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2016-04-01 17:28:40 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
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# Copyright (c) 2008-2016 OpenLP Developers #
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. #
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# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for #
# more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
Functional tests to test the AppLocation class and related methods.
2016-04-05 18:11:42 +00:00
import os
2016-04-01 17:28:40 +00:00
from unittest import TestCase
2016-04-05 18:11:42 +00:00
from openlp.core.common import add_actions, get_uno_instance, get_uno_command, delete_file, get_filesystem_encoding, \
split_filename, clean_filename
2016-04-04 20:41:08 +00:00
from tests.functional import MagicMock, patch
2016-04-04 20:47:33 +00:00
from tests.helpers.testmixin import TestMixin
2016-04-01 17:28:40 +00:00
2016-04-04 20:47:33 +00:00
class TestInit(TestCase, TestMixin):
2016-04-01 17:28:40 +00:00
A test suite to test out various methods around the common __init__ class.
2016-04-04 20:41:08 +00:00
def setUp(self):
Create an instance and a few example actions.
def tearDown(self):
Clean up
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_add_actions_empty_list(self):
2016-04-01 17:28:40 +00:00
Test that no actions are added when the list is empty
# GIVEN: a mocked action list, and an empty list
mocked_target = MagicMock()
empty_list = []
# WHEN: The empty list is added to the mocked target
add_actions(mocked_target, empty_list)
# THEN: The add method on the mocked target is never called
self.assertEqual(0, mocked_target.addSeparator.call_count, 'addSeparator method should not have been called')
self.assertEqual(0, mocked_target.addAction.call_count, 'addAction method should not have been called')
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_add_actions_none_action(self):
2016-04-01 17:28:40 +00:00
Test that a separator is added when a None action is in the list
# GIVEN: a mocked action list, and a list with None in it
mocked_target = MagicMock()
separator_list = [None]
# WHEN: The list is added to the mocked target
add_actions(mocked_target, separator_list)
# THEN: The addSeparator method is called, but the addAction method is never called
self.assertEqual(0, mocked_target.addAction.call_count, 'addAction method should not have been called')
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_add_actions_add_action(self):
2016-04-01 17:28:40 +00:00
Test that an action is added when a valid action is in the list
# GIVEN: a mocked action list, and a list with an action in it
mocked_target = MagicMock()
action_list = ['action']
# WHEN: The list is added to the mocked target
add_actions(mocked_target, action_list)
# THEN: The addSeparator method is not called, and the addAction method is called
self.assertEqual(0, mocked_target.addSeparator.call_count, 'addSeparator method should not have been called')
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_add_actions_action_and_none(self):
2016-04-01 17:28:40 +00:00
Test that an action and a separator are added when a valid action and None are in the list
# GIVEN: a mocked action list, and a list with an action and None in it
mocked_target = MagicMock()
action_list = ['action', None]
# WHEN: The list is added to the mocked target
add_actions(mocked_target, action_list)
# THEN: The addSeparator method is called, and the addAction method is called
2016-04-04 20:27:33 +00:00
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_get_uno_instance_pipe(self):
2016-04-04 20:27:33 +00:00
Test that when the UNO connection type is "pipe" the resolver is given the "pipe" URI
# GIVEN: A mock resolver object and UNO_CONNECTION_TYPE is "pipe"
mock_resolver = MagicMock()
# WHEN: get_uno_instance() is called
# THEN: the resolve method is called with the correct argument
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_get_uno_instance_socket(self):
2016-04-04 20:27:33 +00:00
Test that when the UNO connection type is other than "pipe" the resolver is given the "socket" URI
# GIVEN: A mock resolver object and UNO_CONNECTION_TYPE is "socket"
mock_resolver = MagicMock()
# WHEN: get_uno_instance() is called
get_uno_instance(mock_resolver, 'socket')
# THEN: the resolve method is called with the correct argument
2016-04-04 20:41:08 +00:00
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_get_uno_command_libreoffice_command_exists(self):
2016-04-04 20:41:08 +00:00
Test the ``get_uno_command`` function uses the libreoffice command when available.
# GIVEN: A patched 'which' method which returns a path when called with 'libreoffice'
2016-04-04 21:01:24 +00:00
with patch('openlp.core.common.which',
2016-04-04 20:41:08 +00:00
**{'side_effect': lambda command: {'libreoffice': '/usr/bin/libreoffice'}[command]}):
# WHEN: Calling get_uno_command
result = get_uno_command()
# THEN: The command 'libreoffice' should be called with the appropriate parameters
'libreoffice --nologo --norestore --minimized --nodefault --nofirststartwizard'
' "--accept=pipe,name=openlp_pipe;urp;"')
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_get_uno_command_only_soffice_command_exists(self):
2016-04-04 20:41:08 +00:00
Test the ``get_uno_command`` function uses the soffice command when the libreoffice command is not available.
# GIVEN: A patched 'which' method which returns None when called with 'libreoffice' and a path when called with
# 'soffice'
2016-04-04 21:01:24 +00:00
with patch('openlp.core.common.which',
2016-04-04 20:41:08 +00:00
**{'side_effect': lambda command: {'libreoffice': None, 'soffice': '/usr/bin/soffice'}[
# WHEN: Calling get_uno_command
result = get_uno_command()
# THEN: The command 'soffice' should be called with the appropriate parameters
self.assertEquals(result, 'soffice --nologo --norestore --minimized --nodefault --nofirststartwizard'
' "--accept=pipe,name=openlp_pipe;urp;"')
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_get_uno_command_when_no_command_exists(self):
2016-04-04 20:41:08 +00:00
Test the ``get_uno_command`` function raises an FileNotFoundError when neither the libreoffice or soffice
commands are available.
# GIVEN: A patched 'which' method which returns None
2016-04-04 21:01:24 +00:00
with patch('openlp.core.common.which', **{'return_value': None}):
2016-04-04 20:41:08 +00:00
# WHEN: Calling get_uno_command
# THEN: a FileNotFoundError exception should be raised
self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError, get_uno_command)
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_get_uno_command_connection_type(self):
2016-04-04 20:41:08 +00:00
Test the ``get_uno_command`` function when the connection type is anything other than pipe.
# GIVEN: A patched 'which' method which returns 'libreoffice'
2016-04-04 21:01:24 +00:00
with patch('openlp.core.common.which', **{'return_value': 'libreoffice'}):
2016-04-04 20:41:08 +00:00
# WHEN: Calling get_uno_command with a connection type other than pipe
result = get_uno_command('socket')
# THEN: The connection parameters should be set for socket
self.assertEqual(result, 'libreoffice --nologo --norestore --minimized --nodefault --nofirststartwizard'
' "--accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;"')
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_get_filesystem_encoding_sys_function_not_called(self):
2016-04-05 18:11:42 +00:00
Test the get_filesystem_encoding() function does not call the sys.getdefaultencoding() function
# GIVEN: sys.getfilesystemencoding returns "cp1252"
with patch('openlp.core.common.sys.getfilesystemencoding') as mocked_getfilesystemencoding, \
patch('openlp.core.common.sys.getdefaultencoding') as mocked_getdefaultencoding:
mocked_getfilesystemencoding.return_value = 'cp1252'
# WHEN: get_filesystem_encoding() is called
result = get_filesystem_encoding()
# THEN: getdefaultencoding should have been called
self.assertEqual(0, mocked_getdefaultencoding.called, 'getdefaultencoding should not have been called')
self.assertEqual('cp1252', result, 'The result should be "cp1252"')
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_get_filesystem_encoding_sys_function_is_called(self):
2016-04-05 18:11:42 +00:00
Test the get_filesystem_encoding() function calls the sys.getdefaultencoding() function
# GIVEN: sys.getfilesystemencoding returns None and sys.getdefaultencoding returns "utf-8"
with patch('openlp.core.common.sys.getfilesystemencoding') as mocked_getfilesystemencoding, \
patch('openlp.core.common.sys.getdefaultencoding') as mocked_getdefaultencoding:
mocked_getfilesystemencoding.return_value = None
mocked_getdefaultencoding.return_value = 'utf-8'
# WHEN: get_filesystem_encoding() is called
result = get_filesystem_encoding()
# THEN: getdefaultencoding should have been called
self.assertEqual('utf-8', result, 'The result should be "utf-8"')
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_split_filename_with_file_path(self):
2016-04-05 18:11:42 +00:00
Test the split_filename() function with a path to a file
# GIVEN: A path to a file.
if == 'nt':
file_path = 'C:\\home\\user\\myfile.txt'
wanted_result = ('C:\\home\\user', 'myfile.txt')
file_path = '/home/user/myfile.txt'
wanted_result = ('/home/user', 'myfile.txt')
with patch('openlp.core.common.os.path.isfile') as mocked_is_file:
mocked_is_file.return_value = True
# WHEN: Split the file name.
result = split_filename(file_path)
# THEN: A tuple should be returned.
self.assertEqual(wanted_result, result, 'A tuple with the dir and file name should have been returned')
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_split_filename_with_dir_path(self):
2016-04-05 18:11:42 +00:00
Test the split_filename() function with a path to a directory
# GIVEN: A path to a dir.
if == 'nt':
file_path = 'C:\\home\\user\\mydir'
wanted_result = ('C:\\home\\user\\mydir', '')
file_path = '/home/user/mydir'
wanted_result = ('/home/user/mydir', '')
with patch('openlp.core.common.os.path.isfile') as mocked_is_file:
mocked_is_file.return_value = False
# WHEN: Split the file name.
result = split_filename(file_path)
# THEN: A tuple should be returned.
self.assertEqual(wanted_result, result,
'A two-entry tuple with the directory and file name (empty) should have been returned.')
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_clean_filename(self):
2016-04-05 18:11:42 +00:00
Test the clean_filename() function
# GIVEN: A invalid file name and the valid file name.
invalid_name = 'A_file_with_invalid_characters_[\\/:\*\?"<>\|\+\[\]%].py'
wanted_name = ''
# WHEN: Clean the name.
result = clean_filename(invalid_name)
# THEN: The file name should be cleaned.
self.assertEqual(wanted_name, result, 'The file name should not contain any special characters.')
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_delete_file_no_path(self):
2016-04-05 18:11:42 +00:00
Test the delete_file function when called with out a valid path
# GIVEN: A blank path
# WEHN: Calling delete_file
result = delete_file('')
# THEN: delete_file should return False
self.assertFalse(result, "delete_file should return False when called with ''")
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_delete_file_path_success(self):
2016-04-05 18:11:42 +00:00
Test the delete_file function when it successfully deletes a file
# GIVEN: A mocked os which returns True when os.path.exists is called
with patch('openlp.core.common.os', **{'path.exists.return_value': False}):
# WHEN: Calling delete_file with a file path
result = delete_file('path/file.ext')
# THEN: delete_file should return True
self.assertTrue(result, 'delete_file should return True when it successfully deletes a file')
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_delete_file_path_no_file_exists(self):
2016-04-05 18:11:42 +00:00
Test the delete_file function when the file to remove does not exist
# GIVEN: A mocked os which returns False when os.path.exists is called
with patch('openlp.core.common.os', **{'path.exists.return_value': False}):
# WHEN: Calling delete_file with a file path
result = delete_file('path/file.ext')
# THEN: delete_file should return True
self.assertTrue(result, 'delete_file should return True when the file doesnt exist')
2016-05-31 21:40:13 +00:00
def test_delete_file_path_exception(self):
2016-04-05 18:11:42 +00:00
Test the delete_file function when os.remove raises an exception
# GIVEN: A mocked os which returns True when os.path.exists is called and raises an OSError when os.remove is
# called.
with patch('openlp.core.common.os', **{'path.exists.return_value': True, 'path.exists.side_effect': OSError}), \
patch('openlp.core.common.log') as mocked_log:
# WHEN: Calling delete_file with a file path
result = delete_file('path/file.ext')
# THEN: delete_file should log and exception and return False
self.assertEqual(mocked_log.exception.call_count, 1)
self.assertFalse(result, 'delete_file should return False when os.remove raises an OSError')