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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2019 OpenLP Developers #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program. If not, see <>. #
Package to test the openlp.core.widgets.widgets package.
from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, call, patch
import pytest
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
from openlp.core.common.settings import ProxyMode
from openlp.core.display.screens import Screen
from openlp.core.widgets.widgets import ProxyWidget, ProxyDialog, ScreenButton, ScreenSelectionWidget, FontSelectWidget
from tests.helpers.testmixin import TestMixin
class TestProxyWidget(TestCase, TestMixin):
Test the EditCustomForm.
def setUp(self):
Create the UI
def test_radio_button_exclusivity_no_proxy(self):
Test that only one radio button can be checked at a time, and that the line edits are only enabled when the
`manual_proxy_radio` is checked
# GIVEN: An instance of the `openlp.core.common.widgets.widgets.ProxyWidget` with a radio already checked
proxy_widget = ProxyWidget()
# WHEN: 'Checking' the `no_proxy_radio` button
# THEN: The other radio buttons should not be checked and the line edits should not be enabled
assert proxy_widget.use_sysem_proxy_radio.isChecked() is False
assert proxy_widget.manual_proxy_radio.isChecked() is False
assert proxy_widget.http_edit.isEnabled() is False
assert proxy_widget.https_edit.isEnabled() is False
assert proxy_widget.username_edit.isEnabled() is False
assert proxy_widget.password_edit.isEnabled() is False
def test_radio_button_exclusivity_system_proxy(self):
Test that only one radio button can be checked at a time, and that the line edits are only enabled when the
`manual_proxy_radio` is checked
# GIVEN: An instance of the `openlp.core.common.widgets.widgets.ProxyWidget` with a radio already checked
proxy_widget = ProxyWidget()
# WHEN: 'Checking' the `use_sysem_proxy_radio` button
# THEN: The other radio buttons should not be checked and the line edits should not be enabled
assert proxy_widget.no_proxy_radio.isChecked() is False
assert proxy_widget.manual_proxy_radio.isChecked() is False
assert proxy_widget.http_edit.isEnabled() is False
assert proxy_widget.https_edit.isEnabled() is False
assert proxy_widget.username_edit.isEnabled() is False
assert proxy_widget.password_edit.isEnabled() is False
def test_radio_button_exclusivity_manual_proxy(self):
Test that only one radio button can be checked at a time, and that the line edits are only enabled when the
`manual_proxy_radio` is checked
# GIVEN: An instance of the `openlp.core.common.widgets.widgets.ProxyWidget` with a radio already checked
proxy_widget = ProxyWidget()
# WHEN: 'Checking' the `manual_proxy_radio` button
# THEN: The other radio buttons should not be checked and the line edits should be enabled
assert proxy_widget.no_proxy_radio.isChecked() is False
assert proxy_widget.use_sysem_proxy_radio.isChecked() is False
assert proxy_widget.http_edit.isEnabled() is True
assert proxy_widget.https_edit.isEnabled() is True
assert proxy_widget.username_edit.isEnabled() is True
assert proxy_widget.password_edit.isEnabled() is True
def test_proxy_widget_load_default_settings(self):
Test that the default settings are loaded from the config correctly
# GIVEN: And instance of the widget with default settings
proxy_widget = ProxyWidget()
# WHEN: Calling the `load` method
# THEN: The widget should be in its default state
assert proxy_widget.use_sysem_proxy_radio.isChecked() is True
assert proxy_widget.http_edit.text() == ''
assert proxy_widget.https_edit.text() == ''
assert proxy_widget.username_edit.text() == ''
assert proxy_widget.password_edit.text() == ''
@patch.object(ProxyWidget, 'load')
def test_proxy_widget_save_no_proxy_settings(self, settings_patcher, proxy_widget_load_patcher):
Test that the settings are saved correctly
# GIVEN: A Mocked settings instance of the proxy widget with some known values set
settings_instance = MagicMock()
settings_patcher.return_value = settings_instance
proxy_widget = ProxyWidget()
# WHEN: Calling save
# THEN: The settings should be set as expected
[call('advanced/proxy mode', ProxyMode.NO_PROXY),
call('advanced/proxy http', ''),
call('advanced/proxy https', ''),
call('advanced/proxy username', ''),
call('advanced/proxy password', '')])
@patch.object(ProxyWidget, 'load')
def test_proxy_widget_save_manual_settings(self, settings_patcher, proxy_widget_load_patcher):
Test that the settings are saved correctly
# GIVEN: A Mocked and instance of the proxy widget with some known values set
settings_instance = MagicMock()
settings_patcher.return_value = settings_instance
proxy_widget = ProxyWidget()
# WHEN: Calling save
# THEN: The settings should be set as expected
[call('advanced/proxy mode', ProxyMode.MANUAL_PROXY),
call('advanced/proxy http', 'http_proxy_server:port'),
call('advanced/proxy https', 'https_proxy_server:port'),
call('advanced/proxy username', 'username'),
call('advanced/proxy password', 'password')])
class TestProxyDialog(TestCase, TestMixin):
"""Test the ProxyDialog"""
def setUp(self):
"""Test setup"""
def tearDown(self):
"""Teardown tests"""
def test_init(self):
"""Test that the ProxyDialog is created successfully"""
# GIVEN: ProxyDialog class
# WHEN: It is instantiated
# THEN: There should be no problems
def test_accept(self):
"""Test that the accept() method of the ProxyDialog works correctly"""
# GIVEN: An instance of a ProxyDialog with a mocked out widget
dlg = ProxyDialog()
dlg.proxy_widget = MagicMock()
# WHEN: accept() is called
# THEN: The save() method on the widget should have been called
class TestSceenButton(TestCase):
def test_screen_button_initialisation(self):
Test the initialisation of the ScreenButton object
# GIVEN: A mocked screen object
screen_mock = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
screen_mock.number = 0
screen_mock.__str__.return_value = 'Mocked Screen Object'
# WHEN: initialising the ScreenButton object
instance = ScreenButton(None, screen_mock)
# THEN: The ScreenButton should have been initalised correctly with the data from the mocked screen object
assert isinstance(instance, QtWidgets.QPushButton)
assert instance.objectName() == 'screen_0_button'
assert instance.isCheckable() is True
assert instance.text() == 'Mocked Screen Object'
class TestScreenSelectionWidget(TestCase, TestMixin):
def setUp(self):
"""Test setup"""
def tearDown(self):
"""Tear down tests"""
def test_init_default_args(self):
Test the initialisation of ScreenSelectionWidget, when initialised with default arguments
# GIVEN: The ScreenSelectionWidget class
# WHEN: Initialising ScreenSelectionWidget with default arguments
with patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.QtCore.QTimer') as MockTimer:
mocked_timer = MagicMock()
MockTimer.return_value = mocked_timer
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
# THEN: ScreenSelectionWidget should be an instance of QWidget and the screens attribute should be an empty list
assert isinstance(instance, QtWidgets.QWidget)
assert instance.screens == []
def test_init_with_args(self):
Test the initialisation of ScreenSelectionWidget, when initialised with the screens keyword arg set
# GIVEN: The ScreenSelectionWidget class
screens_object_mock = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Initialising ScreenSelectionWidget with the screens keyword arg set
with patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.QtCore.QTimer') as MockTimer:
mocked_timer = MagicMock()
MockTimer.return_value = mocked_timer
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget(screens=screens_object_mock)
# THEN: ScreenSelectionWidget should be an instance of QWidget and the screens attribute should the mock used
assert isinstance(instance, QtWidgets.QWidget)
assert instance.screens is screens_object_mock
def test_save_screen_none(self):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when called with the screen arg set as None
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
# WHEN: Calling _save_screen and no screen is selected
# THEN: _save_screen should return without attempting to write to the screen object
def test_save_screen_not_display(self):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when the display_group_box is not checked.
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget, and a mocked group_box
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
instance.custom_geometry_button = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QRadioButton, **{'isChecked.return_value': False})
mocked_screen_object = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
mocked_screen_object.is_dislpay = True
# WHEN: display_group_box isn't checked and _save_screen is called with a mocked Screen object.
instance.display_group_box.isChecked.return_value = False
# THEN: _save_screen should should be set to False
assert mocked_screen_object.is_display is False
def test_save_screen_display(self):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when the display_group_box is checked.
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget, and a mocked group_box
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
instance.custom_geometry_button = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QRadioButton, **{'isChecked.return_value': False})
mocked_screen_object = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
# WHEN: display_group_box is checked and _save_screen is called with a mocked Screen object.
instance.display_group_box.isChecked.return_value = True
# THEN: _save_screen should should be set to True
assert mocked_screen_object.is_display is True
def test_save_screen_full_screen(self, mocked_q_rect):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when the display is set to full screen
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget, and a mocked custom_geometry_button
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
instance.custom_geometry_button = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QRadioButton)
mocked_screen_object = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
# WHEN: custom_geometry_button isn't checked and _save_screen is called with a mocked Screen object.
instance.custom_geometry_button.isChecked.return_value = False
# THEN: _save_screen should not attempt to save a custom geometry
def test_save_screen_custom_geometry(self, mocked_q_rect):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when a custom geometry is set
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget, and a mocked custom_geometry_button
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
instance.custom_geometry_button = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QRadioButton)
instance.left_spin_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox, **{'value.return_value': 100})
instance.top_spin_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox, **{'value.return_value': 200})
instance.width_spin_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox, **{'value.return_value': 300})
instance.height_spin_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox, **{'value.return_value': 400})
mocked_screen_object = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
# WHEN: custom_geometry_button is checked and _save_screen is called with a mocked Screen object.
instance.custom_geometry_button.isChecked.return_value = True
# THEN: _save_screen should save the custom geometry
mocked_q_rect.assert_called_once_with(100, 200, 300, 400)
def test_setup_spin_box(self):
Test that ScreenSelectionWidget._setup_spin_box sets up the given spinbox correctly
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget class and a mocked spin box object
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
spin_box_mock = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox)
# WHEN: Calling _setup_spin_box with the mocked spin box object and some sample values
instance._setup_spin_box(spin_box_mock, 0, 100, 50)
# THEN: The mocked spin box object should have been set up with the specified values
def test_load(self):
Test that ScreenSelectionWidget.load() loads the screens correctly
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget and a whole bunch o' mocks
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
mocked_widget = MagicMock()
mocked_item = MagicMock()
mocked_item.widget.return_value = mocked_widget
mocked_screen_frame_layout = MagicMock()
mocked_screen_frame_layout.count.side_effect = [1, 0]
mocked_screen_frame_layout.takeAt.return_value = mocked_item
mocked_screen_button_group = MagicMock()
mocked_screen_button_group.buttons.return_value = [mocked_widget]
instance.screen_frame_layout = mocked_screen_frame_layout
instance.screen_button_group = mocked_screen_button_group
instance.screens = [Screen(number=0)]
# WHEN: load() is called
with patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.ScreenButton'):
# THEN: The mocks should have been called
def test_save(self):
Test that the save() method saves the screens
# GIVEN: A ScreenSelectionWidget and a bunch o' mocks
mocked_screen = MagicMock(**{'number': 0, 'to_dict.return_value': {'number': 0}})
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance._save_screen = MagicMock()
instance.screens = [mocked_screen]
instance.current_screen = mocked_screen
# WHEN: Save is called
with patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.Settings') as MockSettings:
mocked_settings = MagicMock()
MockSettings.return_value = mocked_settings
# THEN: The right things should happen
mocked_settings.setValue.assert_called_once_with('core/screens', {0: {'number': 0}})
def test_on_identify_timer_shot(self):
Test that the _on_identify_timer_shot() method removes the labels from the screens
# GIVEN: A ScreenSelectionWidget and a bunch o' mocks
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
mocked_label = MagicMock()
instance.identify_labels = [mocked_label]
# WHEN: _on_identify_timer_shot() is called
# THEN: The labels should be cleared
assert instance.identify_labels == []
def test_on_identify_button_clicked(self):
Test that the on_identify_button_clicked() method shows a label on each screen
# GIVEN: A ScreenSelectionWidget and a bunch o' mocks
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
mocked_screen = MagicMock()
mocked_screen.geometry.x.return_value = 0
mocked_screen.geometry.y.return_value = 0
mocked_screen.geometry.width.return_value = 1920
mocked_screen.__str__.return_value = 'Screen 1'
instance.screens = [mocked_screen]
instance.timer = MagicMock()
# WHEN: on_identify_button_clicked() is called
with patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.QtWidgets.QLabel') as MockLabel:
mocked_label = MagicMock()
MockLabel.return_value = mocked_label
# THEN: The labels should be cleared
mocked_label.setText.assert_called_once_with('Screen 1')
mocked_label.setStyleSheet.assert_called_once_with('font-size: 24pt; font-weight: bold; '
'background-color: #0C0; color: #000; '
'border: 5px solid #000;')
mocked_label.setGeometry.assert_called_once_with(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 1920, 100))
mocked_label.setWindowFlags.assert_called_once_with(QtCore.Qt.FramelessWindowHint | QtCore.Qt.Tool |
QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint |
assert instance.identify_labels == [mocked_label]
def test_on_display_clicked_with_checked(self):
Test that the on_display_clicked() sets the first screen as display when the checkbx is checked
# GIVEN: A ScreenSelectionWidget and a bunch o' mocks
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
mocked_screen_1 = MagicMock()
mocked_screen_2 = MagicMock()
mocked_screen_2.is_display = True
instance.screens = [mocked_screen_1, mocked_screen_2]
instance.current_screen = mocked_screen_1
# WHEN: on_display_clicked() is called when the checkbox is checked
# THEN: The first screen should be marked as a display
assert mocked_screen_1.is_display is True
assert mocked_screen_2.is_display is False
def test_on_display_clicked_with_unchecked(self):
Test that the on_display_clicked() disallows the checkbox to be unchecked
# GIVEN: A ScreenSelectionWidget and a bunch o' mocks
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
mocked_screen_1 = MagicMock()
mocked_screen_2 = MagicMock()
mocked_screen_2.is_display = True
instance.screens = [mocked_screen_1, mocked_screen_2]
instance.current_screen = mocked_screen_2
# WHEN: on_display_clicked() is called when the checkbox is checked
with patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.translate') as mocked_translate, \
patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.critical_error_message_box') as mocked_error:
mocked_translate.side_effect = lambda c, s: s
# THEN: The first screen should be marked as a display
mocked_error.assert_called_once_with('Select a Display',
'You need to select at least one screen to be used as a display. '
'Select the screen you wish to use as a display, and check the '
'checkbox for that screen.', parent=instance, question=False)
assert instance.use_screen_check_box.isChecked() is True
assert instance.display_group_box.isChecked() is True
class TestFontSelectWidget(TestCase, TestMixin):
def setUp(self):
"""Test setup"""
def tearDown(self):
"""Tear down tests"""
def test_init_(self):
Test the initialisation of FontSelectWidget
# GIVEN: The FontSelectWidget class
# WHEN: Initialising FontSelectWidget
# THEN: We should have an instance of the widget with no errors
def test_resize_event(self):
Test that the `resizeEvent()` method called the `resize_widgets()` method.
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "resize_widgets" method
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.resize_widgets = MagicMock()
# WHEN: resizeEvent is called
# THEN: resize_widgets should have been called
def test_font_name_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "font_name_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_name_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
instance._on_font_name_changed('Sans serif')
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
instance.font_name_changed.emit.assert_called_once_with('Sans serif')
def test_font_name_changed_int(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "font_name_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_name_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
assert instance.font_name_changed.emit.call_count == 0
def test_font_color_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "font_color_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_color_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font color changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_is_bold_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "is_bold_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.is_bold_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_is_italic_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "style_italic_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.is_italic_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_font_size_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "font_size_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_size_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font size changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_line_spacing_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "line_spacing_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.line_spacing_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_is_outline_enabled_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "outline_enabled_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.is_outline_enabled_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_outline_color_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "outline_color_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.outline_color_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_outline_size_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "outline_size_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.outline_size_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_is_shadow_enabled_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "is_shadow_enabled_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.is_shadow_enabled_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_shadow_color_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "shadow_color_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.shadow_color_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_shadow_size_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "shadow_size_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.shadow_size_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_resize_widgets(self):
Test the `resize_widgets()` method
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget and various mocked out methods
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.geometry = MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock(**{'width.return_value': 100}))
instance.layout.contentsMargins = MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock(**{'left.return_value': 8,
'right.return_value': 8}))
instance.layout.horizontalSpacing = MagicMock(return_value=6)
instance.layout.setColumnMinimumWidth = MagicMock()
# WHEN: `resize_widgets()` is called
# THEN: The column widths should be set to 16
assert instance._column_width == 16
assert instance.layout.setColumnMinimumWidth.call_args_list == [call(0, 16), call(1, 16),
call(2, 16), call(3, 16)]
def test_enable_features(self):
Test that the `enable_features` method correctly enables widgets based on features
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
mock_label = MagicMock()
mock_control = MagicMock()
instance.feature_widgets = {'test': [mock_label, mock_control]}
# WHEN: The "test" feature is enabled
# THEN: "show()" is called on all the widgets
def test_enable_missing_features(self):
Test that the `enable_features` method correctly raises an error on a non-existent feature
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
mock_label = MagicMock()
mock_control = MagicMock()
instance.feature_widgets = {'test1': [mock_label, mock_control]}
# WHEN: The "test" feature is enabled
with pytest.raises(KeyError, match='No such feature'):
def test_disable_features(self):
Test that the `disable_features` method correctly disables widgets based on features
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
mock_label = MagicMock()
mock_control = MagicMock()
instance.feature_widgets = {'test': [mock_label, mock_control]}
# WHEN: The "test" feature is disabled
# THEN: "show()" is called on all the widgets
def test_disable_missing_features(self):
Test that the `disable_features` method correctly raises an error on a non-existent feature
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
mock_label = MagicMock()
mock_control = MagicMock()
instance.feature_widgets = {'test1': [mock_label, mock_control]}
# WHEN: The "test" feature is disabled
with pytest.raises(KeyError, match='No such feature'):
def test_get_font_name_property(self):
Test the `font_name` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_name_combobox.currentFont = MagicMock(
return_value=MagicMock(**{'family.return_value': 'Sans serif'}))
# WHEN: The `font_name` propert is accessed
result = instance.font_name
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == 'Sans serif'
def test_set_font_name_property(self):
Test setting the `font_name` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_name_combobox.setCurrentFont = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `font_name` property is set
with patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.QtGui.QFont') as MockFont:
mocked_font = MagicMock()
MockFont.return_value = mocked_font
instance.font_name = 'Serif'
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_font_color_property(self):
Test the `font_color` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_color_button.color = '#000'
# WHEN: The `font_color` propert is accessed
result = instance.font_color
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == '#000'
def test_set_font_color_property(self):
Test setting the `font_color` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
# WHEN: The `font_color` property is set
instance.font_color = '#fff'
# THEN: The correct value should be set
assert instance.font_color_button.color == '#fff'
def test_get_is_bold_property(self):
Test the `is_bold` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.style_bold_button.isChecked = MagicMock(return_value=False)
# WHEN: The `is_bold` propert is accessed
result = instance.is_bold
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result is False
def test_set_is_bold_property(self):
Test setting the `is_bold` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.style_bold_button.setChecked = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `is_bold` property is set
instance.is_bold = True
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_is_italic_property(self):
Test the `is_italic` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.style_italic_button.isChecked = MagicMock(return_value=True)
# WHEN: The `is_italic` propert is accessed
result = instance.is_italic
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result is True
def test_set_is_italic_property(self):
Test setting the `is_italic` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.style_italic_button.setChecked = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `is_italic` property is set
instance.is_italic = False
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_font_size_property(self):
Test the `font_size` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_size_spinbox.value = MagicMock(return_value=16)
# WHEN: The `font_size` propert is accessed
result = instance.font_size
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == 16
def test_set_font_size_property(self):
Test setting the `font_size` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_size_spinbox.setValue = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `font_size` property is set
instance.font_size = 18
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_line_spacing_property(self):
Test the `line_spacing` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.line_spacing_spinbox.value = MagicMock(return_value=1)
# WHEN: The `line_spacing` propert is accessed
result = instance.line_spacing
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == 1
def test_set_line_spacing_property(self):
Test setting the `line_spacing` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.line_spacing_spinbox.setValue = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `line_spacing` property is set
instance.line_spacing = 2
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_is_outline_enabled_property(self):
Test the `is_outline_enabled` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.outline_groupbox.isChecked = MagicMock(return_value=True)
# WHEN: The `is_outline_enabled` propert is accessed
result = instance.is_outline_enabled
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result is True
def test_set_is_outline_enabled_property(self):
Test setting the `is_outline_enabled` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.outline_groupbox.setChecked = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `is_outline_enabled` property is set
instance.is_outline_enabled = False
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_outline_color_property(self):
Test the `outline_color` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.outline_color_button.color = '#fff'
# WHEN: The `outline_color` propert is accessed
result = instance.outline_color
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == '#fff'
def test_set_outline_color_property(self):
Test setting the `outline_color` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
# WHEN: The `outline_color` property is set
instance.outline_color = '#000'
# THEN: The correct value should be set
assert instance.outline_color_button.color == '#000'
def test_get_outline_size_property(self):
Test the `outline_size` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.outline_size_spinbox.value = MagicMock(return_value=2)
# WHEN: The `outline_size` propert is accessed
result = instance.outline_size
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == 2
def test_set_outline_size_property(self):
Test setting the `outline_size` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.outline_size_spinbox.setValue = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `outline_size` property is set
instance.outline_size = 1
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_is_shadow_enabled_property(self):
Test the `is_shadow_enabled` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.shadow_groupbox.isChecked = MagicMock(return_value=False)
# WHEN: The `is_shadow_enabled` propert is accessed
result = instance.is_shadow_enabled
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result is False
def test_set_is_shadow_enabled_property(self):
Test setting the `is_shadow_enabled` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.shadow_groupbox.setChecked = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `is_shadow_enabled` property is set
instance.is_shadow_enabled = True
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_shadow_color_property(self):
Test the `shadow_color` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.shadow_color_button.color = '#000'
# WHEN: The `shadow_color` propert is accessed
result = instance.shadow_color
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == '#000'
def test_set_shadow_color_property(self):
Test setting the `shadow_color` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
# WHEN: The `shadow_color` property is set
instance.shadow_color = '#fff'
# THEN: The correct value should be set
instance.shadow_color_button.color == '#fff'
def test_get_shadow_size_property(self):
Test the `shadow_size` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.shadow_size_spinbox.value = MagicMock(return_value=5)
# WHEN: The `shadow_size` propert is accessed
result = instance.shadow_size
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == 5
def test_set_shadow_size_property(self):
Test setting the `shadow_size` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.shadow_size_spinbox.setValue = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `shadow_size` property is set
instance.shadow_size = 10
# THEN: The correct value should be set