Code cleanups

This commit is contained in:
Tim Bentley 2010-07-30 17:36:11 +01:00
parent b191f1391c
commit 0e7712aecc
2 changed files with 271 additions and 277 deletions

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class Renderer(object):
self.bg_image = None
self._bg_image_filename = None
self.theme_name = theme.theme_name
if theme.background_type == u'image':
if theme.background_filename:
@ -132,24 +132,19 @@ class Renderer(object):
self.frame = QtGui.QImage(frame_width, frame_height,
# self.frame_opaque = QtGui.QImage(frame_width, frame_height,
# QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied)
if self._bg_image_filename and not self.bg_image:
self.bg_image = resize_image(self._bg_image_filename,
self.frame.width(), self.frame.height())
if self.bg_frame is None:
def format_slide(self, words, footer):
def format_slide(self, words):
Figure out how much text can appear on a slide, using the current
theme settings.
The words to be fitted on the slide.
The footer of the slide.
log.debug(u'format_slide - Start')
words = words.replace(u'\r\n', u'\n')
@ -169,7 +164,6 @@ class Renderer(object):
main_weight = 75
myCursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(doc)
layout = doc.documentLayout()
formatted = []
shell = u'<p>%s</p>'
@ -352,271 +346,271 @@ class Renderer(object):
log.debug(u'render background End')
def _correct_alignment(self, rect, bbox):
Corrects the vertical alignment of text.
The block dimentions.
Footer dimensions?
x = rect.left()
if self._theme.display_verticalAlign == 0:
# top align
y =
elif self._theme.display_verticalAlign == 2:
# bottom align
y = rect.bottom() - bbox.height()
elif self._theme.display_verticalAlign == 1:
# centre align
y = + (rect.height() - bbox.height()) / 2
log.error(u'Invalid value for theme.VerticalAlign:%s',
return x, y
def _render_lines_unaligned(self, lines, footer, tlcorner=(0, 0),
Given a list of lines to render, render each one in turn (using the
``_render_single_line`` fn - which may result in going off the bottom).
They are expected to be pre-arranged to less than a screenful (eg. by
using split_set_of_lines).
Returns the bounding box of the text as QRect.
The lines of text to render.
The slide footer.
Defaults to *``(0, 0)``*. Co-ordinates of the top left corner.
Defaults to *False*. Whether or not this is a live screen.
x, y = tlcorner
brx = x
bry = y
for line in lines:
# render after current bottom, but at original left edge
# keep track of right edge to see which is biggest
(thisx, bry) = self._render_and_wrap_single_line(line, footer,
(x, bry), live)
if (thisx > brx):
brx = thisx
retval = QtCore.QRect(x, y, brx - x, bry - y)
if self._debug:
painter = QtGui.QPainter()
painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 255)))
return retval
def _render_and_wrap_single_line(self, line, footer, tlcorner=(0, 0),
Render a single line of words onto the DC, top left corner specified.
If the line is too wide for the context, it wraps, but right-aligns
the surplus words in the manner of song lyrics.
Returns the bottom-right corner (of what was rendered) as a tuple(x, y).
Line of text to be rendered.
The footer of the slide.
Defaults to *``(0, 0)``*. The top left corner.
Defaults to *False*. Whether or not this is a live screen.
x, y = tlcorner
maxx = self._rect.width()
maxy = self._rect.height()
lines = []
startx = x
starty = y
rightextent = None
self.painter = QtGui.QPainter()
if self._theme.display_slideTransition:
self.painter2 = QtGui.QPainter()
# dont allow alignment messing with footers
if footer:
align = 0
display_shadow_size = self._display_shadow_size_footer
display_outline_size = self._display_outline_size_footer
align = self._theme.display_horizontalAlign
display_shadow_size = int(self._theme.display_shadow_size)
display_outline_size = int(self._theme.display_outline_size)
for linenum in range(len(lines)):
line = lines[linenum]
#find out how wide line is
w, h = self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer, tlcorner=(x, y),
if self._theme.display_shadow:
w += display_shadow_size
h += display_shadow_size
if self._theme.display_outline:
# pixels either side
w += 2 * display_outline_size
# pixels top/bottom
h += 2 * display_outline_size
if align == 0: # left align
rightextent = x + w
# shift right from last line's rh edge
if self._theme.display_wrapStyle == 1 and linenum != 0:
rightextent = self._first_line_right_extent
if rightextent > maxx:
rightextent = maxx
x = rightextent - w
# right align
elif align == 1:
rightextent = maxx
x = maxx - w
# centre
elif align == 2:
x = (maxx - w) / 2
rightextent = x + w
if live:
# now draw the text, and any outlines/shadows
if self._theme.display_shadow:
self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer,
tlcorner=(x + display_shadow_size,
y + display_shadow_size),
draw=True, color=self._theme.display_shadow_color)
self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer, tlcorner=(x, y),
draw=True, outline_size=display_outline_size)
y += h
if linenum == 0:
self._first_line_right_extent = rightextent
# draw a box around the text - debug only
if self._debug:
self.painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 0)))
self.painter.drawRect(startx, starty, rightextent-startx, y-starty)
brcorner = (rightextent, y)
if self._theme.display_slideTransition:
return brcorner
def _set_theme_font(self):
Set the fonts from the current theme settings.
footer_weight = 50
if self._theme.font_footer_weight == u'Bold':
footer_weight = 75
#TODO Add myfont.setPixelSize((screen_height / 100) * font_size)
self.footer_font = QtGui.QFont(self._theme.font_footer_name,
self._theme.font_footer_proportion, # size
footer_weight, # weight
self._theme.font_footer_italics) # italic
main_weight = 50
if self._theme.font_main_weight == u'Bold':
main_weight = 75
self.main_font = QtGui.QFont(self._theme.font_main_name,
self._theme.font_main_proportion, # size
main_weight, # weight
self._theme.font_main_italics)# italic
def _get_extent_and_render(self, line, footer, tlcorner=(0, 0), draw=False,
color=None, outline_size=0):
Find bounding box of text - as render_single_line. If draw is set,
actually draw the text to the current DC as well return width and
height of text as a tuple (w, h).
The line of text to render.
The footer text.
Defaults to *``(0, 0)``*. The top left corner co-ordinates.
Defaults to *False*. Draw the text to the current surface.
Defaults to *None*. The colour to draw with.
# setup defaults
if footer:
font = self.footer_font
font = self.main_font
metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font)
w = metrics.width(line)
if footer:
h = metrics.height()
h = metrics.height() + int(self._theme.font_main_line_adjustment)
if draw:
if color is None:
if footer:
pen = QtGui.QColor(self._theme.font_footer_color)
pen = QtGui.QColor(self._theme.font_main_color)
pen = QtGui.QColor(color)
x, y = tlcorner
rowpos = y + metrics.ascent()
if self._theme.display_outline and outline_size != 0 and not footer:
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
path.addText(QtCore.QPointF(x, rowpos), font, line)
self._theme.display_outline_color), outline_size))
self.painter.drawText(x, rowpos, line)
if self._theme.display_slideTransition:
# Print 2nd image with 70% weight
if self._theme.display_outline and outline_size != 0 and \
not footer:
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
path.addText(QtCore.QPointF(x, rowpos), font, line)
self.painter2.drawText(x, rowpos, line)
return (w, h)
def snoop_image(self, image, image2=None):
Debugging method to allow images to be viewed.
An image to save to disk.
Defaults to *None*. Another image to save to disk.
"""'renderer.png', u'png')
if image2:'renderer2.png', u'png')
# def _correct_alignment(self, rect, bbox):
# """
# Corrects the vertical alignment of text.
# ``rect``
# The block dimentions.
# ``bbox``
# Footer dimensions?
# """
# x = rect.left()
# if self._theme.display_verticalAlign == 0:
# # top align
# y =
# elif self._theme.display_verticalAlign == 2:
# # bottom align
# y = rect.bottom() - bbox.height()
# elif self._theme.display_verticalAlign == 1:
# # centre align
# y = + (rect.height() - bbox.height()) / 2
# else:
# log.error(u'Invalid value for theme.VerticalAlign:%s',
# self._theme.display_verticalAlign)
# return x, y
# def _render_lines_unaligned(self, lines, footer, tlcorner=(0, 0),
# live=False):
# """
# Given a list of lines to render, render each one in turn (using the
# ``_render_single_line`` fn - which may result in going off the bottom).
# They are expected to be pre-arranged to less than a screenful (eg. by
# using split_set_of_lines).
# Returns the bounding box of the text as QRect.
# ``lines``
# The lines of text to render.
# ``footer``
# The slide footer.
# ``tlcorner``
# Defaults to *``(0, 0)``*. Co-ordinates of the top left corner.
# ``live``
# Defaults to *False*. Whether or not this is a live screen.
# """
# x, y = tlcorner
# brx = x
# bry = y
# for line in lines:
# # render after current bottom, but at original left edge
# # keep track of right edge to see which is biggest
# (thisx, bry) = self._render_and_wrap_single_line(line, footer,
# (x, bry), live)
# if (thisx > brx):
# brx = thisx
# retval = QtCore.QRect(x, y, brx - x, bry - y)
# if self._debug:
# painter = QtGui.QPainter()
# painter.begin(self.frame)
# painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 255)))
# painter.drawRect(retval)
# painter.end()
# return retval
# def _render_and_wrap_single_line(self, line, footer, tlcorner=(0, 0),
# live=False):
# """
# Render a single line of words onto the DC, top left corner specified.
# If the line is too wide for the context, it wraps, but right-aligns
# the surplus words in the manner of song lyrics.
# Returns the bottom-right corner (of what was rendered) as a tuple(x, y).
# ``line``
# Line of text to be rendered.
# ``footer``
# The footer of the slide.
# ``tlcorner``
# Defaults to *``(0, 0)``*. The top left corner.
# ``live``
# Defaults to *False*. Whether or not this is a live screen.
# """
# x, y = tlcorner
# maxx = self._rect.width()
# maxy = self._rect.height()
# lines = []
# lines.append(line)
# startx = x
# starty = y
# rightextent = None
# self.painter = QtGui.QPainter()
# self.painter.begin(self.frame)
# self.painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing)
# if self._theme.display_slideTransition:
# self.painter2 = QtGui.QPainter()
# self.painter2.begin(self.frame_opaque)
# self.painter2.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing)
# self.painter2.setOpacity(0.7)
# # dont allow alignment messing with footers
# if footer:
# align = 0
# display_shadow_size = self._display_shadow_size_footer
# display_outline_size = self._display_outline_size_footer
# else:
# align = self._theme.display_horizontalAlign
# display_shadow_size = int(self._theme.display_shadow_size)
# display_outline_size = int(self._theme.display_outline_size)
# for linenum in range(len(lines)):
# line = lines[linenum]
# #find out how wide line is
# w, h = self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer, tlcorner=(x, y),
# draw=False)
# if self._theme.display_shadow:
# w += display_shadow_size
# h += display_shadow_size
# if self._theme.display_outline:
# # pixels either side
# w += 2 * display_outline_size
# # pixels top/bottom
# h += 2 * display_outline_size
# if align == 0: # left align
# rightextent = x + w
# # shift right from last line's rh edge
# if self._theme.display_wrapStyle == 1 and linenum != 0:
# rightextent = self._first_line_right_extent
# if rightextent > maxx:
# rightextent = maxx
# x = rightextent - w
# # right align
# elif align == 1:
# rightextent = maxx
# x = maxx - w
# # centre
# elif align == 2:
# x = (maxx - w) / 2
# rightextent = x + w
# if live:
# # now draw the text, and any outlines/shadows
# if self._theme.display_shadow:
# self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer,
# tlcorner=(x + display_shadow_size,
# y + display_shadow_size),
# draw=True, color=self._theme.display_shadow_color)
# self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer, tlcorner=(x, y),
# draw=True, outline_size=display_outline_size)
# y += h
# if linenum == 0:
# self._first_line_right_extent = rightextent
# # draw a box around the text - debug only
# if self._debug:
# self.painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 0)))
# self.painter.drawRect(startx, starty, rightextent-startx, y-starty)
# brcorner = (rightextent, y)
# self.painter.end()
# if self._theme.display_slideTransition:
# self.painter2.end()
# return brcorner
# def _set_theme_font(self):
# """
# Set the fonts from the current theme settings.
# """
# footer_weight = 50
# if self._theme.font_footer_weight == u'Bold':
# footer_weight = 75
# #TODO Add myfont.setPixelSize((screen_height / 100) * font_size)
# self.footer_font = QtGui.QFont(self._theme.font_footer_name,
# self._theme.font_footer_proportion, # size
# footer_weight, # weight
# self._theme.font_footer_italics) # italic
# self.footer_font.setPixelSize(self._theme.font_footer_proportion)
# main_weight = 50
# if self._theme.font_main_weight == u'Bold':
# main_weight = 75
# self.main_font = QtGui.QFont(self._theme.font_main_name,
# self._theme.font_main_proportion, # size
# main_weight, # weight
# self._theme.font_main_italics)# italic
# self.main_font.setPixelSize(self._theme.font_main_proportion)
# def _get_extent_and_render(self, line, footer, tlcorner=(0, 0), draw=False,
# color=None, outline_size=0):
# """
# Find bounding box of text - as render_single_line. If draw is set,
# actually draw the text to the current DC as well return width and
# height of text as a tuple (w, h).
# ``line``
# The line of text to render.
# ``footer``
# The footer text.
# ``tlcorner``
# Defaults to *``(0, 0)``*. The top left corner co-ordinates.
# ``draw``
# Defaults to *False*. Draw the text to the current surface.
# ``color``
# Defaults to *None*. The colour to draw with.
# """
# # setup defaults
# if footer:
# font = self.footer_font
# else:
# font = self.main_font
# metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font)
# w = metrics.width(line)
# if footer:
# h = metrics.height()
# else:
# h = metrics.height() + int(self._theme.font_main_line_adjustment)
# if draw:
# self.painter.setFont(font)
# if color is None:
# if footer:
# pen = QtGui.QColor(self._theme.font_footer_color)
# else:
# pen = QtGui.QColor(self._theme.font_main_color)
# else:
# pen = QtGui.QColor(color)
# x, y = tlcorner
# rowpos = y + metrics.ascent()
# if self._theme.display_outline and outline_size != 0 and not footer:
# path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
# path.addText(QtCore.QPointF(x, rowpos), font, line)
# self.painter.setBrush(self.painter.pen().brush())
# self.painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(
# self._theme.display_outline_color), outline_size))
# self.painter.drawPath(path)
# self.painter.setPen(pen)
# self.painter.drawText(x, rowpos, line)
# if self._theme.display_slideTransition:
# # Print 2nd image with 70% weight
# if self._theme.display_outline and outline_size != 0 and \
# not footer:
# path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
# path.addText(QtCore.QPointF(x, rowpos), font, line)
# self.painter2.setBrush(self.painter2.pen().brush())
# self.painter2.setPen(QtGui.QPen(
# QtGui.QColor(self._theme.display_outline_color),
# outline_size))
# self.painter2.drawPath(path)
# self.painter2.setFont(font)
# self.painter2.setPen(pen)
# self.painter2.drawText(x, rowpos, line)
# return (w, h)
# def snoop_image(self, image, image2=None):
# """
# Debugging method to allow images to be viewed.
# ``image``
# An image to save to disk.
# ``image2``
# Defaults to *None*. Another image to save to disk.
# """
#'renderer.png', u'png')
# if image2:
#'renderer2.png', u'png')

View File

@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class RenderManager(object):
log.debug(u'format slide')
return self.renderer.format_slide(words, False)
return self.renderer.format_slide(words)
# def generate_slide(self, main_text):
# """