2019-11-02 06:21:23 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2019 OpenLP Developers #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
Package to test the openlp.core.widgets.widgets package.
from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, call, patch
2019-11-22 16:40:10 +00:00
import pytest
2019-11-02 06:21:23 +00:00
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
from openlp.core.common.settings import ProxyMode
from openlp.core.display.screens import Screen
2019-11-22 16:40:10 +00:00
from openlp.core.widgets.widgets import ProxyWidget, ProxyDialog, ScreenButton, ScreenSelectionWidget, FontSelectWidget
2019-11-02 06:21:23 +00:00
from tests.helpers.testmixin import TestMixin
class TestProxyWidget(TestCase, TestMixin):
Test the EditCustomForm.
def setUp(self):
Create the UI
def test_radio_button_exclusivity_no_proxy(self):
Test that only one radio button can be checked at a time, and that the line edits are only enabled when the
`manual_proxy_radio` is checked
# GIVEN: An instance of the `openlp.core.common.widgets.widgets.ProxyWidget` with a radio already checked
proxy_widget = ProxyWidget()
# WHEN: 'Checking' the `no_proxy_radio` button
# THEN: The other radio buttons should not be checked and the line edits should not be enabled
assert proxy_widget.use_sysem_proxy_radio.isChecked() is False
assert proxy_widget.manual_proxy_radio.isChecked() is False
assert proxy_widget.http_edit.isEnabled() is False
assert proxy_widget.https_edit.isEnabled() is False
assert proxy_widget.username_edit.isEnabled() is False
assert proxy_widget.password_edit.isEnabled() is False
def test_radio_button_exclusivity_system_proxy(self):
Test that only one radio button can be checked at a time, and that the line edits are only enabled when the
`manual_proxy_radio` is checked
# GIVEN: An instance of the `openlp.core.common.widgets.widgets.ProxyWidget` with a radio already checked
proxy_widget = ProxyWidget()
# WHEN: 'Checking' the `use_sysem_proxy_radio` button
# THEN: The other radio buttons should not be checked and the line edits should not be enabled
assert proxy_widget.no_proxy_radio.isChecked() is False
assert proxy_widget.manual_proxy_radio.isChecked() is False
assert proxy_widget.http_edit.isEnabled() is False
assert proxy_widget.https_edit.isEnabled() is False
assert proxy_widget.username_edit.isEnabled() is False
assert proxy_widget.password_edit.isEnabled() is False
def test_radio_button_exclusivity_manual_proxy(self):
Test that only one radio button can be checked at a time, and that the line edits are only enabled when the
`manual_proxy_radio` is checked
# GIVEN: An instance of the `openlp.core.common.widgets.widgets.ProxyWidget` with a radio already checked
proxy_widget = ProxyWidget()
# WHEN: 'Checking' the `manual_proxy_radio` button
# THEN: The other radio buttons should not be checked and the line edits should be enabled
assert proxy_widget.no_proxy_radio.isChecked() is False
assert proxy_widget.use_sysem_proxy_radio.isChecked() is False
assert proxy_widget.http_edit.isEnabled() is True
assert proxy_widget.https_edit.isEnabled() is True
assert proxy_widget.username_edit.isEnabled() is True
assert proxy_widget.password_edit.isEnabled() is True
def test_proxy_widget_load_default_settings(self):
Test that the default settings are loaded from the config correctly
# GIVEN: And instance of the widget with default settings
proxy_widget = ProxyWidget()
# WHEN: Calling the `load` method
# THEN: The widget should be in its default state
assert proxy_widget.use_sysem_proxy_radio.isChecked() is True
assert proxy_widget.http_edit.text() == ''
assert proxy_widget.https_edit.text() == ''
assert proxy_widget.username_edit.text() == ''
assert proxy_widget.password_edit.text() == ''
@patch.object(ProxyWidget, 'load')
def test_proxy_widget_save_no_proxy_settings(self, settings_patcher, proxy_widget_load_patcher):
Test that the settings are saved correctly
# GIVEN: A Mocked settings instance of the proxy widget with some known values set
settings_instance = MagicMock()
settings_patcher.return_value = settings_instance
proxy_widget = ProxyWidget()
# WHEN: Calling save
# THEN: The settings should be set as expected
[call('advanced/proxy mode', ProxyMode.NO_PROXY),
call('advanced/proxy http', ''),
call('advanced/proxy https', ''),
call('advanced/proxy username', ''),
call('advanced/proxy password', '')])
@patch.object(ProxyWidget, 'load')
def test_proxy_widget_save_manual_settings(self, settings_patcher, proxy_widget_load_patcher):
Test that the settings are saved correctly
# GIVEN: A Mocked and instance of the proxy widget with some known values set
settings_instance = MagicMock()
settings_patcher.return_value = settings_instance
proxy_widget = ProxyWidget()
# WHEN: Calling save
# THEN: The settings should be set as expected
[call('advanced/proxy mode', ProxyMode.MANUAL_PROXY),
call('advanced/proxy http', 'http_proxy_server:port'),
call('advanced/proxy https', 'https_proxy_server:port'),
call('advanced/proxy username', 'username'),
call('advanced/proxy password', 'password')])
class TestProxyDialog(TestCase, TestMixin):
"""Test the ProxyDialog"""
def setUp(self):
"""Test setup"""
def tearDown(self):
"""Teardown tests"""
del self.app
def test_init(self):
"""Test that the ProxyDialog is created successfully"""
# GIVEN: ProxyDialog class
# WHEN: It is instantiated
# THEN: There should be no problems
def test_accept(self):
"""Test that the accept() method of the ProxyDialog works correctly"""
# GIVEN: An instance of a ProxyDialog with a mocked out widget
dlg = ProxyDialog()
dlg.proxy_widget = MagicMock()
# WHEN: accept() is called
# THEN: The save() method on the widget should have been called
class TestSceenButton(TestCase):
def test_screen_button_initialisation(self):
Test the initialisation of the ScreenButton object
# GIVEN: A mocked screen object
screen_mock = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
screen_mock.number = 0
screen_mock.__str__.return_value = 'Mocked Screen Object'
# WHEN: initialising the ScreenButton object
instance = ScreenButton(None, screen_mock)
# THEN: The ScreenButton should have been initalised correctly with the data from the mocked screen object
assert isinstance(instance, QtWidgets.QPushButton)
assert instance.objectName() == 'screen_0_button'
assert instance.isCheckable() is True
assert instance.text() == 'Mocked Screen Object'
class TestScreenSelectionWidget(TestCase, TestMixin):
def setUp(self):
"""Test setup"""
def tearDown(self):
"""Tear down tests"""
del self.app
def test_init_default_args(self):
Test the initialisation of ScreenSelectionWidget, when initialised with default arguments
# GIVEN: The ScreenSelectionWidget class
# WHEN: Initialising ScreenSelectionWidget with default arguments
with patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.QtCore.QTimer') as MockTimer:
mocked_timer = MagicMock()
MockTimer.return_value = mocked_timer
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
# THEN: ScreenSelectionWidget should be an instance of QWidget and the screens attribute should be an empty list
assert isinstance(instance, QtWidgets.QWidget)
assert instance.screens == []
def test_init_with_args(self):
Test the initialisation of ScreenSelectionWidget, when initialised with the screens keyword arg set
# GIVEN: The ScreenSelectionWidget class
screens_object_mock = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Initialising ScreenSelectionWidget with the screens keyword arg set
with patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.QtCore.QTimer') as MockTimer:
mocked_timer = MagicMock()
MockTimer.return_value = mocked_timer
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget(screens=screens_object_mock)
# THEN: ScreenSelectionWidget should be an instance of QWidget and the screens attribute should the mock used
assert isinstance(instance, QtWidgets.QWidget)
assert instance.screens is screens_object_mock
def test_save_screen_none(self):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when called with the screen arg set as None
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
# WHEN: Calling _save_screen and no screen is selected
# THEN: _save_screen should return without attempting to write to the screen object
def test_save_screen_not_display(self):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when the display_group_box is not checked.
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget, and a mocked group_box
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
instance.custom_geometry_button = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QRadioButton, **{'isChecked.return_value': False})
mocked_screen_object = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
mocked_screen_object.is_dislpay = True
# WHEN: display_group_box isn't checked and _save_screen is called with a mocked Screen object.
instance.display_group_box.isChecked.return_value = False
# THEN: _save_screen should should be set to False
assert mocked_screen_object.is_display is False
def test_save_screen_display(self):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when the display_group_box is checked.
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget, and a mocked group_box
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
instance.custom_geometry_button = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QRadioButton, **{'isChecked.return_value': False})
mocked_screen_object = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
# WHEN: display_group_box is checked and _save_screen is called with a mocked Screen object.
instance.display_group_box.isChecked.return_value = True
# THEN: _save_screen should should be set to True
assert mocked_screen_object.is_display is True
def test_save_screen_full_screen(self, mocked_q_rect):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when the display is set to full screen
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget, and a mocked custom_geometry_button
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
instance.custom_geometry_button = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QRadioButton)
mocked_screen_object = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
# WHEN: custom_geometry_button isn't checked and _save_screen is called with a mocked Screen object.
instance.custom_geometry_button.isChecked.return_value = False
# THEN: _save_screen should not attempt to save a custom geometry
def test_save_screen_custom_geometry(self, mocked_q_rect):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when a custom geometry is set
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget, and a mocked custom_geometry_button
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
instance.custom_geometry_button = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QRadioButton)
instance.left_spin_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox, **{'value.return_value': 100})
instance.top_spin_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox, **{'value.return_value': 200})
instance.width_spin_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox, **{'value.return_value': 300})
instance.height_spin_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox, **{'value.return_value': 400})
mocked_screen_object = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
# WHEN: custom_geometry_button is checked and _save_screen is called with a mocked Screen object.
instance.custom_geometry_button.isChecked.return_value = True
# THEN: _save_screen should save the custom geometry
mocked_q_rect.assert_called_once_with(100, 200, 300, 400)
def test_setup_spin_box(self):
Test that ScreenSelectionWidget._setup_spin_box sets up the given spinbox correctly
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget class and a mocked spin box object
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
spin_box_mock = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox)
# WHEN: Calling _setup_spin_box with the mocked spin box object and some sample values
instance._setup_spin_box(spin_box_mock, 0, 100, 50)
# THEN: The mocked spin box object should have been set up with the specified values
def test_load(self):
Test that ScreenSelectionWidget.load() loads the screens correctly
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget and a whole bunch o' mocks
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
mocked_widget = MagicMock()
mocked_item = MagicMock()
mocked_item.widget.return_value = mocked_widget
mocked_screen_frame_layout = MagicMock()
mocked_screen_frame_layout.count.side_effect = [1, 0]
mocked_screen_frame_layout.takeAt.return_value = mocked_item
mocked_screen_button_group = MagicMock()
mocked_screen_button_group.buttons.return_value = [mocked_widget]
instance.screen_frame_layout = mocked_screen_frame_layout
instance.screen_button_group = mocked_screen_button_group
instance.screens = [Screen(number=0)]
# WHEN: load() is called
with patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.ScreenButton'):
# THEN: The mocks should have been called
def test_save(self):
Test that the save() method saves the screens
# GIVEN: A ScreenSelectionWidget and a bunch o' mocks
mocked_screen = MagicMock(**{'number': 0, 'to_dict.return_value': {'number': 0}})
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance._save_screen = MagicMock()
instance.screens = [mocked_screen]
instance.current_screen = mocked_screen
# WHEN: Save is called
with patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.Settings') as MockSettings:
mocked_settings = MagicMock()
MockSettings.return_value = mocked_settings
# THEN: The right things should happen
mocked_settings.setValue.assert_called_once_with('core/screens', {0: {'number': 0}})
def test_on_identify_timer_shot(self):
Test that the _on_identify_timer_shot() method removes the labels from the screens
# GIVEN: A ScreenSelectionWidget and a bunch o' mocks
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
mocked_label = MagicMock()
instance.identify_labels = [mocked_label]
# WHEN: _on_identify_timer_shot() is called
# THEN: The labels should be cleared
assert instance.identify_labels == []
def test_on_identify_button_clicked(self):
Test that the on_identify_button_clicked() method shows a label on each screen
# GIVEN: A ScreenSelectionWidget and a bunch o' mocks
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
mocked_screen = MagicMock()
mocked_screen.geometry.x.return_value = 0
mocked_screen.geometry.y.return_value = 0
mocked_screen.geometry.width.return_value = 1920
mocked_screen.__str__.return_value = 'Screen 1'
instance.screens = [mocked_screen]
instance.timer = MagicMock()
# WHEN: on_identify_button_clicked() is called
with patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.QtWidgets.QLabel') as MockLabel:
mocked_label = MagicMock()
MockLabel.return_value = mocked_label
# THEN: The labels should be cleared
mocked_label.setText.assert_called_once_with('Screen 1')
mocked_label.setStyleSheet.assert_called_once_with('font-size: 24pt; font-weight: bold; '
'background-color: #0C0; color: #000; '
'border: 5px solid #000;')
mocked_label.setGeometry.assert_called_once_with(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 1920, 100))
mocked_label.setWindowFlags.assert_called_once_with(QtCore.Qt.FramelessWindowHint | QtCore.Qt.Tool |
QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint |
assert instance.identify_labels == [mocked_label]
2019-11-02 07:05:08 +00:00
def test_on_display_clicked_with_checked(self):
Test that the on_display_clicked() sets the first screen as display when the checkbx is checked
# GIVEN: A ScreenSelectionWidget and a bunch o' mocks
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
mocked_screen_1 = MagicMock()
mocked_screen_2 = MagicMock()
mocked_screen_2.is_display = True
instance.screens = [mocked_screen_1, mocked_screen_2]
instance.current_screen = mocked_screen_1
# WHEN: on_display_clicked() is called when the checkbox is checked
# THEN: The first screen should be marked as a display
assert mocked_screen_1.is_display is True
assert mocked_screen_2.is_display is False
def test_on_display_clicked_with_unchecked(self):
Test that the on_display_clicked() disallows the checkbox to be unchecked
# GIVEN: A ScreenSelectionWidget and a bunch o' mocks
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
mocked_screen_1 = MagicMock()
mocked_screen_2 = MagicMock()
mocked_screen_2.is_display = True
instance.screens = [mocked_screen_1, mocked_screen_2]
instance.current_screen = mocked_screen_2
# WHEN: on_display_clicked() is called when the checkbox is checked
with patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.translate') as mocked_translate, \
patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.critical_error_message_box') as mocked_error:
mocked_translate.side_effect = lambda c, s: s
# THEN: The first screen should be marked as a display
mocked_error.assert_called_once_with('Select a Display',
'You need to select at least one screen to be used as a display. '
'Select the screen you wish to use as a display, and check the '
'checkbox for that screen.', parent=instance, question=False)
assert instance.use_screen_check_box.isChecked() is True
assert instance.display_group_box.isChecked() is True
2019-11-22 16:40:10 +00:00
class TestFontSelectWidget(TestCase, TestMixin):
def setUp(self):
"""Test setup"""
def tearDown(self):
"""Tear down tests"""
del self.app
def test_init_(self):
Test the initialisation of FontSelectWidget
# GIVEN: The FontSelectWidget class
# WHEN: Initialising FontSelectWidget
# THEN: We should have an instance of the widget with no errors
def test_resize_event(self):
Test that the `resizeEvent()` method called the `resize_widgets()` method.
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "resize_widgets" method
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.resize_widgets = MagicMock()
# WHEN: resizeEvent is called
# THEN: resize_widgets should have been called
def test_font_name_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "font_name_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_name_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
instance._on_font_name_changed('Sans serif')
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
instance.font_name_changed.emit.assert_called_once_with('Sans serif')
def test_font_name_changed_int(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "font_name_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_name_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
assert instance.font_name_changed.emit.call_count == 0
def test_font_color_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "font_color_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_color_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font color changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_is_bold_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "is_bold_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.is_bold_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_is_italic_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "style_italic_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.is_italic_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_font_size_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "font_size_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_size_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font size changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_line_spacing_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "line_spacing_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.line_spacing_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_is_outline_enabled_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "outline_enabled_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.is_outline_enabled_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_outline_color_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "outline_color_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.outline_color_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_outline_size_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "outline_size_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.outline_size_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_is_shadow_enabled_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "is_shadow_enabled_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.is_shadow_enabled_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_shadow_color_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "shadow_color_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.shadow_color_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_shadow_size_changed(self):
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with a mocked out "shadow_size_changed" signal
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.shadow_size_changed = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The font name changes
# THEN: The signal should be emitted with the correct value
def test_resize_widgets(self):
Test the `resize_widgets()` method
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget and various mocked out methods
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.geometry = MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock(**{'width.return_value': 100}))
instance.layout.contentsMargins = MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock(**{'left.return_value': 8,
'right.return_value': 8}))
instance.layout.horizontalSpacing = MagicMock(return_value=6)
instance.layout.setColumnMinimumWidth = MagicMock()
# WHEN: `resize_widgets()` is called
# THEN: The column widths should be set to 16
assert instance._column_width == 16
assert instance.layout.setColumnMinimumWidth.call_args_list == [call(0, 16), call(1, 16),
call(2, 16), call(3, 16)]
def test_enable_features(self):
Test that the `enable_features` method correctly enables widgets based on features
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
mock_label = MagicMock()
mock_control = MagicMock()
instance.feature_widgets = {'test': [mock_label, mock_control]}
# WHEN: The "test" feature is enabled
# THEN: "show()" is called on all the widgets
def test_enable_missing_features(self):
Test that the `enable_features` method correctly raises an error on a non-existent feature
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
mock_label = MagicMock()
mock_control = MagicMock()
instance.feature_widgets = {'test1': [mock_label, mock_control]}
# WHEN: The "test" feature is enabled
with pytest.raises(KeyError, match='No such feature'):
def test_disable_features(self):
Test that the `disable_features` method correctly disables widgets based on features
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
mock_label = MagicMock()
mock_control = MagicMock()
instance.feature_widgets = {'test': [mock_label, mock_control]}
# WHEN: The "test" feature is disabled
# THEN: "show()" is called on all the widgets
def test_disable_missing_features(self):
Test that the `disable_features` method correctly raises an error on a non-existent feature
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
mock_label = MagicMock()
mock_control = MagicMock()
instance.feature_widgets = {'test1': [mock_label, mock_control]}
# WHEN: The "test" feature is disabled
with pytest.raises(KeyError, match='No such feature'):
def test_get_font_name_property(self):
Test the `font_name` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_name_combobox.currentFont = MagicMock(
return_value=MagicMock(**{'family.return_value': 'Sans serif'}))
# WHEN: The `font_name` propert is accessed
result = instance.font_name
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == 'Sans serif'
def test_set_font_name_property(self):
Test setting the `font_name` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_name_combobox.setCurrentFont = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `font_name` property is set
with patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.QtGui.QFont') as MockFont:
mocked_font = MagicMock()
MockFont.return_value = mocked_font
instance.font_name = 'Serif'
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_font_color_property(self):
Test the `font_color` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_color_button.color = '#000'
# WHEN: The `font_color` propert is accessed
result = instance.font_color
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == '#000'
def test_set_font_color_property(self):
Test setting the `font_color` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
# WHEN: The `font_color` property is set
instance.font_color = '#fff'
# THEN: The correct value should be set
assert instance.font_color_button.color == '#fff'
def test_get_is_bold_property(self):
Test the `is_bold` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.style_bold_button.isChecked = MagicMock(return_value=False)
# WHEN: The `is_bold` propert is accessed
result = instance.is_bold
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result is False
def test_set_is_bold_property(self):
Test setting the `is_bold` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.style_bold_button.setChecked = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `is_bold` property is set
instance.is_bold = True
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_is_italic_property(self):
Test the `is_italic` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.style_italic_button.isChecked = MagicMock(return_value=True)
# WHEN: The `is_italic` propert is accessed
result = instance.is_italic
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result is True
def test_set_is_italic_property(self):
Test setting the `is_italic` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.style_italic_button.setChecked = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `is_italic` property is set
instance.is_italic = False
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_font_size_property(self):
Test the `font_size` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_size_spinbox.value = MagicMock(return_value=16)
# WHEN: The `font_size` propert is accessed
result = instance.font_size
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == 16
def test_set_font_size_property(self):
Test setting the `font_size` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.font_size_spinbox.setValue = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `font_size` property is set
instance.font_size = 18
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_line_spacing_property(self):
Test the `line_spacing` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.line_spacing_spinbox.value = MagicMock(return_value=1)
# WHEN: The `line_spacing` propert is accessed
result = instance.line_spacing
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == 1
def test_set_line_spacing_property(self):
Test setting the `line_spacing` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.line_spacing_spinbox.setValue = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `line_spacing` property is set
instance.line_spacing = 2
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_is_outline_enabled_property(self):
Test the `is_outline_enabled` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.outline_groupbox.isChecked = MagicMock(return_value=True)
# WHEN: The `is_outline_enabled` propert is accessed
result = instance.is_outline_enabled
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result is True
def test_set_is_outline_enabled_property(self):
Test setting the `is_outline_enabled` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.outline_groupbox.setChecked = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `is_outline_enabled` property is set
instance.is_outline_enabled = False
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_outline_color_property(self):
Test the `outline_color` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.outline_color_button.color = '#fff'
# WHEN: The `outline_color` propert is accessed
result = instance.outline_color
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == '#fff'
def test_set_outline_color_property(self):
Test setting the `outline_color` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
# WHEN: The `outline_color` property is set
instance.outline_color = '#000'
# THEN: The correct value should be set
assert instance.outline_color_button.color == '#000'
def test_get_outline_size_property(self):
Test the `outline_size` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.outline_size_spinbox.value = MagicMock(return_value=2)
# WHEN: The `outline_size` propert is accessed
result = instance.outline_size
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == 2
def test_set_outline_size_property(self):
Test setting the `outline_size` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.outline_size_spinbox.setValue = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `outline_size` property is set
instance.outline_size = 1
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_is_shadow_enabled_property(self):
Test the `is_shadow_enabled` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.shadow_groupbox.isChecked = MagicMock(return_value=False)
# WHEN: The `is_shadow_enabled` propert is accessed
result = instance.is_shadow_enabled
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result is False
def test_set_is_shadow_enabled_property(self):
Test setting the `is_shadow_enabled` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.shadow_groupbox.setChecked = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `is_shadow_enabled` property is set
instance.is_shadow_enabled = True
# THEN: The correct value should be set
def test_get_shadow_color_property(self):
Test the `shadow_color` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.shadow_color_button.color = '#000'
# WHEN: The `shadow_color` propert is accessed
result = instance.shadow_color
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == '#000'
def test_set_shadow_color_property(self):
Test setting the `shadow_color` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
# WHEN: The `shadow_color` property is set
instance.shadow_color = '#fff'
# THEN: The correct value should be set
instance.shadow_color_button.color == '#fff'
def test_get_shadow_size_property(self):
Test the `shadow_size` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.shadow_size_spinbox.value = MagicMock(return_value=5)
# WHEN: The `shadow_size` propert is accessed
result = instance.shadow_size
# THEN: The value should be correct
assert result == 5
def test_set_shadow_size_property(self):
Test setting the `shadow_size` property
# GIVEN: An instance of FontSelectWidget with some mocks
instance = FontSelectWidget()
instance.shadow_size_spinbox.setValue = MagicMock()
# WHEN: The `shadow_size` property is set
instance.shadow_size = 10
# THEN: The correct value should be set