css tidies, attempt to get paging correct, replacing qtextdoc with qwebview

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Corwin 2010-09-04 14:06:06 +01:00
parent 1fca6ec81d
commit 1899fc3415
3 changed files with 74 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -324,7 +324,8 @@ from settingstab import SettingsTab
from serviceitem import ServiceItem
from serviceitem import ServiceItemType
from serviceitem import ItemCapabilities
from htmlbuilder import build_html, build_lyrics_format_css
from htmlbuilder import build_html, build_lyrics_format_css, \
from toolbar import OpenLPToolbar
from dockwidget import OpenLPDockWidget
from theme import ThemeLevel, ThemeXML

View File

@ -329,9 +329,10 @@ def build_lyrics_css(item, webkitvers):
if theme:
lyricstable = u'left: %spx; top: %spx;' % \
(item.main.x(), item.main.y())
lyrics = build_lyrics_format_css(theme)
lyrics += u'width: %spx; height: %spx; ' % \
(item.main.width(), item.main.height())
lyrics = build_lyrics_format_css(theme, item.main.width(),
#lyrics += u'width: %spx; height: %spx; ' % \
# (item.main.width(), item.main.height())
# For performance reasons we want to show as few DIV's as possible,
# especially when animating/transitions.
# However some bugs in older versions of qtwebkit mean we need to
@ -347,29 +348,37 @@ def build_lyrics_css(item, webkitvers):
# Before 534.4 the text-shadow didn't get displayed when
# webkit-text-stroke was used. So use an offset text layer underneath.
# https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19728
if theme.display_outline:
outline = u' -webkit-text-stroke: %sem %s; ' \
'-webkit-text-fill-color: %s; ' % \
(float(theme.display_outline_size) / 16,
theme.display_outline_color, theme.font_main_color)
if webkitvers >= 533.3:
lyricsmain += outline
if theme.display_shadow and webkitvers < 534.3:
shadow = u'-webkit-text-stroke: %sem %s; ' \
u'-webkit-text-fill-color: %s; ' \
u' padding-left: %spx; padding-top: %spx' % \
(float(theme.display_outline_size) / 16,
theme.display_shadow_color, theme.display_shadow_color,
theme.display_shadow_size, theme.display_shadow_size)
if theme.display_shadow and \
(not theme.display_outline or webkitvers >= 534.3):
lyricsmain += u' text-shadow: %s %spx %spx;' % \
(theme.display_shadow_color, theme.display_shadow_size,
if webkitvers >= 533.3:
lyricsmain += build_lyrics_outline_css(theme)
outline = build_lyrics_outline_css(theme)
if theme.display_shadow:
if theme.display_outline and webkitvers < 534.3:
shadow = u'padding-left: %spx; padding-top: %spx ' % \
(theme.display_shadow_size, theme.display_shadow_size)
shadow += build_lyrics_outline_css(theme, True)
lyricsmain += u' text-shadow: %s %spx %spx;' % \
(theme.display_shadow_color, theme.display_shadow_size,
lyrics_css = style % (lyricstable, lyrics, lyricsmain, outline, shadow)
return lyrics_css
def build_lyrics_format_css(theme):
def build_lyrics_outline_css(theme, is_shadow=False):
if theme.display_outline:
size = float(theme.display_outline_size) / 16
if is_shadow:
fill_color = theme.display_shadow_color
outline_color = theme.display_shadow_color
fill_color = theme.font_main_color
outline_color = theme.display_outline_color
return u' -webkit-text-stroke: %sem %s; ' \
u'-webkit-text-fill-color: %s; ' % (size, outline_color, fill_color)
return u''
def build_lyrics_format_css(theme, width, height):
Build the css which controls the theme format
Also used by renderer for splitting verses
@ -393,18 +402,20 @@ def build_lyrics_format_css(theme):
valign = u'middle'
valign = u'top'
lyrics = u'word-wrap: break-word; ' \
lyrics = u'white-space:pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; ' \
'text-align: %s; vertical-align: %s; font-family: %s; ' \
'font-size: %spt; color: %s; line-height: %d%%;' % \
'font-size: %spt; color: %s; line-height: %d%%; ' \
'margin:0; padding:0; width: %spx; height: %spx; ' % \
(align, valign, theme.font_main_name, theme.font_main_proportion,
theme.font_main_color, 100 + int(theme.font_main_line_adjustment))
theme.font_main_color, 100 + int(theme.font_main_line_adjustment),
width, height)
if theme.display_outline:
if webkit_version() < 534.3:
lyrics += u' letter-spacing: 1px;'
if theme.font_main_italics:
lyrics += ' font-style:italic; '
lyrics += u' font-style:italic; '
if theme.font_main_weight == u'Bold':
lyrics += ' font-weight:bold; '
lyrics += u' font-weight:bold; '
return lyrics
def build_lyrics_html(item, webkitvers):

View File

@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ format it for the output display.
import logging
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWebKit
from openlp.core.lib import resize_image, expand_tags, build_lyrics_format_css
from openlp.core.lib import resize_image, expand_tags, \
build_lyrics_format_css, build_lyrics_outline_css
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -143,20 +144,41 @@ class Renderer(object):
lines = verse.split(u'\n')
for line in lines:
doc = QtGui.QTextDocument()
doc.setPageSize(QtCore.QSizeF(self._rect.width(), self._rect.height()))
layout = doc.documentLayout()
web = QtWebKit.QWebView()
web.resize(self._rect.width(), self._rect.height())
frame = web.page().mainFrame()
# Adjust width and height to account for shadow. outline done in css
width = self._rect.width() + int(self._theme.display_shadow_size)
height = self._rect.height() + int(self._theme.display_shadow_size)
css = u'<html><head><style>#main {%s %s}</style><body>' \
u'<div id="main">' % \
(build_lyrics_format_css(self._theme, width, height),
# doc = QtGui.QTextDocument()
# doc.setPageSize(QtCore.QSizeF(self._rect.width(), self._rect.height()))
# doc.setDocumentMargin(0)
# css = u'* {%s}' % build_lyrics_format_css(self._theme)
# doc.setDefaultStyleSheet(css)
#layout = doc.documentLayout()
formatted = []
shell = u'<div style="%s">' % build_lyrics_format_css(self._theme)
html_text = u''
styled_text = shell
styled_text = u''
divheight = 'document.getElementById("main").scrollHeight'
for line in text:
styled_text += expand_tags(line) + line_end
doc.setHtml(styled_text + u'</div>')
styled_line = expand_tags(line) + line_end
styled_text += styled_line
html = css + styled_text + u'</div></body></html>'
# doc.setHtml(styled_text)
# Text too long so go to next page
if layout.pageCount() != 1:
# if doc.pageCount() != 1:
text_height = int(frame.evaluateJavaScript(divheight).toString())
if text_height > height:
styled_text = shell
html_text = u''
styled_text = styled_line
html_text += line + line_end
log.debug(u'format_slide - End')