<%inherit file="/base.mako"/>
<%include file="/flash.mako"/>


Posted by ${c.post.user.nick} on ${c.post.created.strftime('%B %d, %Y')}
% if len(c.post.comments) == 0:

No Responses


% elif len(c.post.comments) == 1:

One Response

% else:

${len(c.post.comments)} Responses

% endif % if len(c.post.comments) > 0:
    % for num, comment in enumerate(c.post.comments):
  1. ${comment.user.nick} Says:
  2. % endfor
% else: % if c.post.comment_status != u'open':

Comments are closed.

% endif % endif % if c.post.comment_status == u'open':

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% if not c.current_user:

You must be logged in to post a comment.

% else:

Logged in as ${c.current_user.nick}. Logout »

% endif % endif