Updating the SongsManager to use SQLAlchemy

bzr-revno: 284
This commit is contained in:
Raoul Snyman 2009-01-17 13:58:16 +00:00
parent 7022a05316
commit 11bede8fd8
8 changed files with 113 additions and 207 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE UserProject SYSTEM "UserProject-4.0.dtd">
<!-- eric4 user project file for project openlp.org 2.0 -->
<!-- Saved: 2009-01-03, 01:14:22 -->
<!-- Saved: 2009-01-17, 13:06:08 -->
<!-- Copyright (C) 2009 Raoul Snyman, raoulsnyman@openlp.org -->
<UserProject version="4.0">

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Tasks SYSTEM "Tasks-4.2.dtd">
<!-- eric4 tasks file for project openlp.org 2.0 -->
<!-- Saved: 2009-01-03, 01:14:23 -->
<!-- Saved: 2009-01-17, 13:06:08 -->
<Tasks version="4.2">
<Task priority="1" completed="False" bugfix="False">
<Summary>TODO: what is the tags for bridge, pre-chorus?</Summary>

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Project SYSTEM "Project-4.4.dtd">
<!-- eric4 project file for project openlp.org 2.0 -->
<!-- Saved: 2009-01-03, 01:14:22 -->
<!-- Saved: 2009-01-17, 13:05:58 -->
<!-- Copyright (C) 2009 Raoul Snyman, raoulsnyman@openlp.org -->
<Project version="4.4">
<ProgLanguage mixed="0">Python</ProgLanguage>
@ -65,9 +65,7 @@
@ -113,6 +111,8 @@

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ from songbookform import SongBookForm
from editsongdialog import Ui_EditSongDialog
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib.songtable import *
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib.models import Session, Song, Author, Topic
class EditSongForm(QWidget, Ui_EditSongDialog):

View File

@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker, mapper, relation
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib.tables import *
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib.classes import *
Session = None
session = None
def init_models(url):
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True, autocommit=False,
session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True, autocommit=False,

View File

@ -21,215 +21,121 @@ Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import os, os.path
import sys
from songDBimpl import SongDBImpl
from sqlalchemy.orm import asc, desc, like
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib.models import init_models, metadata, session, \
songs_table, Song, Author, Topic
import logging
class SongManager():
The Song Manager provides a central location for all database code. This
class takes care of connecting to the database and running all the queries.
global log
log.info("Song manager loaded")
def __init__(self, config):
Finds all the bibles defined for the system
Creates an Interface Object for each bible containing connection information
Throws Exception if no Bibles are found.
Init confirms the bible exists and stores the database path.
Creates the connection to the database, and creates the tables if they
don't exist.
self.config = config
log.debug( "Song Initialising")
self.songDBCache = None
self.authorcache = None
self.songPath = self.config.get_data_path()
self.songSuffix = "sqlite"
log.debug("Song Path %s and suffix %s", self.songPath, self.songSuffix )
self.dialogobject = None
files = self.config.get_files(self.songSuffix)
if len(files) > 0:
log.debug("Song File %s", files )
self.songDBCache = SongDBImpl(self.songPath,files[0], self.songSuffix)
self.db_url = u''
db_type = self.config.get_db_type()
if db_type == u'sqlite':
self.db_url = u'sqlite://' + self.config.get_data_path() + \
self.db_url = self.config.get_db_type + 'u://' + \
self.config.get_db_username + u':' + \
self.config.get_db_password + u'@' + \
self.config.get_db_hostname + u'/' + \
if not songs_table.exists():
log.debug( "Song Initialised")
def have_song_database(self):
if self.songDBCache == None:
return False
return True
def process_dialog(self, dialogobject):
self.dialogobject = dialogobject
def get_song(self, songid):
def get_songs(self):
Returns the details of a song
return self.songDBCache.get_song(songid)
return session.query(Song).order_by(title).all()
def get_authors(self, reload=False):
def search_song_title(self, keywords):
Searches the song title for keywords.
return session.query(Song).filter(search_title.like(u'%' + keywords + u'%'))
def search_song_lyrics(self, keywords):
Searches the song lyrics for keywords.
return session.query(Song).filter(search_lyrics.like(u'%' + keywords + u'%'))
def get_song(self, id):
Returns the details of a song
return session.query(Song).get(id)
def save_song(self, song):
Saves a song to the database
return True
return False
def delete_song(self, song):
return True
return False
def get_authors(self):
Returns a list of all the authors
if self.authorcache == None or reload == True:
self.authorcache = self.songDBCache.get_authors()
return self.authorcache
return session.query(Author).order_by(display_name).all()
def get_author(self, authorid):
def get_author(self, id):
Details of the Author
return self.songDBCache.get_author(authorid)
return session.query(Author).get(id)
def save_author(self, author):
Save the Author and refresh the cache
self.get_authors(True) # Updates occured refresh the cache
return True
return False
def delete_author(self, authorid):
Delete the author and refresh the author cache
self.get_authors(True) # Updates occured refresh the cache
return True
def get_song_authors_for_author(self, authorid):
Returns the details of a song
return self.songDBCache.get_song_authors_for_author(authorid)
def get_song_authors_for_song(self, songid):
Returns the details of a song
return self.songDBCache.get_song_authors_for_song(songid)
def get_bible_books(self,bible):
Returns a list of the books of the bible from the database
log.debug("get_bible_books %s", bible)
return self.bibleDBCache[bible].get_bible_books()
def get_book_chapter_count(self, bible, book):
Returns the number of Chapters for a given book
log.debug( "get_book_chapter_count %s,%s", bible, book)
return self.bibleDBCache[bible].get_max_bible_book_chapter(book)
def get_book_verse_count(self, bible, book, chapter):
Returns all the number of verses for a given
book and chapterMaxBibleBookVerses
log.debug( "get_book_verse_count %s,%s,%s", bible, book, chapter)
return self.bibleDBCache[bible].get_max_bible_book_verses(book, chapter)
def get_verse_from_text(self, bible, versetext):
Returns all the number of verses for a given
book and chapterMaxBibleBookVerses
log.debug( "get_verses_from_text %s,%s", bible, versetext)
return self.bibleDBCache[bible].get_verses_from_text(versetext)
def save_meta_data(self, bible, version, copyright, permissions):
Saves the bibles meta data
log.debug( "save_meta %s,%s, %s,%s", bible, version, copyright, permissions)
self.bibleDBCache[bible].save_meta("Version", version)
self.bibleDBCache[bible].save_meta("Copyright", copyright)
self.bibleDBCache[bible].save_meta("Permissins", permissions)
def get_meta_data(self, bible, key):
Returns the meta data for a given key
log.debug( "get_meta %s,%s", bible, key)
def get_verse_text(self, bible, bookname, schapter, echapter, sverse, everse = 0 ):
Returns a list of verses for a given Book, Chapter and ranges of verses.
If the end verse(everse) is less then the start verse(sverse)
then only one verse is returned
bible - Which bible to use.
Rest can be guessed at !
text = []
#log.debug( self.bibleDBCache)
#log.debug( self.bibleHTTPCache)
log.debug( "get_verse_text %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", bible,bookname, schapter,echapter, sverse, everse)
# bookid = self.booksOfBible[bookname] # convert to id ie Genesis --> 1 Revelation --> 73
# c = self.bibleDBCache[bible].getBibleChapter(bookname, chapter) # check to see if book/chapter exists
# bookabbrev = ""
# log.debug( "Bible Chapter %s", c )
# if not c:
# self._loadBook(bible,bookid, bookname, bookabbrev)
# self._loadChapter(bible, bookid,bookname, chapter)
if schapter == echapter:
text = self.bibleDBCache[bible].get_bible_text(bookname, schapter, sverse, everse)
for i in range (schapter, echapter + 1):
if i == schapter:
start = sverse
end = self.get_book_verse_count(bible, bookname,i )[0]
elif i == echapter:
start = 1
end = everse
start = 1
end = self.get_book_verse_count(bible, bookname,i )[0]
txt = self.bibleDBCache[bible].get_bible_text(bookname, i, start, end)
return text
def _load_book(self, bible, bookid, bookname, bookabbrev):
log.debug( "load_book %s,%s,%s,%s", bible, bookid, bookname, bookabbrev)
cl = self.bibleDBCache[bible].get_bible_book(bookname)
log.debug( "get bible book %s" , cl)
if not cl :
self.bibleDBCache[bible].create_book(bookid, bookname, bookabbrev)
def _loadChapter(self, bible, bookid, bookname, chapter):
log.debug( "load_chapter %s,%s,%s,%s", bible, bookid,bookname, chapter)
chaptlist = self.bibleHTTPCache[bible].get_bible_chapter(bible, bookid,bookname, chapter)
self.bibleDBCache[bible].create_chapter(bookname, chapter, chaptlist)
except :
log.error("Errow thrown %s", sys.exc_info()[1])
def _is_new_bible(self, name):
Check cache to see if new bible
for b , o in self.bibleDBCache.iteritems():
log.debug( b )
if b == name :
return False
return True
def get_song_from_title(self,searchtext):
log.debug("get song from title %s", searchtext)
return self.songDBCache.get_song_from_title(searchtext)
def get_song_from_lyrics(self,searchtext):
log.debug("get song from lyrics %s", searchtext)
return self.songDBCache.get_song_from_lyrics(searchtext)
def get_song_from_author(self,searchtext):
log.debug("get song from author %s", searchtext)
return self.songDBCache.get_song_from_author(searchtext)
def dump_songs(self):
return False