openlp/tests/resources/opensongsongs/Amazing Grace

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>Amazing Grace (Demonstration)</title>
<author>John Newton, Edwin Excell &amp; John P. Rees</author>
<copyright>Public Domain </copyright>
<presentation>V1 V2 V3 V4 V5</presentation>
<capo print="false"></capo>
<theme>God: Assurance/Grace/Salvation</theme>
<alttheme>Worship: Praise</alttheme>
<user1> </user1>
<user2> </user2>
<user3> </user3>
. D D7 G D
1A______ma________zing grace! How sweet the sound!
2Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
3The Lord has pro____mised good to me,
4Thro' ma________ny dan____gers, toils and snares
5When weve been there ten thou__sand years,
. Bm E A A7
1That saved a wretch like me!
2And grace my fears re___lieved.
3His Word my hope se___cures.
4I have al___rea____dy come.
5Bright shi___ning as the sun,
. D D7 G D
1I once was lost, but now am found;
2How pre___cious did that grace ap____pear,
3He will my shield and por___tion be
4Tis grace that brought me safe thus far,
5Weve no less days to sing Gods praise,
. Bm A G D
1Was blind, but now I see.
2The hour I first be_lieved.
3As long as life en_dures.
4And grace will lead me home.
5Than when we first be_gun.
<hymn_number>Demonstration Songs 0</hymn_number>
<style index="default_style"></style>