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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
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# Copyright (c) 2008-2015 OpenLP Developers #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for #
# more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
This module contains tests for the bibleimport module.
from io import BytesIO
from lxml import etree, objectify
from unittest import TestCase
from openlp.core.common.languages import Language
2016-08-14 10:00:27 +00:00
from openlp.core.lib.exceptions import ValidationError
from openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.bibleimport import BibleImport
2016-08-14 10:00:27 +00:00
from openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db import BibleDB
from tests.functional import MagicMock, patch
class TestBibleImport(TestCase):
Test the functions in the :mod:`bibleimport` module.
def setUp(self):
self.test_file = BytesIO(
2016-08-14 10:00:27 +00:00
b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n'
b' <data><div>Test<p>data</p><a>to</a>keep</div></data>\n'
b' <data><unsupported>Test<x>data</x><y>to</y>discard</unsupported></data>\n'
self.open_patcher = patch('')
self.mocked_open = self.open_patcher.start()
self.critical_error_message_box_patcher = \
self.mocked_critical_error_message_box = self.critical_error_message_box_patcher.start()
2016-08-14 10:00:27 +00:00
self.setup_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db.BibleDB._setup')
self.translate_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.bibleimport.translate',
side_effect=lambda module, string_to_translate, *args: string_to_translate)
self.mocked_translate = self.translate_patcher.start()
2016-08-14 10:00:27 +00:00
def init_kwargs_none_test(self):
Test the initialisation of the BibleImport Class when no key word arguments are supplied
# GIVEN: A patched BibleDB._setup, BibleImport class and mocked parent
# WHEN: Creating an instance of BibleImport with no key word arguments
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
# THEN: The filename attribute should be None
self.assertIsInstance(instance, BibleDB)
def init_kwargs_set_test(self):
Test the initialisation of the BibleImport Class when supplied with select keyword arguments
# GIVEN: A patched BibleDB._setup, BibleImport class and mocked parent
# WHEN: Creating an instance of BibleImport with selected key word arguments
kwargs = {'filename': 'bible.xml'}
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock(), **kwargs)
# THEN: The filename keyword should be set to bible.xml
self.assertEqual(instance.filename, 'bible.xml')
self.assertIsInstance(instance, BibleDB)
def get_language_id_language_found_test(self):
Test get_language_id() when called with a name found in the languages list
# GIVEN: A mocked languages.get_language which returns language and an instance of BibleImport
with patch('openlp.core.common.languages.get_language', return_value=Language(30, 'English', 'en')) \
as mocked_languages_get_language, \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'get_language') as mocked_db_get_language:
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.save_meta = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling get_language_id() with a language name and bible name
result = instance.get_language_id('English', 'KJV')
# THEN: The id of the language returned from languages.get_language should be returned
instance.save_meta.assert_called_once_with('language_id', 30)
self.assertEqual(result, 30)
def get_language_id_language_not_found_test(self):
Test get_language_id() when called with a name not found in the languages list
# GIVEN: A mocked languages.get_language which returns language and an instance of BibleImport
2016-08-14 10:00:27 +00:00
with patch('openlp.core.common.languages.get_language', return_value=None) as mocked_languages_get_language, \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'get_language', return_value=20) as mocked_db_get_language:
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.save_meta = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling get_language_id() with a language name and bible name
result = instance.get_language_id('RUS', 'KJV')
# THEN: The id of the language returned from languages.get_language should be returned
instance.save_meta.assert_called_once_with('language_id', 20)
self.assertEqual(result, 20)
def get_language_id_user_choice_test(self):
Test get_language_id() when the language is not found and the user is asked for the language
# GIVEN: A mocked languages.get_language which returns None a mocked BibleDB.get_language which returns a
# language id.
2016-08-07 11:20:53 +00:00
with patch('openlp.core.common.languages.get_language', return_value=None) as mocked_languages_get_language, \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'get_language', return_value=40) as mocked_db_get_language, \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'log_error') as mocked_log_error:
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.save_meta = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling get_language_id() with a language name and bible name
result = instance.get_language_id('English', 'KJV')
# THEN: The id of the language returned from BibleDB.get_language should be returned
instance.save_meta.assert_called_once_with('language_id', 40)
self.assertEqual(result, 40)
def get_language_id_user_choice_rejected_test(self):
Test get_language_id() when the language is not found and the user rejects the dilaog box
# GIVEN: A mocked languages.get_language which returns None a mocked BibleDB.get_language which returns a
# language id.
with patch('openlp.core.common.languages.get_language', return_value=None) as mocked_languages_get_language, \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'get_language', return_value=None) as mocked_db_get_language, \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'log_error') as mocked_log_error:
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.save_meta = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling get_language_id() with a language name and bible name
result = instance.get_language_id('Qwerty', 'KJV')
# THEN: None should be returned and an error should be logged
2016-09-02 14:32:14 +00:00
'Language detection failed when importing from "KJV". User aborted language selection.')
def parse_xml_etree_test(self):
Test BibleImport.parse_xml() when called with the use_objectify default value
# GIVEN: A sample "file" to parse and an instance of BibleImport
self.mocked_open.return_value = self.test_file
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.wizard = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml
result = instance.parse_xml('file.tst')
# THEN: The result returned should contain the correct data, and should be an instance of eetree_Element
b'<root>\n <data><div>Test<p>data</p><a>to</a>keep</div></data>\n'
b' <data><unsupported>Test<x>data</x><y>to</y>discard</unsupported></data>\n</root>')
self.assertIsInstance(result, etree._Element)
def parse_xml_etree_use_objectify_test(self):
Test BibleImport.parse_xml() when called with use_objectify set to True
# GIVEN: A sample "file" to parse and an instance of BibleImport
self.mocked_open.return_value = self.test_file
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.wizard = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml
result = instance.parse_xml('file.tst', use_objectify=True)
# THEN: The result returned should contain the correct data, and should be an instance of ObjectifiedElement
self.assertIsInstance(result, objectify.ObjectifiedElement)
def parse_xml_elements_test(self):
Test BibleImport.parse_xml() when given a tuple of elements to remove
# GIVEN: A tuple of elements to remove and an instance of BibleImport
self.mocked_open.return_value = self.test_file
elements = ('unsupported', 'x', 'y')
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.wizard = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml, with a test file
result = instance.parse_xml('file.tst', elements=elements)
# THEN: The result returned should contain the correct data
b'<root>\n <data><div>Test<p>data</p><a>to</a>keep</div></data>\n <data/>\n</root>')
def parse_xml_tags_test(self):
Test BibleImport.parse_xml() when given a tuple of tags to remove
# GIVEN: A tuple of tags to remove and an instance of BibleImport
self.mocked_open.return_value = self.test_file
tags = ('div', 'p', 'a')
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.wizard = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml, with a test file
result = instance.parse_xml('file.tst', tags=tags)
# THEN: The result returned should contain the correct data
self.assertEqual(etree.tostring(result), b'<root>\n <data>Testdatatokeep</data>\n <data><unsupported>Test'
def parse_xml_elements_tags_test(self):
Test BibleImport.parse_xml() when given a tuple of elements and of tags to remove
# GIVEN: A tuple of elements and of tags to remove and an instacne of BibleImport
self.mocked_open.return_value = self.test_file
elements = ('unsupported', 'x', 'y')
tags = ('div', 'p', 'a')
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.wizard = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml, with a test file
result = instance.parse_xml('file.tst', elements=elements, tags=tags)
# THEN: The result returned should contain the correct data
self.assertEqual(etree.tostring(result), b'<root>\n <data>Testdatatokeep</data>\n <data/>\n</root>')
def parse_xml_file_file_not_found_exception_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file raises a ValidationError with an OpenSong root tag
# GIVEN: A mocked open which raises a FileNotFoundError and an instance of BibleImporter
exception = FileNotFoundError()
exception.filename = 'file.tst'
exception.strerror = 'No such file or directory'
self.mocked_open.side_effect = exception
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml
result = importer.parse_xml('file.tst')
# THEN: parse_xml should have caught the error, informed the user and returned None
self.mocked_log.exception.assert_called_once_with('Opening file.tst failed.')
title='An Error Occured When Opening A File',
message='The following error occurred when trying to open\nfile.tst:\n\nNo such file or directory')
def parse_xml_file_file_not_found_exception_test(self):
Test that parse_xml handles a FileNotFoundError exception correctly
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'log_exception') as mocked_log_exception:
# GIVEN: A mocked open which raises a FileNotFoundError and an instance of BibleImporter
exception = FileNotFoundError()
exception.filename = 'file.tst'
exception.strerror = 'No such file or directory'
self.mocked_open.side_effect = exception
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml
result = importer.parse_xml('file.tst')
# THEN: parse_xml should have caught the error, informed the user and returned None
mocked_log_exception.assert_called_once_with('Opening file.tst failed.')
title='An Error Occured When Opening A File',
message='The following error occurred when trying to open\nfile.tst:\n\nNo such file or directory')
def parse_xml_file_permission_error_exception_test(self):
Test that parse_xml handles a PermissionError exception correctly
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'log_exception') as mocked_log_exception:
# GIVEN: A mocked open which raises a PermissionError and an instance of BibleImporter
exception = PermissionError()
exception.filename = 'file.tst'
exception.strerror = 'Permission denied'
self.mocked_open.side_effect = exception
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml
result = importer.parse_xml('file.tst')
# THEN: parse_xml should have caught the error, informed the user and returned None
mocked_log_exception.assert_called_once_with('Opening file.tst failed.')
title='An Error Occured When Opening A File',
message='The following error occurred when trying to open\nfile.tst:\n\nPermission denied')
def validate_xml_file_compressed_file_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file raises a ValidationError when is_compressed returns True
# GIVEN: A mocked parse_xml which returns None
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'is_compressed', return_value=True):
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling is_compressed
# THEN: ValidationError should be raised, with the message 'Compressed file'
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context:
importer.validate_xml_file('', 'xbible')
self.assertEqual(context.exception.msg, 'Compressed file')
def validate_xml_file_parse_xml_fails_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file raises a ValidationError when parse_xml returns None
# GIVEN: A mocked parse_xml which returns None
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'parse_xml', return_value=None), \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'is_compressed', return_value=False):
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling validate_xml_file
# THEN: ValidationError should be raised, with the message 'Error when opening file'
# the user that an OpenSong bible was found
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context:
importer.validate_xml_file('', 'xbible')
self.assertEqual(context.exception.msg, 'Error when opening file')
def validate_xml_file_success_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file returns True with valid XML
# GIVEN: Some test data with an OpenSong Bible "bible" root tag
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'parse_xml', return_value=objectify.fromstring('<bible></bible>')), \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'is_compressed', return_value=False):
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling validate_xml_file
result = importer.validate_xml_file('', 'bible')
# THEN: True should be returned
def validate_xml_file_opensong_root_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file raises a ValidationError with an OpenSong root tag
# GIVEN: Some test data with an Zefania root tag and an instance of BibleImport
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'parse_xml', return_value=objectify.fromstring('<bible></bible>')), \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'is_compressed', return_value=False):
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling validate_xml_file
# THEN: ValidationError should be raised, and the critical error message box should was called informing
# the user that an OpenSong bible was found
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context:
importer.validate_xml_file('', 'xbible')
self.assertEqual(context.exception.msg, 'Invalid xml.')
message='Incorrect Bible file type supplied. This looks like an OpenSong XML bible.')
def validate_xml_file_osis_root_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file raises a ValidationError with an OSIS root tag
# GIVEN: Some test data with an Zefania root tag and an instance of BibleImport
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'parse_xml', return_value=objectify.fromstring(
'<osis xmlns=\'\'></osis>')), \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'is_compressed', return_value=False):
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling validate_xml_file
# THEN: ValidationError should be raised, and the critical error message box should was called informing
# the user that an OSIS bible was found
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context:
importer.validate_xml_file('', 'xbible')
self.assertEqual(context.exception.msg, 'Invalid xml.')
message='Incorrect Bible file type supplied. This looks like an OSIS XML bible.')
def validate_xml_file_zefania_root_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file raises a ValidationError with an Zefania root tag
# GIVEN: Some test data with an Zefania root tag and an instance of BibleImport
2016-09-02 14:32:14 +00:00
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'parse_xml', return_value=objectify.fromstring('<xmlbible></xmlbible>')), \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'is_compressed', return_value=False):
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling validate_xml_file
# THEN: ValidationError should be raised, and the critical error message box should was called informing
# the user that an Zefania bible was found
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context:
importer.validate_xml_file('', 'xbible')
self.assertEqual(context.exception.msg, 'Invalid xml.')
message='Incorrect Bible file type supplied. This looks like an Zefania XML bible.')
def validate_xml_file_unknown_root_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file raises a ValidationError with an unknown root tag
# GIVEN: Some test data with an unknown root tag and an instance of BibleImport
2016-09-02 14:32:14 +00:00
with patch.object(
BibleImport, 'parse_xml', return_value=objectify.fromstring('<unknownbible></unknownbible>')), \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'is_compressed', return_value=False):
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling validate_xml_file
# THEN: ValidationError should be raised, and the critical error message box should was called informing
# the user that a unknown xml bible was found
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context:
importer.validate_xml_file('', 'xbible')
self.assertEqual(context.exception.msg, 'Invalid xml.')
message='Incorrect Bible file type supplied. This looks like an unknown type of XML bible.')