indent}rem;'.format(indent=indent))
if styles:
if name == 'default':
styles.insert(0, 'html, body, * {')
styles.insert(0, '.{name} {{'.format(name=name))
return os.linesep.join(styles)
def generate_option_styles(options):
styles = []
for group in get_option_groups():
kwargs = {}
for key in STYLE_KEYS:
name = '{group}_{key}'.format(group=group, key=key)
if name not in HTML_OPTIONS:
option = options.get(name, HTML_OPTIONS[name]['default'])
if option:
kwargs[key] = option
styles.append(make_style(group.replace('_', '-'), **kwargs))
return styles
def render(song, options=None, extra_styles=None):
"""Render a song to HTML"""
nl = os.linesep
styles = options and generate_option_styles(options) or []
if extra_styles:
rendered_verses = []
for verse in song.verse_order:
rendered_lines = []
for line in verse.lines:
rendered_syllables = []
for word_counter, word in enumerate(line.words):
is_last_word = (word_counter + 1) == len(line.words)
for syll_counter, syllable in enumerate(word.syllables):
is_last_syllable = (syll_counter + 1) == len(word.syllables)
rendered_chord = CHORD.format(syllable.chord or '&nbsp;')
rendered_syllable = SYLLB.format(
(syllable.syllable or '&nbsp;') +
('&nbsp;' if is_last_syllable and not is_last_word else ''))
rendered_syllables.append(WRAPP.format(rendered_chord + rendered_syllable))
rendered_verses.append(STANZA.format(verse_type=verse.type_ or '', verse_name=verse.title,
metadata_lines = []
if song.metadata.get('key') or song.metadata.get('capo'):
key_lines = []
if song.metadata.get('key'):
if song.metadata.get('capo'):
if key_lines:
metadata_lines.append(TITLE.format(title=song.metadata.get('title') or 'Song'))
if song.metadata.get('composer'):
if song.metadata.get('artist'):
metadata = METADATA.format(metadata=nl.join(metadata_lines))
footer = ''
# if song.metadata.get('copyright'):
# copyright = COPYRIGHT.format(copyright=song.metadata.get('copyright'))
# footer = FOOTER.format(footer=copyright)
body = metadata + nl + nl.join(rendered_verses) + nl + footer
return HTML.format(title=song.metadata.get('title') or 'Song', body=body, styles=nl.join(styles))