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Package to test the openlp.core.lib.formattingtags package.
import copy
from unittest import TestCase
from mock import MagicMock, call, patch
from openlp.core.lib.filedialog import FileDialog
from openlp.core.lib.uistrings import UiStrings
class TestFileDialog(TestCase):
Test the functions in the :mod:`filedialog` module.
def setUp(self):
self.os_patcher = patch(u'openlp.core.lib.filedialog.os')
self.qt_gui_patcher = patch(u'openlp.core.lib.filedialog.QtGui')
self.ui_strings_patcher = patch(u'openlp.core.lib.filedialog.UiStrings')
self.mocked_os = self.os_patcher.start()
self.mocked_qt_gui = self.qt_gui_patcher.start()
self.mocked_ui_strings = self.ui_strings_patcher.start()
self.mocked_parent = MagicMock()
def tearDown(self):
def get_open_file_names_canceled_test(self):
Test that FileDialog.getOpenFileNames() returns and empty QStringList when QFileDialog is canceled
(returns an empty QStringList)
# GIVEN: An empty QStringList as a return value from QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames
self.mocked_qt_gui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames.return_value = []
# WHEN: FileDialog.getOpenFileNames is called
result = FileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self.mocked_parent)
# THEN: The returned value should be an empty QStiingList and os.path.exists should not have been called
assert not self.mocked_os.path.exists.called
self.assertEqual(result, [],
u'FileDialog.getOpenFileNames should return and empty list when QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames is canceled')
def returned_file_list_test(self):
Test that FileDialog.getOpenFileNames handles a list of files properly when QFileList.getOpenFileNames
returns a good file name, a urlencoded file name and a non-existing file
# GIVEN: A List of known values as a return value from QFileDialog.getOpenFileNamesand a list of valid
# file names.
self.mocked_qt_gui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames.return_value = [
u'/Valid File', u'/url%20encoded%20file%20%231', u'/non-existing']
self.mocked_os.path.exists.side_effect = lambda file_name: file_name in [
u'/Valid File', u'/url encoded file #1']
# WHEN: FileDialog.getOpenFileNames is called
result = FileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self.mocked_parent)
# THEN: os.path.exists should have been called with known args. QmessageBox.information should have been
# called. The returned result should corrilate with the input.
self.mocked_os.path.exists.assert_has_calls([call(u'/Valid File'), call(u'/url%20encoded%20file%20%231'),
call(u'/url encoded file #1'), call(u'/non-existing'), call(u'/non-existing')])
2013-08-22 20:20:02 +00:00
self.mocked_qt_gui.QmessageBox.information.called_with(self.mocked_parent, UiStrings().FileNotFound,
UiStrings().FileNotFoundMessage % u'/non-existing')
self.assertEqual(result, [u'/Valid File', u'/url encoded file #1'], u'The returned file list is incorrect')