minor fixes

This commit is contained in:
Tim Bentley 2019-08-04 14:13:33 +01:00
parent a8af8a8d18
commit 24ab4f2cb1
3 changed files with 5 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -635,7 +635,9 @@ class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow, LogMixin, RegistryPropert
# if self.live_controller.display.isVisible():
# self.live_controller.display.setFocus()
# We will always have 1 but more need to be processed
# We have -disable-web-security added by our code.
# If a file is passed in we will have that as well so count of 2
# If not we need to see if we want to use the previous file.so count of 1
if self.application.args and len(self.application.args) > 1:
elif Settings().value(self.general_settings_section + '/auto open'):