forked from openlp/openlp
Seperate some fixes out of annother branch
This commit is contained in:
@ -287,12 +287,12 @@ class OpenLP(QtWidgets.QApplication):
return QtWidgets.QApplication.event(self, event)
def parse_options(args=None):
def parse_options():
Parse the command line arguments
:param args: list of command line arguments
:return: a tuple of parsed options of type optparse.Value and a list of remaining argsZ
:return: An :object:`argparse.Namespace` insatnce containing the parsed args.
:rtype: argparse.Namespace
# Set up command line options.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='openlp')
@ -307,9 +307,9 @@ def parse_options(args=None):
dir_name=os.path.join('<AppDir>', '..', '..')))
parser.add_argument('-w', '--no-web-server', dest='no_web_server', action='store_true',
help='Turn off the Web and Socket Server ')
parser.add_argument('rargs', nargs='?', default=[])
# Parse command line options and deal with them. Use args supplied pragmatically if possible.
return parser.parse_args(args) if args else parser.parse_args()
parser.add_argument('rargs', nargs='*', default=[])
# Parse command line options and deal with them.
return parser.parse_args()
def set_up_logging(log_path):
@ -328,13 +328,11 @@ def set_up_logging(log_path):
print('Logging to: {name}'.format(name=file_path))
def main(args=None):
def main():
The main function which parses command line options and then runs
:param args: Some args
args = parse_options(args)
args = parse_options()
qt_args = ['--disable-web-security']
# qt_args = []
if args and args.loglevel.lower() in ['d', 'debug']:
@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ def extension_loader(glob_pattern, excluded_files=[]):
except (ImportError, OSError):
# On some platforms importing might cause OSError exceptions. (e.g. Mac OS X)
log.warning('Failed to import {module_name} on path {extension_path}'
.format(module_name=module_name, extension_path=extension_path))
log.exception('Failed to import {module_name} on path {extension_path}'
.format(module_name=module_name, extension_path=extension_path))
def path_to_module(path):
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class DisplayWindow(QtWidgets.QWidget):
Set the URL of the webview
:param str url: The URL to set
:param QtCore.QUrl | str url: The URL to set
if not isinstance(url, QtCore.QUrl):
url = QtCore.QUrl(url)
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ class Theme(object):
# make string value unicode
if not isinstance(value, str):
value = str(str(value), 'utf-8')
value = str(value, 'utf-8')
# None means an empty string so lets have one.
if value == 'None':
value = ''
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtNetwork
from openlp.core.common.mixins import LogMixin
from openlp.core.common.path import Path
from openlp.core.common.registry import Registry
@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ class Server(QtCore.QObject, LogMixin):
msg = self.in_stream.readLine()
if msg:
self.log_debug("socket msg = " + msg)
def close_server(self):
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class ThemeListWidget(QtWidgets.QListWidget):
nominal_width = 141 # Icon width of 133 + 4 each side
max_items_per_row = self.viewport().width() // nominal_width or 1 # or 1 to avoid divide by 0 errors
col_size = (self.viewport().width() - 1) / max_items_per_row
col_size = (self.viewport().width() - 1) // max_items_per_row
self.setGridSize(QtCore.QSize(col_size, 140))
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
This is the main window, where all the action happens.
import sys
import os
from datetime import datetime
from distutils import dir_util
from distutils.errors import DistutilsFileError
@ -475,7 +475,6 @@ class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow, LogMixin, RegistryPropert
super(MainWindow, self).__init__()
Registry().register('main_window', self)
self.clipboard = self.application.clipboard()
self.arguments = ''.join(self.application.args)
# Set up settings sections for the main application (not for use by plugins).
self.ui_settings_section = 'user interface'
self.general_settings_section = 'core'
@ -632,8 +631,8 @@ class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow, LogMixin, RegistryPropert
# if self.live_controller.display.isVisible():
# self.live_controller.display.setFocus()
if self.arguments:
if self.application.args:
elif Settings().value(self.general_settings_section + '/auto open'):
# This will store currently used layout preset so it remains enabled on next startup.
@ -1339,7 +1338,7 @@ class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow, LogMixin, RegistryPropert
self.log_exception('Data copy failed {err}'.format(err=str(why)))
err_text = translate('OpenLP.MainWindow',
'OpenLP Data directory copy failed\n\n{err}').format(err=str(why)),
'OpenLP Data directory copy failed\n\n{err}').format(err=str(why))
QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(self, translate('OpenLP.MainWindow', 'New Data Directory Error'),
@ -1354,11 +1353,11 @@ class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow, LogMixin, RegistryPropert
settings.remove('advanced/data path')
def open_cmd_line_files(self, filename):
def open_cmd_line_files(self, args):
Open files passed in through command line arguments
if not isinstance(filename, str):
filename = str(filename, sys.getfilesystemencoding())
if filename.endswith(('.osz', '.oszl')):
for arg in args:
file_name = os.path.expanduser(arg)
if os.path.isfile(file_name):
@ -430,11 +430,20 @@ class ServiceManager(QtWidgets.QWidget, RegistryBase, Ui_ServiceManager, LogMixi
return False
def on_load_service_clicked(self, load_file=None):
def on_load_service_clicked(self, checked):
Handle the `fileOpenItem` action
:param bool checked: Not used.
:rtype: None
def load_service(self, file_path=None):
Loads the service file and saves the existing one it there is one unchanged.
:param load_file: The service file to the loaded. Will be None is from menu so selection will be required.
:param openlp.core.common.path.Path | None file_path: The service file to the loaded.
if self.is_modified():
result = self.save_modified_service()
@ -442,7 +451,7 @@ class ServiceManager(QtWidgets.QWidget, RegistryBase, Ui_ServiceManager, LogMixi
return False
elif result == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Save:
if not load_file:
if not file_path:
file_path, filter_used = FileDialog.getOpenFileName(
translate('OpenLP.ServiceManager', 'Open File'),
@ -450,8 +459,6 @@ class ServiceManager(QtWidgets.QWidget, RegistryBase, Ui_ServiceManager, LogMixi
translate('OpenLP.ServiceManager', 'OpenLP Service Files (*.osz *.oszl)'))
if not file_path:
return False
file_path = str_to_path(load_file)
Settings().setValue(self.main_window.service_manager_settings_section + '/last directory', file_path.parent)
@ -670,8 +677,9 @@ class ServiceManager(QtWidgets.QWidget, RegistryBase, Ui_ServiceManager, LogMixi
def load_file(self, file_path):
Load an existing service file
:param file_path:
Load an existing service file.
:param openlp.core.common.path.Path file_path: The service file to load.
if not file_path.exists():
return False
@ -1520,12 +1528,12 @@ class ServiceManager(QtWidgets.QWidget, RegistryBase, Ui_ServiceManager, LogMixi
for url in link.urls():
file_name = url.toLocalFile()
if file_name.endswith('.osz'):
elif file_name.endswith('.oszl'):
file_path = Path(url.toLocalFile())
if file_path.suffix == '.osz':
elif file_path.suffix == '.oszl':
# todo correct
elif link.hasText():
plugin = link.text()
item = self.service_manager_list.itemAt(event.pos())
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class MediaSlider(QtWidgets.QSlider):
class InfoLabel(QtWidgets.QLabel):
InfoLabel is a subclassed QLabel. Created to provide the ablilty to add a ellipsis if the text is cut off. Original
InfoLabel is a subclassed QLabel. Created to provide the ability to add a ellipsis if the text is cut off. Original
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class FileDialog(QtWidgets.QFileDialog):
:type caption: str
:type directory: openlp.core.common.path.Path
:type options: QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Options
:rtype: tuple[openlp.core.common.path.Path, str]
:rtype: openlp.core.common.path.Path
args, kwargs = replace_params(args, kwargs, ((2, 'directory', path_to_str),))
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class AspectRatioLayout(QtWidgets.QLayout):
Create a layout.
:param PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget parent: The parent widget, can be None.
:param QtWidgets.QWidget | None parent: The parent widget
:param float aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio as a float (e.g. 16.0/9.0)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def handle_mime_data_urls(mime_data):
Process the data from a drag and drop operation.
:param PyQt5.QtCore.QMimeData mime_data: The mime data from the drag and drop opperation.
:param QtCore.QMimeData mime_data: The mime data from the drag and drop opperation.
:return: A list of file paths that were dropped
:rtype: list[openlp.core.common.path.Path]
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ class ListWidgetWithDnD(QtWidgets.QListWidget):
Registry().register_function(('%s_dnd' % self.mime_data_text), self.parent().load_file)
Registry().register_function(('%s_dnd' % self.mime_data_text), self.parent().handle_mime_data)
def clear(self, search_while_typing=False):
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ class TreeWidgetWithDnD(QtWidgets.QTreeWidget):
Registry().register_function(('%s_dnd' % self.mime_data_text), self.parent().load_file)
Registry().register_function(('%s_dnd' % self.mime_data_text), self.parent().handle_mime_data)
Registry().register_function(('%s_dnd_internal' % self.mime_data_text), self.parent().dnd_move_internal)
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class CSVBible(BibleImport):
:rtype: list[namedtuple]
encoding = get_file_encoding(file_path)['encoding']
encoding = get_file_encoding(file_path)
with'r', encoding=encoding, newline='') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
return [results_tuple(*line) for line in csv_reader]
@ -401,10 +401,9 @@ class ImageMediaItem(MediaManagerItem):
Process a list for files either from the File Dialog or from Drag and Drop.
This method is overloaded from MediaManagerItem.
:param files: A List of strings containing the filenames of the files to be loaded
:param list[openlp.core.common.path.Path] file_paths: A List of paths to be loaded
:param target_group: The QTreeWidgetItem of the group that will be the parent of the added files
file_paths = [Path(file) for file in file_paths]
self.load_list(file_paths, target_group)
last_dir = file_paths[0].parent
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class PresentationManagerImport(SongImport):
tree = etree.parse(str(file_path), parser=etree.XMLParser(recover=True))
except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
# Try to detect encoding and use it
encoding = get_file_encoding(file_path)['encoding']
encoding = get_file_encoding(file_path)
# Open file with detected encoding and remove encoding declaration
text = file_path.read_text(encoding=encoding)
text = re.sub(r'.+\?>\n', '', text)
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class SongBeamerImport(SongImport):
self.chord_table = None
if file_path.is_file():
# Detect the encoding
self.input_file_encoding = get_file_encoding(file_path)['encoding']
self.input_file_encoding = get_file_encoding(file_path)
# The encoding should only be ANSI (cp1252), UTF-8, Unicode, Big-Endian-Unicode.
# So if it doesn't start with 'u' we default to cp1252. See:
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class WorshipAssistantImport(SongImport):
Receive a CSV file to import.
# Get encoding
encoding = get_file_encoding(self.import_source)['encoding']
encoding = get_file_encoding(self.import_source)
with'r', encoding=encoding) as songs_file:
songs_reader = csv.DictReader(songs_file, escapechar='\\')
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ class TestInit(TestCase, TestMixin):
assert mocked_universal_detector_inst.feed.mock_calls == [call(b'data' * 256)]
assert result == encoding_result
assert result == 'UTF-8'
def test_get_file_encoding_eof(self):
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ class TestInit(TestCase, TestMixin):
assert mocked_universal_detector_inst.feed.mock_calls == [call(b'data' * 256), call(b'data' * 4)]
assert result == encoding_result
assert result == 'UTF-8'
def test_get_file_encoding_oserror(self):
@ -367,4 +367,4 @@ class TestInit(TestCase, TestMixin):
mocked_log.exception.assert_called_once_with('Error detecting file encoding')
assert result == encoding_result
assert result == 'UTF-8'
@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ class TestMainWindow(TestCase, TestMixin):
# GIVEN a non service file as an argument to openlp
service = ''
self.main_window.arguments = service
# WHEN the argument is processed
Reference in New Issue
Block a user