Missed file

This commit is contained in:
Tim Bentley 2013-10-15 20:17:53 +01:00
parent 4f3291b2ee
commit 0f183af84d

View File

@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Raoul Snyman #
# Portions copyright (c) 2008-2013 Tim Bentley, Gerald Britton, Jonathan #
# Corwin, Samuel Findlay, Michael Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Matthias Hub, #
# Meinert Jordan, Armin Köhler, Erik Lundin, Edwin Lunando, Brian T. Meyer. #
# Joshua Miller, Stevan Pettit, Andreas Preikschat, Mattias Põldaru, #
# Christian Richter, Philip Ridout, Simon Scudder, Jeffrey Smith, #
# Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin Thompson, Jon Tibble, Dave Warnock, #
# Frode Woldsund, Martin Zibricky, Patrick Zimmermann #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for #
# more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
This class contains the core default settings.
import datetime
import logging
import os
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
from openlp.core.common import ThemeLevel, SlideLimits, UiStrings
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Fix for bug #1014422.
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
# Default to False on Gnome.
X11_BYPASS_DEFAULT = bool(not os.environ.get('GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID'))
# Default to False on Xfce.
if os.environ.get('DESKTOP_SESSION') == 'xfce':
class Settings(QtCore.QSettings):
Class to wrap QSettings.
* Exposes all the methods of QSettings.
* Adds functionality for OpenLP Portable. If the ``defaultFormat`` is set to
``IniFormat``, and the path to the Ini file is set using ``set_filename``,
then the Settings constructor (without any arguments) will create a Settings
object for accessing settings stored in that Ini file.
This dict contains all core settings with their default values.
Each entry is structured in the following way::
(u'general/enable slide loop', u'advanced/slide limits',
[(SlideLimits.Wrap, True), (SlideLimits.End, False)])
The first entry is the *old key*; it will be removed.
The second entry is the *new key*; we will add it to the config. If this is just an empty string, we just remove
the old key.
The last entry is a list containing two-pair tuples. If the list is empty, no conversion is made. Otherwise each
pair describes how to convert the old setting's value::
(SlideLimits.Wrap, True)
This means, that if the value of ``general/enable slide loop`` is equal (``==``) ``True`` then we set
``advanced/slide limits`` to ``SlideLimits.Wrap``. **NOTE**, this means that the rules have to cover all cases!
So, if the type of the old value is bool, then there must be two rules.
__default_settings__ = {
'advanced/add page break': False,
'advanced/alternate rows': not sys.platform.startswith('win'),
'advanced/current media plugin': -1,
'advanced/data path': '',
'advanced/default color': '#ffffff',
'advanced/default image': ':/graphics/openlp-splash-screen.png',
# 7 stands for now, 0 to 6 is Monday to Sunday.
'advanced/default service day': 7,
'advanced/default service enabled': True,
'advanced/default service hour': 11,
'advanced/default service minute': 0,
'advanced/default service name': UiStrings().DefaultServiceName,
'advanced/display size': 0,
'advanced/double click live': False,
'advanced/enable exit confirmation': True,
'advanced/expand service item': False,
'advanced/hide mouse': True,
'advanced/is portable': False,
'advanced/max recent files': 20,
'advanced/print file meta data': False,
'advanced/print notes': False,
'advanced/print slide text': False,
'advanced/recent file count': 4,
'advanced/save current plugin': False,
'advanced/slide limits': SlideLimits.End,
'advanced/single click preview': False,
'advanced/x11 bypass wm': X11_BYPASS_DEFAULT,
'crashreport/last directory': '',
'formattingTags/html_tags': '',
'core/audio repeat list': False,
'core/auto open': False,
'core/auto preview': False,
'core/audio start paused': True,
'core/auto unblank': False,
'core/blank warning': False,
'core/ccli number': '',
'core/has run wizard': False,
'core/language': '[en]',
'core/last version test': '',
'core/loop delay': 5,
'core/recent files': [],
'core/save prompt': False,
'core/screen blank': False,
'core/show splash': True,
'core/songselect password': '',
'core/songselect username': '',
'core/update check': True,
'core/view mode': 'default',
# The other display settings (display position and dimensions) are defined in the ScreenList class due to a
# circular dependency.
'core/display on monitor': True,
'core/override position': False,
'images/background color': '#000000',
'media/players': 'webkit',
'media/override player': QtCore.Qt.Unchecked,
'players/background color': '#000000',
'servicemanager/last directory': '',
'servicemanager/last file': '',
'servicemanager/service theme': '',
'SettingsImport/file_date_created': datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
'SettingsImport/Make_Changes': 'At_Own_RISK',
'SettingsImport/type': 'OpenLP_settings_export',
'SettingsImport/version': '',
'shortcuts/aboutItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence('Ctrl+F1')],
'shortcuts/addToService': [],
'shortcuts/audioPauseItem': [],
'shortcuts/displayTagItem': [],
'shortcuts/blankScreen': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Period)],
'shortcuts/collapse': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Minus)],
'shortcuts/desktopScreen': [QtGui.QKeySequence('D')],
'shortcuts/delete': [],
'shortcuts/down': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Down)],
'shortcuts/editSong': [],
'shortcuts/escapeItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape)],
'shortcuts/expand': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Plus)],
'shortcuts/exportThemeItem': [],
'shortcuts/fileNewItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence('Ctrl+N')],
'shortcuts/fileSaveAsItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence('Ctrl+Shift+S')],
'shortcuts/fileExitItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence('Alt+F4')],
'shortcuts/fileSaveItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence('Ctrl+S')],
'shortcuts/fileOpenItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence('Ctrl+O')],
'shortcuts/goLive': [],
'shortcuts/importThemeItem': [],
'shortcuts/importBibleItem': [],
'shortcuts/listViewBiblesDeleteItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete)],
'shortcuts/listViewBiblesPreviewItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter),
'shortcuts/listViewBiblesLiveItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier | QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter),
QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier | QtCore.Qt.Key_Return)],
'shortcuts/listViewBiblesServiceItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Plus),
'shortcuts/listViewCustomDeleteItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete)],
'shortcuts/listViewCustomPreviewItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter),
'shortcuts/listViewCustomLiveItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier | QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter),
QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier | QtCore.Qt.Key_Return)],
'shortcuts/listViewCustomServiceItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Plus),
'shortcuts/listViewImagesDeleteItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete)],
'shortcuts/listViewImagesPreviewItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter),
'shortcuts/listViewImagesLiveItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier | QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter),
QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier | QtCore.Qt.Key_Return)],
'shortcuts/listViewImagesServiceItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Plus),
'shortcuts/listViewMediaDeleteItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete)],
'shortcuts/listViewMediaPreviewItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter),
'shortcuts/listViewMediaLiveItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier | QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter),
QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier | QtCore.Qt.Key_Return)],
'shortcuts/listViewMediaServiceItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Plus),
'shortcuts/listViewPresentationsDeleteItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete)],
'shortcuts/listViewPresentationsPreviewItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter),
'shortcuts/listViewPresentationsLiveItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier | QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter),
QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier | QtCore.Qt.Key_Return)],
'shortcuts/listViewPresentationsServiceItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Plus),
'shortcuts/listViewSongsDeleteItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete)],
'shortcuts/listViewSongsPreviewItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter),
'shortcuts/listViewSongsLiveItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier | QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter),
QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier | QtCore.Qt.Key_Return)],
'shortcuts/listViewSongsServiceItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Plus),
'shortcuts/lockPanel': [],
'shortcuts/modeDefaultItem': [],
'shortcuts/modeLiveItem': [],
'shortcuts/make_live': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter), QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Return)],
'shortcuts/moveUp': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_PageUp)],
'shortcuts/moveTop': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Home)],
'shortcuts/modeSetupItem': [],
'shortcuts/moveBottom': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_End)],
'shortcuts/moveDown': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_PageDown)],
'shortcuts/nextTrackItem': [],
'shortcuts/nextItem_live': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Down),
'shortcuts/nextItem_preview': [],
'shortcuts/nextService': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Right)],
'shortcuts/newService': [],
'shortcuts/offlineHelpItem': [],
'shortcuts/onlineHelpItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence('Alt+F1')],
'shortcuts/openService': [],
'shortcuts/saveService': [],
'shortcuts/previousItem_live': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Up),
'shortcuts/playbackPause': [],
'shortcuts/playbackPlay': [],
'shortcuts/playbackStop': [],
'shortcuts/playSlidesLoop': [],
'shortcuts/playSlidesOnce': [],
'shortcuts/previousService': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Left)],
'shortcuts/previousItem_preview': [],
'shortcuts/printServiceItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence('Ctrl+P')],
'shortcuts/songExportItem': [],
'shortcuts/songUsageStatus': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_F4)],
'shortcuts/searchShortcut': [QtGui.QKeySequence('Ctrl+F')],
'shortcuts/settingsShortcutsItem': [],
'shortcuts/settingsImportItem': [],
'shortcuts/settingsPluginListItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence('Alt+F7')],
'shortcuts/songUsageDelete': [],
'shortcuts/settingsConfigureItem': [],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_B': [QtGui.QKeySequence('B')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_C': [QtGui.QKeySequence('C')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_E': [QtGui.QKeySequence('E')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_I': [QtGui.QKeySequence('I')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_O': [QtGui.QKeySequence('O')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_P': [QtGui.QKeySequence('P')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_V': [QtGui.QKeySequence('V')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_0': [QtGui.QKeySequence('0')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_1': [QtGui.QKeySequence('1')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_2': [QtGui.QKeySequence('2')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_3': [QtGui.QKeySequence('3')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_4': [QtGui.QKeySequence('4')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_5': [QtGui.QKeySequence('5')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_6': [QtGui.QKeySequence('6')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_7': [QtGui.QKeySequence('7')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_8': [QtGui.QKeySequence('8')],
'shortcuts/shortcutAction_9': [QtGui.QKeySequence('9')],
'shortcuts/settingsExportItem': [],
'shortcuts/songUsageReport': [],
'shortcuts/songImportItem': [],
'shortcuts/themeScreen': [QtGui.QKeySequence('T')],
'shortcuts/toolsReindexItem': [],
'shortcuts/toolsFindDuplicates': [],
'shortcuts/toolsAlertItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence('F7')],
'shortcuts/toolsFirstTimeWizard': [],
'shortcuts/toolsOpenDataFolder': [],
'shortcuts/toolsAddToolItem': [],
'shortcuts/updateThemeImages': [],
'shortcuts/up': [QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Up)],
'shortcuts/viewThemeManagerItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence('F10')],
'shortcuts/viewMediaManagerItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence('F8')],
'shortcuts/viewPreviewPanel': [QtGui.QKeySequence('F11')],
'shortcuts/viewLivePanel': [QtGui.QKeySequence('F12')],
'shortcuts/viewServiceManagerItem': [QtGui.QKeySequence('F9')],
'shortcuts/webSiteItem': [],
'themes/global theme': '',
'themes/last directory': '',
'themes/last directory export': '',
'themes/last directory import': '',
'themes/theme level': ThemeLevel.Song,
'user interface/live panel': True,
'user interface/live splitter geometry': QtCore.QByteArray(),
'user interface/lock panel': False,
'user interface/main window geometry': QtCore.QByteArray(),
'user interface/main window position': QtCore.QPoint(0, 0),
'user interface/main window splitter geometry': QtCore.QByteArray(),
'user interface/main window state': QtCore.QByteArray(),
'user interface/preview panel': True,
'user interface/preview splitter geometry': QtCore.QByteArray()
__file_path__ = ''
__obsolete_settings__ = [
# Changed during 1.9.x development.
('bibles/bookname language', 'bibles/book name language', []),
('general/enable slide loop', 'advanced/slide limits', [(SlideLimits.Wrap, True), (SlideLimits.End, False)]),
('songs/ccli number', 'core/ccli number', []),
('media/use phonon', '', []),
# Changed during 2.1.x development.
('advanced/stylesheet fix', '', []),
('bibles/last directory 1', 'bibles/last directory import', []),
('media/background color', 'players/background color', []),
('themes/last directory', 'themes/last directory import', []),
('themes/last directory 1', 'themes/last directory export', []),
('songs/last directory 1', 'songs/last directory import', []),
('songusage/last directory 1', 'songusage/last directory export', []),
('user interface/mainwindow splitter geometry', 'user interface/main window splitter geometry', []),
('shortcuts/makeLive', 'shortcuts/make_live', []),
('general/audio repeat list', 'core/audio repeat list', []),
('general/auto open', 'core/auto open', []),
('general/auto preview', 'core/auto preview', []),
('general/audio start paused', 'core/audio start paused', []),
('general/auto unblank', 'core/auto unblank', []),
('general/blank warning', 'core/blank warning', []),
('general/ccli number', 'core/ccli number', []),
('general/has run wizard', 'core/has run wizard', []),
('general/language', 'core/language', []),
('general/last version test', 'core/last version test', []),
('general/loop delay', 'core/loop delay', []),
('general/recent files', 'core/recent files', []),
('general/save prompt', 'core/save prompt', []),
('general/screen blank', 'core/screen blank', []),
('general/show splash', 'core/show splash', []),
('general/songselect password', 'core/songselect password', []),
('general/songselect username', 'core/songselect username', []),
('general/update check', 'core/update check', []),
('general/view mode', 'core/view mode', []),
('general/display on monitor', 'core/display on monitor', []),
('general/override position', 'core/override position', []),
('general/x position', 'core/x position', []),
('general/y position', 'core/y position', []),
('general/monitor', 'core/monitor', []),
('general/height', 'core/height', []),
('general/monitor', 'core/monitor', []),
('general/width', 'core/width', [])
def extend_default_settings(default_values):
Static method to merge the given ``default_values`` with the ``Settings.__default_settings__``.
A dict with setting keys and their default values.
Settings.__default_settings__ = dict(list(default_values.items()) + list(Settings.__default_settings__.items()))
def set_filename(ini_file):
Sets the complete path to an Ini file to be used by Settings objects.
Does not affect existing Settings objects.
Settings.__file_path__ = ini_file
def set_up_default_values():
This static method is called on start up. It is used to perform any operation on the __default_settings__ dict.
# Make sure the string is translated (when building the dict the string is not translated because the translate
# function was not set up as this stage).
Settings.__default_settings__['advanced/default service name'] = UiStrings().DefaultServiceName
def __init__(self, *args):
Constructor which checks if this should be a native settings object, or an INI file.
if not args and Settings.__file_path__ and Settings.defaultFormat() == Settings.IniFormat:
QtCore.QSettings.__init__(self, Settings.__file_path__, Settings.IniFormat)
QtCore.QSettings.__init__(self, *args)
def get_default_value(self, key):
Get the default value of the given key
if self.group():
key = self.group() + '/' + key
return Settings.__default_settings__[key]
def remove_obsolete_settings(self):
This method is only called to clean up the config. It removes old settings and it renames settings. See
``__obsolete_settings__`` for more details.
for old_key, new_key, rules in Settings.__obsolete_settings__:
# Once removed we don't have to do this again.
if self.contains(old_key):
if new_key:
# Get the value of the old_key.
old_value = super(Settings, self).value(old_key)
# When we want to convert the value, we have to figure out the default value (because we cannot get
# the default value from the central settings dict.
if rules:
default_value = rules[0][1]
old_value = self._convert_value(old_value, default_value)
# Iterate over our rules and check what the old_value should be "converted" to.
for new, old in rules:
# If the value matches with the condition (rule), then use the provided value. This is used to
# convert values. E. g. an old value 1 results in True, and 0 in False.
if old == old_value:
old_value = new
self.setValue(new_key, old_value)
def value(self, key):
Returns the value for the given ``key``. The returned ``value`` is of the same type as the default value in the
*Settings.__default_settings__* dict.
The key to return the value from.
# if group() is not empty the group has not been specified together with the key.
if self.group():
default_value = Settings.__default_settings__[self.group() + '/' + key]
default_value = Settings.__default_settings__[key]
setting = super(Settings, self).value(key, default_value)
return self._convert_value(setting, default_value)
def _convert_value(self, setting, default_value):
This converts the given ``setting`` to the type of the given ``default_value``.
The setting to convert. This could be ``true`` for example.Settings()
Indication the type the setting should be converted to. For example ``True`` (type is boolean), meaning that
we convert the string ``true`` to a python boolean.
**Note**, this method only converts a few types and might need to be extended if a certain type is missing!
# On OS X (and probably on other platforms too) empty value from QSettings is represented as type
# PyQt4.QtCore.QPyNullVariant. This type has to be converted to proper 'None' Python type.
if isinstance(setting, QtCore.QPyNullVariant) and setting.isNull():
setting = None
# Handle 'None' type (empty value) properly.
if setting is None:
# An empty string saved to the settings results in a None type being returned.
# Convert it to empty unicode string.
if isinstance(default_value, str):
return ''
# An empty list saved to the settings results in a None type being returned.
return []
# Convert the setting to the correct type.
if isinstance(default_value, bool):
if isinstance(setting, bool):
return setting
# Sometimes setting is string instead of a boolean.
return setting == 'true'
if isinstance(default_value, int):
return int(setting)
return setting
def get_files_from_config(self, plugin):
This removes the settings needed for old way we saved files (e. g. the image paths for the image plugin). A list
of file paths are returned.
**Note**: Only a list of paths is returned; this does not convert anything!
The Plugin object.The caller has to convert/save the list himself; o
files_list = []
# We need QSettings instead of Settings here to bypass our central settings dict.
# Do NOT do this anywhere else!
settings = QtCore.QSettings(self.fileName(), Settings.IniFormat)
if settings.contains('%s count' % plugin.name):
# Get the count.
list_count = int(settings.value('%s count' % plugin.name, 0))
if list_count:
for counter in range(list_count):
# The keys were named e. g.: "image 0"
item = settings.value('%s %d' % (plugin.name, counter), '')
if item:
settings.remove('%s %d' % (plugin.name, counter))
settings.remove('%s count' % plugin.name)
return files_list