Added an option to disable the error form.

bzr-revno: 1034
This commit is contained in:
Raoul Snyman 2010-09-15 17:03:57 +02:00
commit 28d3544964

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@ -147,6 +147,9 @@ class OpenLP(QtGui.QApplication):
return self.exec_()
def hookException(self, exctype, value, traceback):
if not hasattr(self, u'mainWindow'):
log.exception(''.join(format_exception(exctype, value, traceback)))
if not hasattr(self, u'exceptionForm'):
self.exceptionForm = ExceptionForm(self.mainWindow)
@ -161,16 +164,16 @@ def main():
# Set up command line options.
usage = u'Usage: %prog [options] [qt-options]'
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-l", "--log-level", dest="loglevel",
default="warning", metavar="LEVEL",
help="Set logging to LEVEL level. Valid values are "
"\"debug\", \"info\", \"warning\".")
parser.add_option("-p", "--portable", dest="portable",
help="Specify if this should be run as a portable app, "
"off a USB flash drive.")
parser.add_option("-s", "--style", dest="style",
help="Set the Qt4 style (passed directly to Qt4).")
parser.add_option(u'-e', u'--no-error-form', dest=u'no_error_form',
action=u'store_true', help=u'Disable the error notification form.')
parser.add_option(u'-l', u'--log-level', dest=u'loglevel',
default=u'warning', metavar=u'LEVEL', help=u'Set logging to LEVEL '
u'level. Valid values are "debug", "info", "warning".')
parser.add_option(u'-p', u'--portable', dest=u'portable',
action=u'store_true', help=u'Specify if this should be run as a '
u'portable app, off a USB flash drive (not implemented).')
parser.add_option(u'-s', u'--style', dest=u'style',
help=u'Set the Qt4 style (passed directly to Qt4).')
# Set up logging
log_path = AppLocation.get_directory(AppLocation.CacheDir)
if not os.path.exists(log_path):
@ -203,7 +206,8 @@ def main():
language = LanguageManager.get_language()
appTranslator = LanguageManager.get_translator(language)
sys.excepthook = app.hookException
if not options.no_error_form:
sys.excepthook = app.hookException
if __name__ == u'__main__':