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This commit is contained in:
Tim Bentley 2011-04-08 16:35:33 +01:00
parent 6445964646
commit 34348c8465

View File

@ -214,9 +214,10 @@ class Renderer(object):
Add line endings after each line of text used for bibles.
print [text]
log.debug(u'format slide')
# clean up line endings
lines = self._lines(text)
lines = self._lines_split(text)
pages = self._paginate_slide(lines, line_break, self.force_page)
if len(pages) > 1:
# Songs and Custom
@ -377,66 +378,99 @@ class Renderer(object):
line_count = 0
force_current = False
lines = self._lines(text, u'[---]')
previous_line = u''
# Loop through the lines
for line in lines:
line_count += 1
styled_line = expand_tags(line)
styled_line = line_end + styled_line
styled_text += styled_line
html = self.page_shell + styled_text + HTML_END
# Text too long so go to next page
print self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() , self.page_height, [line]
if self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() > self.page_height:
# we have more than 1 verse on the slide
print "A", line_count
if line_count > 1:
if html_text.endswith(u'<br>'):
html_text = html_text[:len(html_text)-4]
force_current = True
print "##### > 1"
print [html_text]
html_text = u''
line_added = False
while not line_added:
line_added = True
line_count += 1
styled_line = expand_tags(line)
styled_line = line_end + styled_line
previous_line = line
previous_styled = styled_line
styled_text += styled_line
html = self.page_shell + styled_text + HTML_END
# Text too long so go to next page
print self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() , self.page_height, [line]
if self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() > self.page_height:
# we have more than 1 verse on the slide
print "A", line_count
print "AA", [previous_line]
print "AAA", [styled_text]
if line_count > 1:
if html_text.endswith(u'<br>'):
html_text = html_text[:len(html_text)-4]
line_added = False
line = previous_line
line_count = 0
html_text = u''
print "c", [html_text]
if line_count == 1:
words = self._words_split(line)
for word in words:
styled_word = expand_tags(word)
styled_line = styled_word
#previous_line = line
#previous_styled = styled_line
styled_text += styled_word
html = self.page_shell + styled_text + HTML_END
# Text too long so go to next page
print self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() , self.page_height, [line]
if self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() > self.page_height:
if html_text.endswith(u'<br>'):
html_text = html_text[:len(html_text)-4]
html_text = u''
html_text += word
print "##### > 1"
print [html_text]
# only one block on page so lets make it words.
if line_count == 1 or force_current:
print "##### = 1"
print [line]
force_current = False
styled_text = u''
words = self._words(line)
styled_text = u''
for word in words:
styled_line = expand_tags(word)
styled_text += styled_line
html = self.page_shell + styled_text + HTML_END
# Text too long so go to next page
print "B", self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() , self.page_height
if self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() > self.page_height:
if html_text.endswith(u'<br>'):
html_text = html_text[:len(html_text)-4]
print "c", [html_text]
html_text = u''
styled_text = styled_line
html_text += word
line_count = 0
# if line_count == 1 or force_current:
# print "##### = 1"
# print [line]
# print [styled_text]
# print [previous_line]
# force_current = False
# #styled_text = u''
# words = self._words(previous_line)
# styled_text = u''
# for word in words:
# styled_line = expand_tags(word)
# styled_text += styled_line
# html = self.page_shell + styled_text + HTML_END
# self.web.setHtml(html)
# # Text too long so go to next page
# print "B", self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() , self.page_height
# if self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() > self.page_height:
# if html_text.endswith(u'<br>'):
# html_text = html_text[:len(html_text)-4]
# print "c", [html_text]
# formatted.append(html_text)
# html_text = u''
# styled_text = styled_line
# html_text += word
#line_count = 0
styled_text = styled_line
html_text += line + line_end
previous_line = line
if html_text.endswith(u'<br>'):
html_text = html_text[:len(html_text)-4]
log.debug(u'format_slide - End')
return formatted
def _lines(self, words, split=u'\n[---]\n'):
def _lines(self, words, split=u'n[---]n'):
Split the slide up by physical line
# this parse we do not want to use this so remove it
words = words.replace(split, u'')
#words = words.replace(split, u'')
verses_text = words.split(u'\n')
text = []
for verse in verses_text:
@ -445,11 +479,11 @@ class Renderer(object):
return text
def _words(self, words):
def _words_split(self, words):
Split the slide up by word so can wrap better
# this parse we are wordy
# this parse we are to be wordy
words = words.replace(u'\n', u' ')
verses_text = words.split(u' ')
text = []
@ -458,3 +492,17 @@ class Renderer(object):
for line in lines:
text.append(line + u' ')
return text
def _lines_split(self, text):
Split the slide up by physical line
# this parse we do not want to use this so remove it
lines = text.split(u'\n')
real_lines = []
for line in lines:
line = line.replace(u' [---]', u'[---]')
sub_lines = line.split(u'\n')
for sub_line in sub_lines:
return real_lines